The Prophet M@R!0 profile picture

The Prophet M@R!0

(0_0)Welcome to the uttermost miniscule sector of my cerebral corteces!

About Me

JOY is how I prioritize.I like variety.I am totally nuts I hate nuts. ............................................................ ........................ I am Mario, the anomaly. There's no way to paraphrase me in one word ,cause I'm multi-dimensional. (...sort of a paradox...)
[Marital Status] no
[Shoe size] 11.55555555555555555555555555555555555
[Parents still together] nah man
[Siblings] sure
[Pets] doggie!
[Color] silver
[Number] 3
[Animal] que?
[Drinks] water
[Soda] Sunkist
[Book] BIBLE
[Flower] heh
dO yOu...?
[Color your hair?] come on now
[Twirl your hair?] maybe
[Have tattoos?] nope
[Have Piercings?] uh uh
[Cheat on tests/homework?] never
[Drink/Smoke?] neeever
[Like roller coasters?] YES
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] no
[Want more piercings?] um, no.
[Like cleaning?] yep
[Write in cursive or print?] cursive
[Own a web cam?] no
[Know how to drive?] yeah
[Own a cell phone?] no
[Ever get off the damn computer!?] of course, why are you yelling?
hAvE yOu eVeR...?
[Been in a fist fight?] you have
[Considered a life of crime?] What I look like?
[Considered being a hooker?] Hmm...
[Lied to someone?] Not in years.
[Been in love?] something like that ^.~
[Made out with JUST a friend?] no
[Been in lust?] I guess not
[Used someone] nO
[Been used?] I hope not.
[Been cheated on?] no
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] Perhaps by acident
[Stolen anything?] I stole crayons.
[Held a gun] DUDE! no
[Current clothing] pants
[Current mood] pants
[Current taste] cheese is good
[What you currently smell like] Old Spice
[Current hair] black
[Current thing I ought to be doing] dreaming
[Current cd in stereo] Puritannical Euphoric Misanthropia
[Last book you read] Acts
[Last movie you saw] Fantasia: Life is not a Fairy Tale
[Last thing you ate] hot Cheetos
[Last person you talked to on the phone] some person
[Do drugs?] don't ever ask me that again.
[Believe there is life on other planets?] no comment
Remember your first love?] Okay
[Still love him/her?] uuhh... Okay
[Read the newspaper?] nnno
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yup
[Believe in miracles?] Oh yeah.
[Do well in school?] I try.
[Wear hats] can't fit 'em
[Hate yourself?] what in the darn heck!? nah man
[Have an obsession?] no.
[Collect anything?] balls (I mean basket balls)
[Have a best friend?] about six or seven
[Close friends?] YES
[Like your handwriting?] YES
[Care about looks] no
lOvE LiFe
[First crush] Sharita (pre-school)
[First kiss] no comment
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] definitely not
[Do you believe in "the one?"] sure
[Are you a tease?] no
[Too shy to make the first move?] no
aRe yOu...?
[Daydreamer] not really
[Bitch/Asshole] Don't come at me like that, man.
[sarcastic] no
[Angel] I am man
[Devil] no sir
[Shy] no
[Talkative] no
G i r l s .E v e r y t h i n g. S u r v e y.2 0 0 Q'S.
.A L L. A B O U T. Y O U.
Name:: m-a-r-i-o
Knicknames:: Super Mario, Under-cover Brother, Afro Thunder, Ol' Skoo', Prophet, Crazy Legs
Birthdate:: Tuesday, May 23, 1989
Place Of Birth:: Ft. Lawderdale,Florida (?did I spell that right)
Zodiac Sign:: it really doesn't matter, so figure out yourself
Ethnic Background:: Jamaican
Gender:: man
Status:: man
Siblings:: old bro, young sis
Animals:: I have a pet chow.
Hair Color:: black
Eye Color:: dark brown
Height:: about 5'8''
Weight:: 145.5
Personal Style::
Current Location:: Naptown USA
Future Location:: my head
.W H A T. I S. Y O U R. F A V O R I T E.
Color(s):: silver w/ blue
T.V. Show(s):: Streetball, 12 oz. mouse, ATHF
Movie(s):: Matrix tril, Lord of Rings tril, Akira
Animal(s):: N/A
Book(s):: Revelation (The Apocolypse)
Magazine(s):: pretty much anything game oriented, and Tennis
Band(s):: Linkin Park, Dimmu Borgir, Metallica, DragonForce, Iron Maiden, The Roots
Singer(s):: T.L.C.
