underground hip hop, beat authors, bits of twine, hats that fit, words that rhyme with "pipsqueak".
Tintin. Seriously,
Melancholy Gypsies, Mystik Journeymen, Half-Handed Cloud, Yusef Lateef, Elliot Smith, Souls of Mischief, The Elected, Del tha Funkee Homosapien, The Coup, Miles Davis, Mates of State, Of Montreal, Pharcyde, Dr. Octagon, Chet Baker, Nick Drake, Dan the Automator, DJ Shadow, Animal Collective, Qbert and the Invisible Scratch Piklz, Peanut Butter Wolf, Architecture in Helsinki, Sunspot Jonz, Madlib, Five Deez, Tilly and the Wall, Dialated Peoples, Akbar, Green Olive Monsters, John Coltrane, Modest Mouse, Atmosphere, Super Furry Animals and so on and so forth.And Philip Glass
Anything by Terry Gilliam. Marx Brothers, The Thin Man, The Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce Sherlock Holmes films, The Impostors, Charade, Ocean's Eleven (the rat pack one), A Hard Day's Night,
Simpsons, Tim and Eric Awesome Show- Good Job, Flight of the Conchords, Dexter. That's it, though not having a television has made me a new fan of bad programming
Kerouac (Anything) Alan Watts (Anything) DT Suzuki (Understanding Zen) Dave Eggert (Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius) William Burroughs (Junky and Naked Lunch) Orson Scott Card (Enders Game) William Gibson (Nueromancer) Philip K. Dick (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? i.e. Blade Runner) Nick Hornby (High Fidelity) Piet Hien (Grooks) Heinlen (Stranger in a Strange Land) Lewis Carol "aka Charles Dogsdon" (Alice in Wonderland/Through Looking Glass) CS Lewis (The Screwtape Letters)
There are no heroes left... God is Dead... And I'm hungry.