*·.·•©hiLéNå BoMB§hèLL•·.·* profile picture

*·.·•©hiLéNå BoMB§hèLL•·.·*

iF u CaN'T MaKe Me sMiLe...u CaN'T MaKe Me SaD !!

About Me

Try the BEST MySpace Editor and MySpace Backgrounds at MySpace Toolbox !BoRn iN SaNTiaGo, ChiLe oN aPRiL 7Th.... i HaVe a MiLLiOn DiFFeReNT SiDeS To Me, WhiCh i PeRSoNaLLy aBSoLuTeLy LoVe! BuT HeRe aRe a CouPLe WoRdS aBouT Me To MaKe iT eaSieR oN YoU.... I aM CoOl & CoLLeCTeD, SaRCaSTiC SeNSe oF HuMoR::SpOnTaNeOuS::SeNSuaL::FiND HuMoR iN EVERY SiTuaTioN::aGReSSiVe::LiSTeNeR::PeVeRTeD::eXoTiC::LouD::oPeN MiNDeD::ReLaXeD..LaiD BaCk::sTRoNg ChaRaCTeR...BiTCh!::a LiL ToOo oPeN MiNDeD::LoVe To DaNCe::SaRCaSTiC::LoVe a GooD DiNNeR DaTe! YuM! HeHe! aLWaYs Do SaY The WaY To My HeaRT iS ThRouGh My TuMMy! =P LoVe To PaRTy HaRd & i aLsO LoVe To SiT aRouNd & WaTch T.v.Positive Traits: pioneering, adventurous, energetic, courageous, enterprising, confident, dynamic, quick-witted and freedom-lovingNegative Traits: selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, foolhardy and undiplomaticLikes: action, challenge, spontaneity, championing causes and coming in firstDislikes: waiting, tyranny, failure, lack of opposition and the advice of others
Your Birthdate: April 7
You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.
And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.
Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.
You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!
Your strength: Your self sufficiency
Your weakness: You despise authority
Your power color: Maroon
Your power symbol: Hammer
Your power month: July What Does Your Birth Date Mean? What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
You're Marilyn Monroe!
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Your Seduction Style: The Charmer
You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement.
You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you.
By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power.
And then you've got them exactly where you want them! What Is Your Seduction Style?
You Are 80% Open Minded
You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself. How Open Minded Are You?
You Are 66% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You? What is your sexual appeal?
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeSTRAWBERRYFace it, you can be wild. You're the first one to suggest skinny dipping even if it might get you in a jam. You're as classy as a rose, but without those prickly thorns. With a personality that's big and bold you're the cream of the crop! Unfortunately, some of your very best friends may feel small in comparison-- but remember you're still the sweetest of the bunch.You Are... Frylock! You're the true leader of the Aqua Teens. You are wise and powerful, unlike your teamates, who are always getting into trouble. You keep everyone in line without pushing people around.
I am Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you??.. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....

My Interests

MuSiC::BaSKeTBaLL::LaUGhiNg iS a MusT::My NePheW LiL JaY...HeS GaNGsTa !! ::DRoOLiNg oVeR CaRs::BeaCh...WaTeR aCTiViTieS::sTaRBuCkS::The PsyChoLoGy oF SeX::MoVieS:: FuLL MoOnS::HiSToRy::DaNCiNg::NiGhT TiMe...i SeeM To Be MoRe PRoDuCTiVe @ NiGhT::KiSSiNg !!::ViBRaToRs(LmaO!)::BuBBLe BaThS::The RaiN::RouGhNeSs::PaRTieS::sKiNNy DiPPiNg::PaSTa & WiNe::LiBaNeSSe & Thai FooDs::SaKe !!::TaNNiNg::YaChTs & JeT sKiS::sTRiP cLuBs::ShoPPiNg::My HaiR::TRyiNg 2 WoRK OuT::sLeePiNg::MaNi & PeDiS

I'd like to meet:

BRaNDoN FLoWeRs FRoM The KiLLeRs !!aNyoNe ThaT MiGhT Be a LiL ToOoO oPeN MiNDeD. SoMeOoNe WhO RaTheR HaVe MiND SeX BeFoRe The PhySiCaL SoMeoNe WhO iS LaiD BaCk, ReLaXeD & CaN eNJoY TheiR TiMe No MaTTeR WhaT The CiRCuMsTaNCeS. SoMeoNe WhO CaN aLWaYs & i MeaN aLWaYs FiNd The HuMoR iN aNy & eVeRy SiTuaTioN...i SuRe aS HeLL Do! =P eSPeCiaLLy PeOpLe ThaT aReN'T aLWaYs iN a HuRRy. i LiKe The LaiD BaCk MySTeRyOuS KiNd. =) i aLsO HaVe a ThiNg FoR The BRuTaLLy HoNesT !! & VeRy uNCoMFoRTabLe WiTh CoNFuSioN !!
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i LoVe a LiL BiT oF eVeRyThiNg...i 3 The 80's, oLd SchooL R&B & oFCouRSe aNyThiNg aNd eVeRyThiNg FRoM The SouTh.... i HaVe To SaY i aM oBSeSSeD WiTh The KiLLeRs RiGhT abouT NoW !! LoVe The DoORs::3 6 MaFia::aL GReeN::iSLeY BRoTheRs::The GaP BaND::The BeaTLeS::MaRViN GaYe::BoNe ThuGs::KaNYe WesT::The CuRe::LuPe FiaSCo::RaDioHeaD::BJoRk::DePeChe MoDe::The oLD SchooL OuTKaST JoiNTs::T.I::JeeZy::YouNGBLooDz


LoRD oF WaR::CiTy oF GoD::BLoW:cLoCk WoRk oRaNGe::PuLp FiCTioN::ReQuieM FoR a DreaM::The oMeN:FeaR aNd LoaThiNg iN LaS VeGaS::MaTchsTiCk MeN::KiDs:aMeRiCaN HiSToRy X::CaSiNo::GoOdFeLLaS::PuLp FiCTioN::aMeRiCaN BeauTy::ScaRFaCe::GoNe WiTh The WiNd


The FiRST 48::The BoONDoCkS::aQuaTeeN HuNGeR FoRCe::SeX aND The CiTy::FaMiLy GuY::aDuLT sWiM::CouRT Tv::DaVe ChaPeLLe::SouTh PaRk::CoLd CaSe FiLeS::The HiSToRy ChaNNeL::The NeWs:: SuNDaY NiGhT SeX ShOw WiTh Sue JoHaNSoN


WoRd SeeK BoOkS


My GRaNDMa !!

My SiSTeRs & My B.u.T.FuL NePheW !!

My Blog

NeW YeaRs iN VeGaS BaBy !!

I am off to VeGaS BaBy to celebrate the new year with two of my bestest WeST MiaMi  friends...MaRia & ZaYRa !! WoO HoO !! i cannot freaking wait !! WhaTeVeR HaPPeNs iN VeGaS WiLL DeFiNeT...
Posted by *·.·"©hiLéNå BoMB§hèLL"·.·* on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 11:25:00 PST

* aPRiL 7 ...My BiRThDaY!!!! *

Posted by *·.·"©hiLéNå BoMB§hèLL"·.·* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST