motorcycles. Being safe on Motorcycles
all those who wanna' learn how to ride!
I would list, but lately so much amazing music has been shown to me that I can't. Why? I have no idea what I'm listening to. I'm kind of a big hermit when it comes to music, due to opera loving parents and a severe lack of alone time as a child. So music interests vary: from Puccini to Common (Which was a recent discovery for me)
Party Monster, But I'm a Cheerleader, George Betye's Story of the eye, High Art, Death to Smoochy, Disney's Robin Hood, Jesus Christ Super Star.looking at this list makes me realise that I shouldn't be allowed near children.
My room mates don't let me watch CNN anymore because I yell at the telivision like an old man. So now, when I am watching telivision, its usually Adult Swim on cartoon network or getting sucked into law and order because my room mate is watching it.
Culture of Make Believe, Problem from Hell, Wicked, Marisol and Other Plays (mmm magic realism), The Great Gatsby (ooo the symbolism), Aphrodite, the Power of Love (more magic realism), The Joy of Cooking
Heidi, Cheryl, Sandy, Victoria, Janet, get the picture