First: I want to use this profile to give you the opportunity to get to know my music, photograph work, drawings and (maybe later) some of my short stories. So it's more of an art gallery than a bandprofile, but maybe this is even better, don'tcha think? If you want to know more about the person I am, meet me at
In November 2004, I decided to record some songs with electric and western guitar on tape to have a Christmas present for my friends. This album (recorded in very low fidelity in my room) was called Dape, a play on words with "tape", "dave" and, if you want so, "ape". "Dape" was to be both the name of the project and the artist, because I hadn't made any plans for further recordings.
In the beginning of 2006, such plans came to my mind as I discovered how to lead the guitar signal from the amp straight into my computer (instead of using a mic to do that) and to improve my sound by that (to be honest, it's still far from quality...).
What you can listen to at my profile by now are 2 songs from Dape and the first 2 ready songs of the coming album "just art". I hope to complete the recordings this September, because I have to join the German army in October and won't have time to work on my music in those 9 months...
About my message:
In MY opinion, music and art itself should not be judged by its message. When I play, I don' want you to listen to my ideas about God an the world (that and the fact that I'm not that good in songwriting are the reasons why I have no lyrics in my songs), but to enjoy what I do. Yes, I play music because God gave me the gift to do so and I want to honour Him for that; but this is MY cup of tea and not yours. The only thing that should matter to you is if you like what I play or not. If not, well fine. If yes, even better. To come to the point: I don' really have a message. And if you ask "What about the names of your songs?": the name of a song is to describe what I associate with what I hear when I listen, nothing more.
So, add me, write some comments about my pics or songs and enjoy it. If you want.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4