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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

If people were to describe me in two words, those words would be: ****ing ERIE!!! After all, I have been known to pull a person's thoughts right out of their head. Although, it IS a little bit hard to wash brain matter off your hand. Sticky.Aside from my sick and twisted sense of humor (which is completely random and will go off without warning), I actually am a nice person. It's just most people catch me at bad times.
How evil are you?

My Interests

people watching, philosophy, construction of devices used to consume I.T.H., honest opinions, open minds, life, death, politics (when it suits me), sociology, metaphysics, theology, linguistics, fear and it's conquerer, empowerment, twisting the universe, bending space and time, and other such nonsense that science claims "does not exist"... P

I'd like to meet:

As long as your mind is open and your brain can handle going Mach 5 only to slam into a brick wall, then kewlbeans ^_^
All in all, I want to meet people who trip like I do.
Warning: This product has been known to cause cancer in laboratory animals, fungus, Catholic priests, house plants, and 3 varieties of beetle. Do not use product near open flame. Do not expose product to bright sunlight. Do not feed product after midnight. Do not inhale. Do not take orally. Do not take rectally. Side effects include (but are not limited to): headaches, nausea, vomitting, dizziness, blurred vision, heart murmurs, liver or kidney disorder, severe gastrointestinal pains, temporary insanity, permanent insanity, incontinence, and the hallucination of the voice of an old, Jewish mother nagging you to wash behind your ears. Do not give to children, pets, peoples with disabilities, pregnant women, senior citizens, the Pope, Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield, or anyone over the age of birth. If you experience increased libido, sexual arrousal, and an uncontrolable urge to "get it on", call our hotline and follow the prescribed remedy. Thank you drive through.


Anything that sounds like it actually took talent to put together.


Star Wars Trilogy, New Jersey Trilogy (all 5 movies of it), Yellowbeard, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Cecil B. Demented, and a buttload more that I don't care to list right now.


TV? Haven't watched it lately... if at all..


H.P. Lovecraft, The Tao of Pooh, I Ching, The Stand, Lenore, Johnny the Homocidal Maniac, Gregory, Squee, Eyes of the Dragon, Interview with a Vampire, It, Homocidal Psycho Jungle Cat



My Blog

Love, Lust, and the Great River

*ahem* First, let me clarify: I have a tendency to get very good at whatever I attempt very quickly.  Most people consider this a blessing; I consider it a curse.  Why?  Because I also...
Posted by Azrael on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:24:00 PST


For those who actually find this and read this blog, lemme be candid: I really do not care to go to whatever reunion thing there is planned for our graduating class.  I was friends with some of y...
Posted by Azrael on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:30:00 PST

I didn't know that Tacos floated!

It would seem to be that the power that govern this universe that everyone else calls home have decided that your's truly does not depart for parts unknown.  Someone came and offered me one of th...
Posted by Azrael on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 09:51:00 PST

Deeper down the rabbit hole

Wow... it's pretty dark in here.  **relaxed sigh** Just the way I like it.Well, for the readers who have NOT heard, I quit my job at Kinky's in April.  So far, the job search has provided zi...
Posted by Azrael on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 04:13:00 PST

RECAP: SSOA Episode 4 - The Fugitive

Our producers would like to apologize for the commentary on the last episode of SSOA. It would seem that our lead actor took it upon himself to comment over situations that are deemed TMI (Too Much I...
Posted by Azrael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

RECAP: SSOA Episode 3 - Little Boy Confuzzled

Welcome to another fun, fun, fun filled episode of Strange **** and other Anomolies! It's about 1984. I'm a year out of starting Kindergarten and none of the real problems of the world have droppe...
Posted by Azrael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

RECAP: SSOA Episode 2 - We've Got a Jumper!

So, I'm about 3-6 months old at this time (my mother couldn't really confirm the exact time span in which this incident happened). I've since shed a bit of my silence and have become rather talkative...
Posted by Azrael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

RECAP: SSOA Episode 31: Biohazard

It was just like a scene out of a Resident Evil game: Four people walk into a house that has been abandoned for years (3 to be precise) and try to clean it up. We entered the crypt and saw piles...
Posted by Azrael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Strange **** and Other Anomolies: Episode 32

*singing* "Total Slaughter! Total Slaughter! I won't leave a single man alive..." Just this weekend I've done something that I've talked about doing for a while now but just didn't have the funds...
Posted by Azrael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

SSOA RECAP: Episode 1

Welcome to the First Exciting Episode of Strange **** and Other Anomolies! **Wheel of Fortune Theme Song plays** Well, it's February 14th, 1979. On that fateful day, my beloved mother decided ...
Posted by Azrael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST