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I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Interests

anything thats interestIng...hehehe...but MOst pRoBAbly it'Ll be Music, SPorts, Cars, mOViES, BookS, and wHAt elSe??? NOthing mOre I ThiNK...

I'd like to meet:

uhm...id like to meet my old frIEnds... and my Ither RElatiVEs whoM i HAveNt seeN for SO Long...we ActuaLly dOnt Know EAch OtheR HEhehe so I waNNA Meet Them...HAvent Seen THem for Decades....


xeMpre I lIke All the Love Songs, but I lIke to DAnce so DIsco SOngs are Nice hehehe, Hip-hOP would AlSo do...it's cool kasi...


i like sexcomedy movies and anything comedy, fictional movies, action, CArs and BIkes, aNImated Films and horror also...




harry potter...nursing books...


super boink!!! oink oink hehehe ('@')

My Blog

my happy and changed life...

haay..its almost 3 mos  na since i had my baby...yeaj, it was very tiring for the first month of my baby...nakakapagod talaga and hay bsta mahirap iexplain kc medyo mahirap din! but inspite of th...
Posted by zogue on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 12:30:00 PST