Type Of Music:: METAL
State:: N/A
Place You Have Been:: the dream world
Store(s):: Finish Line, VP, Wal*Mart
Food(s):: hot wings, finger lickin fried chicken greasy Fu Shnicken, cheese is good
Candy:: chocolate
Fruit Candy Flavor:: yuck
Pizza Topping:: all things. A - L - L
Department Store:: undecided
Shoe Brand:: tie: And 1 & Nike
Make-Up Brand:: oooh...
Scent/Smell:: any girl who smells So nice
Sound:: that sound it makes when Shin Gouki does shun goku satsu
Soup:: noodle
Non-Alchoholic Drink:: fruit punch, chocolate milk, water
Alchoholic Drink:: N/A
Candle Scent:: N/A
Sport:: streetball
Sport To Watch On T.V:: skateboarding
Flower:: N/A
Sit-Down Restaraunt:: Applebee's
Fast-Food Restaraunt:: Rally's (aka Checkers)
Vacation Spot:: Jamaica!
Clothing Brand:: no brand
Thing To Do:: conquer video games
Song Of All Time:: That's a hard one. I used to love "Spice Up Your Life" but I think I'll settle for "Reptile" by Dimmu Borgir
Weather To Be In:: It's great when the sun shines one everyone's faces.
Reality T.V Show:: I hate that shizznat.
Fictional Show:: DragonBall Z
Type Of Book To Read:: Bible book
Type Of Jewlery:: byootiful
Bathing Suit Style:: N/A
Accessory to have:: silver bracelet
Gum:: I do not know.
Candy Bar:: Twix, it's all in the mix.
Cookie:: choc chip
Lip Gloss Brand:: N/A
Lingerie/Underwear Brand:: N/A
Color To Paint Your Toes:: green? :D
Color To Paint Your Nails:: silver XP
Day of the Week:: don't have one
Month of the Year:: don't have one
Day of the Year:: 1st day of school
Holiday:: Christmas
Season:: none
Amusment Park To Visit:: undecided
Shopping Mall That You Have Been To:: makes no difference 2 me
City:: none
.W H A T. W O U L D. Y O U. C H O O S E.
Cat or a Dog for a pet:: dog
Hotdog,Hamburger,Veggie Burger:: dog
Small Dogs or Big Dogs:: dog
Candles or Regular Lighting:: sunshine actually
Beach or Mountains:: beach
Soda or Tea:: tea
Water or Kool-Aid:: both
Vegis or Fruit:: fruit
Pizza or Pasta:: pizza pie
Fish or Chicken:: chicken all day
Lake or Beach:: beach
Swimming Pool or Hot Tub:: hot pool
Flip Flops or Tennis Shoes:: shoes, nigra
Shopping or Playing Sports:: los deportes
Coffee or Hot Chocolate:: hot chocolate
Getting a Pedicure or a Back Massage:: pedicure
Alchoholic Beverage or Non-Alchoholic:: no alcohol. none
Swimming or Tanning:: swim
Rain or Snow:: snow
Sunny and Hot or Cloudy and Cold:: sunny and hot
Winter or Summer:: summer
Fall or Spring:: spring
Getting Flowers or Chocolates:: chocolates
Being too tall or too short:: tall
Going to the zoo or Going to the park:: park
Renting a movie or Going to the movies:: dunno
Popcorn or Candy(at the movies):: popping corn
Rollar Coaster or Ferris Wheel:: Ferris Wheels? I don't think so.
Going to Starbucks or Baskin Robbins:: Baskin Robbins
Rap Music or Alternative Music:: alternative
Country Music or Pop Music:: I hate both very much.
Comedy Movie or Romance Movie:: that's a huge tie
Action Movie or Scary Movie:: Scary movies are frikkin hilarious.
Buy a new DVD or Buy a new CD:: DVD
Getting Jewlery as a gift or Tickets to see your favorite band play:: jewelry
Dancing or Singing:: singing I guess
Mexican Food or Chinese Food:: Chinese
Italian Food or Japanese Food:: Japan
Not Getting Enough Sleep or Sleeping the Day Away:: It depends upon which day it be.
Going out and getting too drunk or Staying at home with nothing to do:: I'd much rather stay in the house.
Act in front of an audience or Sing in front of an audience:: doesn't matter
Mini Skirt or Short Shorts:: shorts
Tankini or Bikini:: What's a tankini?)
Wearing all black or Wearing all white:: white, and then black
Wedding In a Church or Wedding On the Beach:: at chuch
Serious Relationship or Dating Around:: get serious
Cell Phone or Computer as Communication:: computer
Digital Camera or Camcorder:: digital
Eating Too Much or Being Too Hungry:: too hunger
Living In the City or The Country:: I'm a city boy.
Having a Mansion or A Few Small Houses In Different Places: One mansion
Love or Money:: (wtfack?) LOVE
Lust or Love:: come on now
Having a bunch of kids or Having a bunch of pets:: pets
.W H O.
Is your best friend:: Cora and Heather and Jessica and Lauren and Poe and O.T.(not Officer Taylor)and Nisha and Cheyann
Is you crush/boyfriend:: I just realized this is a girls' survey. Dang it.
Do you always have the most fun with:: my friends ^__^
Can you tell all of your secrets to:: everything
Would you travel the world with:: my friends
Is your best shopping buddy:: nobody
Is the last person you saw a movie with:: It's been a while...
Is the last person you partied with:: I don't really party.
Is the last person you went on vacation with:: mi familia
Is the person who's shoulder you cry on:: N/A
Have you known the longest:: me
Makes you laugh the quickest:: my head
Is your enemy:: eeevil
Do you not get along with:: kids
Is your oldest friend:: dunno
Is your youngest friend:: dunno
Do you see yourself marrying:: hmmm...
Is the actor you would most like to hook up with:: N/A
Broke Your Heart for the first time:: N/A
. W H A T .
Do you want to be/acheive in the future:: video game tester/designer, basketball player, a freeking genius
Would You Wish For With 3 Wishes:: the three things I want most, perhaps
Is the one thing you would take on a desert island:: an endless supply of necessities
City do you most want to visit:: ...
Is Your First Thoughts Waking Up:: wtf... X(... ... I'm like drunk as a mug, man...!
Are Your Last Thoughts Going to Sleep:: I wish I knew
Dessert are you most likely to order:: vanilla ice cream
Would you Do with a million dollars:: save it
Have You Secretly Always Wanted To Be:: nothing (I mean, not anything)
Would you dress up as if Halloween was today:: never that
Is Your Most Memorable Day/Night:: my first full day as freshman in high school
Do You Do In Your Free Time:: think about some quantum shtuff, or do something creative
Animal Would You Like To Be For A Day:: N/A
Is Your Least Favorite Food:: coleslaw aka puke
Is The One Thing You Regret The Most:: N/A
Did You Want To Be Growing Up:: a gamer
Is You Favorite Childhood Memory:: N/A
Is The One Country You Would Visit:: Japan
Is Your Favorite Style of Clothing:: loose
Is Your Least Favorite Style of Clothing:: slutty
Would You Do Today If You Were Going To Die Tomorrow:: die
.W H E N.: when
Did you last see a movie(& what movie):: yesterday (9-11l) I watched Fantasia's movie
Was The Last Time You Kissed Someone:: 3rd grade
Was The Last Time You Said "I LOVE YOU":: a while ago
Do you want to get married:: when I'm ready and she's ready too
Do you want to have children:: depends on my spouse
Was the last time you went shopping(& where):: I bought like eight biggole bags of chips @ WalMart last Wenzday
Do You want to Die:: mmMm.
Was the last time you excercised:: today
Was the last time you got your hair done:: this morning
Was the last time you went on a date:: N/A
Was the last time you went to the DR:: I forgot.
Was the last time you ate/drank:: an hour ago
Did you first drink alchohol(if ever):: N/A
Was the last time you got your way:: when I was @ the burger kang
Was the last time someone bought you something:: today
.W H E R E.: Yes.
Do you want to get married at:: my church
Do you want to go on your honeymoon:: Where ever She wants
Was your first kiss at:: on the playground
Would you go on a first date if it was your choice:: my house
Would you go if you HAD to go on a FAMILY vacation:: Jamaica
Was Your "First Time" or Where would you want it to be:: my first time what? Sex?
Do you go when you are upset:: anywhere
Is your favorite place in the world:: where ever the food is
Do You Buy Most Of your Clothes at:: Value City
Would you like to go on a MISSION trip at:: Japan maybe
Would you like to meet THE GUY OF YOUR DREAMS at:: oh yeah, this IS a chick survey, isn't it?
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My Interests

