Creepy Old Ladies profile picture

Creepy Old Ladies

New recordings coming soon!

About Me

So this is how it happened. The founding member Giancarlo Aldana acted upon a great desire to create something pure something that would bring his inner thoughts and feelings out to the surface. He wrote a series of melodies that with the help of Athena Matyear, Norman A, and Lee F. were performed for the first time under the name of Dead Sex, this illusion didnt last for long. As time passed so did many of our dreams and hopes. The band found it self in a comfortable position soon after this happened, Norman Aldana stuck by Giancarlo's side all the way and still does, as both hoped for something good to happen. It seemed that destiny or whatever you may call it had dealed us a raw yet powerful new member. Angel Gabriel currently the lead singer for Creepy Old Ladies came our way. The way Giancarlo met Angel Gabriel was quite interesting, lets just say it was not about to be a pretty thing. Oh and it was in a dark alley. After Angel Gabriel became a part of the band we had our first show opening up for Cat As Trophy a local El Paso band who gladly opened the door for us. Since then Creepy Old Ladies has appeared on Mexican T.V and played many other shows around the city of eternal slumber, waiting to creep others and many other cities around the world.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1

My Interests


Member Since: 9/10/2006
Band Members: Angel Gabriel-Vocals Giancarlo-Guitar/back up vox Norman-Drums Fersho Z-Bass
Influences: Life, Dreams, Irony, and Pain.
Sounds Like: Something you would hear at a Creepy Old Ladies Show.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None