people watching, philosophy, construction of devices used to consume I.T.H., honest opinions, open minds, life, death, politics (when it suits me), sociology, metaphysics, theology, linguistics, fear and it's conquerer, empowerment, twisting the universe, bending space and time, and other such nonsense that science claims "does not exist"... P
As long as your mind is open and your brain can handle going Mach 5 only to slam into a brick wall, then kewlbeans ^_^
All in all, I want to meet people who trip like I do.
Warning: This product has been known to cause cancer in laboratory animals, fungus, Catholic priests, house plants, and 3 varieties of beetle. Do not use product near open flame. Do not expose product to bright sunlight. Do not feed product after midnight. Do not inhale. Do not take orally. Do not take rectally. Side effects include (but are not limited to): headaches, nausea, vomitting, dizziness, blurred vision, heart murmurs, liver or kidney disorder, severe gastrointestinal pains, temporary insanity, permanent insanity, incontinence, and the hallucination of the voice of an old, Jewish mother nagging you to wash behind your ears. Do not give to children, pets, peoples with disabilities, pregnant women, senior citizens, the Pope, Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield, or anyone over the age of birth. If you experience increased libido, sexual arrousal, and an uncontrolable urge to "get it on", call our hotline and follow the prescribed remedy. Thank you drive through.
Anything that sounds like it actually took talent to put together.
Star Wars Trilogy, New Jersey Trilogy (all 5 movies of it), Yellowbeard, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Cecil B. Demented, and a buttload more that I don't care to list right now.
TV? Haven't watched it lately... if at all..
H.P. Lovecraft, The Tao of Pooh, I Ching, The Stand, Lenore, Johnny the Homocidal Maniac, Gregory, Squee, Eyes of the Dragon, Interview with a Vampire, It, Homocidal Psycho Jungle Cat