video games, video games, video games! streetball, tennis skateboarding BMX FMX , I love 2 draw, and xplore & make fractals,I love my friends, !, XP, .A]Series 1.The Legend of Zelda 2.Final Fantasy 3.RockMan 4.Street Fighter
5.Metal Gear
6.Super Smash Bros.
7.Guilty Gear
1.Final Fantasy VII
2.The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
3.The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
4.MegaMan X4
4.Final Fantasy IX
5.Super Smash Bros. Melee
5.Guilty Gear XX Slash ties Guilty Gear X2
6.Metal Gear Solid
Name: ya alredy know what it iz
Birthday: 5/23/89
Birthplace: FL
Current Location: NAPtown
Eye Color: chocolate
Hair Color: shadow
Height: average
Right Handed or Left Handed: --
Your Heritage: Jamaican all day
The Shoes You Wore Today: J
Your Weakness: I don't know man, U tell me
Your Fears: I don't do fear
Your Perfect Pizza: spicy
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: dunk on you
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: 'sup
Thoughts First Waking Up: "X| ...dang I'm drungk..."
Your Best Physical Feature: People say I have huge, monster, perfect, sexy calves. I don't know though
Your Bedtime: right now
Your Most Missed Memory: my friend Heather
Pepsi or Coke: how about Pepsi And Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: Burger Kang
Single or Group Dates: neither
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:
Chocolate or Vanilla:&..39;
Cappuccino or Coffee: milk!
Do you Smoke: I ain't goan KILL my self to death.
Do you Swear: nope
Do you Sing: I sing bass in my choir only.
Do you Shower Daily: sometimes
Have you Been in Love: I have been in drink.
Do you want to go to College: yalp
Do you want to get Married: Yes, yes
Do you belive in yourself: I'm here now, right?
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: ... I don't know how to do that
Are you a Health Freak: not quite
Do you get along with your Parents: yeah
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes
Do you play an Instrument: not a musical one
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: No, I haven't drank any alcohol
In the past month have you Smoked: er, no.
In the past month have you been on Drugs: of course not
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no.
In the past month have you been on Stage: no.
In the past month have you been Dumped: No.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no, silly
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no, stealing is nasty
Ever been called a Tease: no
Ever been Beaten up: I got beat up by a bar in the weight room XI
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: who says I wanna die?
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a man
What country would you most like to Visit: Japan
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: gold, or matching her hair colr
Favourite Hair Color: matching their eye color, or black w/ sum'n crazy
Short or Long Hair: extra medium
Height: tall or short
Weight: in pounds
Best Clothing Style: me?
Number of Drugs I have taken: zer0
Number of CDs I own: about nine(9)
Number of Piercings: zer0
Number of Tattoos:
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 1.5


