Firefly, movies (fantasy, sci-fi, horror, docu-drama, dark drama) music (playing: singing & keyboard; listening: classic rock, 90's rock, prog-rock, speed metal, country, blues, Peter Gabriel, Norah Jones...) books (Harry Potter, Alexander Dumas, The Dark Tower and anything else by Steven King), The Steelers, my puppy Roland, baking and cooking, and some other stuff too.
Joss Whedon, anyone that had anything to do with Firefly, Peter Gabriel, Sam Neill, Robert Plant, lots of people that are dead, Jesus, the Founding Fathers, Eliza Dushku, Nathan Fillon, Adam Baldwin, Shelly's Dad, Beyonce and you!
Demons and Wizards, Peter Gabriel, Genesis, Black Sabbath, Norah Jones, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Dragonforce, Vast, Stabbing Westward, The Dreaming, Izzy Backo, Dream Theater, Local H, Meatloaf, Toby Keith, The Doors, Van Morrison, Big and Rich, Montomery Gentry, Nightwish, Epica, Steely Dan, Supertramp, Yes, and my memory is now running out so we'll leave it at that for now
Serenity, Saw, The Princess Bride, Legend, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Poltergeist, Anchorman, The 40 Year Old Virgin, The Neverending Story, Donnie Darko, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, porn, Willow, Billy Madison, Some Kind of Monster, This is Spinal Tap, Passion of the Christ, Unbreakable, Signs, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Majestic, Aliens, Predator, National Treasure, In The Mouth of Madness, anything that's horror, dark, beautiful, mysterious, has Will Ferrell, has Jim Carrey, has Sam Neill, or really makes me think
The Count of Monte Cristo, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Dark Tower 1-7, The Vampire Chronicles up through Blood and Gold, The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, A Kiss of Shadows, A Caress of Twighlight, The Mayfair Witches, IT, Salem's Lot, The Three Musketeers, A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Princess Bride, and a few graphic novels (The Crow, Angel and someday, The Dark Tower)
"Joss Whedon is my master now." Also Jesus, Peter Gabriel, Sam Neill, Jayne Cobb, Aragorn, my Dad, Shelly, Norah Jones and Roland Deshain