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anything thats interestIng...hehehe...but MOst pRoBAbly it'Ll be Music, SPorts, Cars, mOViES, BookS, and wHAt elSe??? NOthing mOre I ThiNK... like to meet my old frIEnds... and my Ither RElatiVEs whoM i HAveNt seeN for SO Long...we ActuaLly dOnt Know EAch OtheR HEhehe so I waNNA Meet Them...HAvent Seen THem for Decades....
xeMpre I lIke All the Love Songs, but I lIke to DAnce so DIsco SOngs are Nice hehehe, Hip-hOP would AlSo's cool kasi...
i like sexcomedy movies and anything comedy, fictional movies, action, CArs and BIkes, aNImated Films and horror also...
harry potter...nursing books...
super boink!!! oink oink hehehe ('@')