I'd like to meet:

the letter M.....and it would be nice/awesome/fun to meet Candace Parker, the Fugees, the members of Destiny's Child, Hot Sauce, the Williams Sisters, Kermit THE Frog, Golden freekin Joe, a Japanese person, and of course, your mom.I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

A 155 Question MySpace Survey...With Good Grammar!
~*The Basics*~
Your full name:: is Mario Keith Stoddart
--What does it mean?:: ?
Your birthday:: tuesday
Height:: unknown
Eye colour:: natural
--Do you like it?:: neutral
Natural hair colour:: bk
--Do you like it?:: neutral
Gender:: man
Religion:: bap
--Have you ever changed religions?:: nope
--Would you consider it?:: I would never consider it.
Race:: bk
Heritage:: Jamaica
--Do you like your heritage?:: yes
Where do you live?:: here
Have you ever moved cities or countries?:: mm hmm
Your job:: don't have one yet
--Do you enjoy it?:: yes, I do
Movie:: the entire Matrix Trilogy
TV show:: Streetball And 1Mixtape tour
TV character:: Meatwad
Movie character:: Cloud Strife from FFVII:Advent Children
Book:: Revelation
Literary character:: I don't have one. They all put me to sleep.
Author:: GOD
Band:: Linkin Park or Dimmu Borgir
Song:: Reptile
Type of music:: orchestral metal
Instrument:: electric guitars
Cereal:: I can't remember the last time I ate some.
Fast food place:: Rally's
Dessert:: cakes, esp. vanilla
Country:: Japan
City:: N/A
Place to travel:: Jamaica
Airline:: Air Jamaica
Shampoo/conditioner:: Herbal Essence. yes. YES!
Lotion:: good, long-lasting, moist, smooth lotion
Subject in school:: 2D art
Teacher:: Mister Alan Norris, the best math teacher ever made
Province:: N/A
State (if you're American):: .
Football team:: I don't watch football
Hockey team:: or hockey
Athlete:: female athletes
Sport to play:: streetball
Sport to watch:: skateboarding, esp. vert
Fruit:: I like bananas.
Vegetable:: I like potatoes.
Snack:: Flamin' Hot Fries. mmmmmmmm!
Meal:: chicken with chicken
Restaurant:: Dragon Inn
Grocery store:: Wal*Mart
~*Have You Ever*~
Gone on a blind date?:: no
Flown in an airplane?:: yep
Thrown up on an airplane?:: nope
Peed in the shower?:: of course
Peed your pants after you hit double digits?:: I don't know
Enjoyed Shakespeare?:: oh yeah
Been to the opera?:: once
Been to the theatre?:: yes
Streaked?:: in the bathroom
Seen a streaker?:: on TV
Been mooned?:: no
Mooned someone?:: eew, yuck
Flipped someone off?:: probably not
Been in a fist fight?:: no.
Been drunk?:: every time I wake up
Had alcohol poisoning?:: no
Been walked in on while you're naked?:: maybe so
Slept in a snowbank?:: no
Made a snow angel?:: yeah
Lost any teeth?:: duh
Been in the hospital?:: y
Been in a major accident?:: n
Burnt yourself?:: I screamed like a 3-year-old girl when it happened!
Passed out?:: n
Watched a soap opera you didn't understand?:: I hate all soap operas. and to answer your question, no
Prank called 911?:: hmmm...
Made fun of emos?:: no
Acted like an emo, just to see what it's like?:: heck no
Cheated on a test?:: people cheat from me
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: no
Lied to get out of trouble?:: as a kid
Started a fire?:: n
Roasted a marshmallow?:: n
Set a marshmallow on fire?:: n
--How many times?:: I said no
Wanted to drop out of school?:: now, why would I wanna do that?
--Did you?:: whaddyou think
Are you single or dating?:: single
If you like anyone?:: do you mean like, LIKE like them?
--If so, who?:: ...
--Why?:: ... ...
--Do you have a chance with them?:: ... ... ...
If taken...who?:: ... ...
--How long?:: ...
--Are you happy?:: yes
Last 4 digits of your phone number:: they each fall between 0 and 9
Your house number:: is none of your business
Why are you taking this survey?:: I actually like surveys
What school do you go to?:: A-HOUSE
--Do you like it?:: yup
Your school colours?:: Gold&Black
Your school teams' name?:: Golden Knights
Ever been on a sports team?:: Varsity Tennis since I was Fresh
--If yes, what was the name of it?:: ^____^
--Did you enjoy it?:: big time
What do you want to be when you grow up?:: married
--Why?:: Don't ask why.
Any plans for the near future?:: going 2 bed
What are your views on capital punishment?:: yes
--Nuclear weapons?:: awesome
--Euthanasia?:: weird
--The Canadian government?:: ...
--The American government?:: ......
--The European Union?:: .........
--The UN?:: ......
--Can you tell me who the Secretary-General of the UN is?:: ... no.
What was your favourite grade of elementary school?:: 2
--Why?:: I was priveleged enough to B in a 3rd-grade class.
What are you wearing right now?:: clothing
--Any particular reason why?:: not really
What was the last thing you ate?:: food
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?:: What in the effing heck kind of question is that?
How are you feeling today?:: Fine, and yourself? :)
How many keys are on your keychain?:: two
--What are they for?:: unlocking things
What does the room you're in look like?:: an office
--Do you like the room?:: sometimes
Do you own an iPod?:: no
--If yes, what kind?:: no
Do you wear glasses or contacts?:: yes
What's your view on laser eye surgery?:: I don't have any.
--Would you ever consider it?:: ...
Weirdest thing about your parents:: I like rice.
What did you do this weekend?:: nothing special
--Was it enjoyable?::
What's your greatest fear?:: why should I fear anything
Your greatest strength?:: my spirit
What country do you fear the most:: I also like cheese.
Have you ever been in a third-world country?:: no sir
--Would you ever want to live in one?:: heck no sir
What song do you have stuck in your head right now?:: songs don't get stuck in this head
Will poverty ever end?:: Go ask a psychic.
--Why or why not?:: They supposedly know stuff like that.
Will we destroy our own planet?:: Yes, and after that, let's destroy the entire universe!
--How?: blow it all up
Man--inherently good, or inherently evil?:: both
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(certain death/ certain black/ certain heavy/ progressive/ symphonic) metal!, real hip hop!

classical!, Gospel, rock (no roll), techno, or any fusion of the above;My favorite instruments are the electric guitar!, organ, harpsichord, piano, harp, drums, and synthesizers/keyboard. band/artist album favorite song #1 | #2 | #3 |...#n
Dream Theater When Dream and Day Unite | Octavarium
Dimmu Borgir Spiritual Black Dimensions Reptile | The Insight and the Catharsis | Grotesquery Conceiled
Linkin Park Reanimation Pts. of Athrty
The Fugees
Yngwie Malmsteen
Iron Maiden
Ishiwatari Daisuke
Symphony X
Outkast Aquemini Rosa Parks | Skew it On the Bar-B | Chonkyfire
Children of Bodom
Sonata Arctica
The Black Mages
In Flames
Mass Iinfusion(/b

Del the Funky Homosapien
Behemoth (the vocalist should do voice action for like, all things)
Run D.M.C.
Destiny's Child
Black Sabbath
Jam Project
so many more!


1. The Matrix Trilogy
2. Lord of the Rings trilogy
3. Amadeus


X Games, Tennis, Streetball,WNBA, Family Guy, ATHF, 12 oz. Mouse, Metalocalypse, Squidbillies, Gilmore Girls, comedy in general, ANIME!, Fuel TV: American Misfits, The Captain & Casey Show, The Standard Snowboard Show, Nitro Circus; G4 (sux): X-Play, maybe G-Phoria (highly unlikely)
Life is Random...ask questions
Ocean or Lake? ocean like the sea
Pizza or Chinese? Chinese pizza
Mansion or Penthouse? dang... what's a penthouse...?...
Have you been on a Jet Ski? nope
Are you afraid of clowns? man he'...! No.
How many brothers/sisters do you have? 1/1
Favorite band/group? Outkast (before hey ya) Linkin Park
Baseball or football? No.
Favorite brand of makeup? shoot, Avon
Waffles or pancakes? cakes
Do you have an IPod? nope
Bike or scooter? bike, even though I can't ride one
Ever go in a hot air balloon? not
How will you celebrate turning 21? cakes
What brand computer do you have? hp, Gateway, & su'm else
How many times have you been to DisneyWorld? -2
Favorite city? Midgar
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? ice cream
Do you think you are fat? Many people do, and I know it's true, too.
Ever throw up in a public place? If church is a public place.
Do you have a pool? nope
Ever drive a car? yup
How many times a month do you go to the movies? .08333333333333333333333333333333333333
Last movie you saw? Friday
Who is your hero? I don't have one of those.
How old are your parents? I won't answer that question directly since they aren't the same age.
What deceased person would you like to meet? never thought about it... ... ... Nobody.
Do you chew ice? yup
Have you been to California? nope
Last book you read? U mean an entire book?
Favorite teacher? Ms. McMillan (Spanish)/ Mr. Norris (math)
Do you like to go fishing? nope
How many boyfirends/girlfriends have you had? one (3rd grade)
How many of those do you regret? none
What is you average in school? Me average is A! YES!
Favorite professional team? Indiana Fever (WNBA)
Do you like mohawks? sometimes
How many pairs of shoes do you own? 'bout nine
Do you floss? sometimes
Do you have braces? nope
Do you bite your nails? no
What is your last thought before falling asleep? varies...
Do you fall in love easily? no, but I do get attached to people very quickly.
Ever have a crush and they never knew? of course, in grades K-7
Do you babysit? man he'...!
Ever been shot at? nope
Do you work out/exercise? Oh yeah.
Do you have 6 pack abs? got a 2-pack
Do you consider yourself nice? sure
What movie character would you like to be? N/A
Do you go to camp for the summer? nope
Ever been bit by a snake? nope
Have you been on a boat? yup
Name of friend you have known the longest? Clubs
Do you like jumping on a trampoline? yes... though I've never done it
Ever break a bone? no
Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle? no favorites
What is your ultimate job? I dunno
Do you want to walk on the moon? no.
Can you name the seven dwarfs? no.
Favorite TV show? Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Apples or oranges? nope.
Favorite model of car? nope.
Favorite flower? rose
Favorite color? azure
Besides family, ever have someone of the opp sex in your bedroom? yup
Ever climb out your bedroom window? nope
Do you live in an apartment or house? house
How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups? 0
Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose? Is that possible?
How many cousins do you have? soooooooo many!
Do you believe in ghosts? the Holy Ghost who dwells in my heart.
If you were a bird, what would you be? a friggin bird!
Ever get stitches? yup
If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be? I already do.
How many kids do you want to have? don't know yet
If you could change your name, what would it be? I don't know.
Dogs or cats? yes
Who do you tell your problems to? my friends
Who can your tell your secrets to and know they wont tell? I don't do secrets.
Do you believe in love at first sight? uh-uh
Do you go to church? Ah yeah
Would you marry outside your religon? nah
Volleyball or tennis? oh yes
How many people were at your last party? It was so long ago...
Ever ride in a limo? yup
Ever drink champagne? nope
Favorite dinner? c h i c k e n


the Bible.


All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: M
Middle name?:: K
Like your name?:: yup
Named after anyone?:: nope
Any nicknames?:: too many
Age?:: young
Birthdate?:: 5/23/89
Birthplace?:: the hospital
Time you were born?:: 7:something
Current location?:: NAPtown
Height?:: unknown
Like your height?:: sometimes
Eye color?:: dark brown
Contacts/glasses?:: yup
Hair color?:: natural
Natural hair color?:: dark black
Dye your hair often?:: not that often
Righty or lefty?:: ---
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: Metallic Melodious Symphonia
Band or singer?:: rapper:EminEm band:Dimmu Borgir ties Linkin Park
TV show?:: Adult Swim
Movie?:: The Matrix
TV channel?:: Cartoon Network
Radio station?:: the radio sux
Place to be?:: with friends
Thing to do?:: any form of art
Food?:: that finger-lickin', fried chicken, greasy fu shnicken
Non alcoholic drink?:: water
Alcoholic drink?:: water?
Animal?:: cute ones
Holiday?:: Christmas, if any
Season?:: wabbit season
Sport?:: Xtreme sports, or tennis/basketball
Place to shop?:: Dick's
Clothing brand?:: home-made
Scent?:: food
Restaurant?:: Steak N Shake
Fruit?:: pineapple dices
Vegetable?:: potatoes
Fast food restaurant?:: Rally's. It's all about them chicken burgers!
Pizza topping?:: meat on top of meat on top of meat
Ice cream flavor?:: cappuccino
Magazine?:: anything game-related
City?:: don't have one
Color?:: azure
Number?:: don't really have one
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: depends...
Pepsi or coke?:: depends...
Hot or cold?:: depends...
Black or white?:: also depends...
Dog or cat?:: they're both so cute! =^-^=
French toast or pancakes?:: French toast
French fries or onion rings?:: gimme some fries!
Hamburger or hot dog?:: fat franks
Pepperoni or sausage?:: pepperoni AND sausage
Britney or Christina?:: ah, pshhh
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Burger Kang, so u can have itcho way
50 Cent or Eminem?:: Em all the way
Canada or Mexico?:: I don't know, dude
Hug or kiss?:: depends... I like hugs a lot
Movies or TV?:: movies on TV
Truth or dare?:: truth AND dare!
Do you...
Shower daily?:: sometimes
Sing in the shower?:: only if You're in there with me. Giggidy
Like to sing?:: sometimes
Like to dance?:: I don't know How 2 dance
Smoke?:: No smoking. None.
Drink?:: water
Cuss?:: no, ma'am
Talk to yourself?:: all the time
Believe in yourself?:: definitely
Play an instrument?:: no
Go to school?:: when I feel like it
Go to college?:: not yet
Have a job?:: no
Like your job?:: yes
Want to get married?:: definitely yyyyessssssss
Want to have kids?:: depends on what wife wants
Get along with your parents?:: I guess
Get along with your siblings?:: yeah
Drive?:: every now & then
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: yep
Think your funny?:: at times
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: why would I waste my time?
Gone garbage can tipping?:: what a loser question
What are your parents names?:: Stoddart
Siblings names?:: also Stoddart
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: not really
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: h
Collect anything?:: basketballs, tennis balls, just balls in general, and knowledge. I collect knowledge n' balls.
Ever been in love?:: sure
In love right now?:: probably
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: I'm not wearing any pants. giggidy-giggidy
How does your hair look?:: circular
Ever had your heartbroken?:: yip
Ever broken the law?:: I don't know.
Been arrested?:: never
Been out of the country?:: JAMAICA, about 4 times
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: never took the time 2 try
When was the last time you got drunk?:: the last time I got outta bed
Do you do drugs?:: only after medical operations :
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: that time I was in the dentist's office and they tokk my tooth away from me
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: off
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: no
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: depends
Do you like to laugh?:: I love laughing!
Ever had a bloody nose?:: so many times
Have you ever caught a fish?:: nope
What was the last thing you ate?:: chicken sandwich meal
What time do you go to bed?:: anywhere from 5:01pm-????
What's your favorite color?:: Didn't you ask me that already?
Do you like to give or recieve?:: I like to give.
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: no
Do you live alone?:: nope
Do you own a blender?:: not to my knowledge
Do you like the snow?:: no
Ever been up a mountain?:: nope
Ever been rootin'?:: What's that mean?
Do you like surprises?:: not exactly
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You've been totally Bzoink*d .

My Blog


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Check out my other websites

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some good M.U.G.E.N sites (4 those who R interested), EvilRyu, DragonClaw) anything you want,stages, chars, programs, lifebars, screenpacks)
Posted by The Prophet M@R!0 on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 12:37:00 PST


:)    :(    8^0    XP   :|        :D    XD       O_O   ...
Posted by The Prophet M@R!0 on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 06:41:00 PST