Astrobunny profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Like your earth, my home planet was third from our sun and was able to support life. but after billions of years, the time came for our sun to give birth to a new planet. We knew this would force our own planet into an inhabitable position in the solar system. We had to leave.The dominant species on my home planet evolved from rabbits. Our ancestors looked quite similar to what your modern day European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) look like now. eventually standing upright and growing opposable thumbs we evolved into highly inteligent and enlightened beings.Most of my people were able to let go of there physical bodies and travel together to a new home. I was however, one of the less-enlightened creatures and was unable to leave my body behind. like many others, I was too attached and was forced to travel by space ship in search of a habitable place to live.for many years i traveled on a ship with dozens of others like me. we knew where the rest of our species had gone, but would never make it there in our life time. even if we could have made it, they had entered into the bodies of water creatures. we would have no relationship with them.we came to earth in peace, but quickly learned that most of the population, though fairly intelligent, were kept distracted by those in control. our existence here on earth has been kept entirely under wraps. my shipmates and I were separated from each other and I’m assuming that like me, they had endured years of physical and psychological experiments. Deemed harmless, they now keep me quaranteened from society up here in this satalite...until it’s time for more grueling experiments i suppose. i’m not really sure what their plan is exactly, so i’m in the process of building an escape pod that will safely drop me back down to earth. hopefully i can survive the drop undetected by the government.The only company i get is from a team of delivery personell who come by and quickly drop off food, medical supplies and various forms of entertainment every month or so. most of the random objects that i’ve recieved however, I’ve torn apart and re-wired into crude musical instruments, video cameras and a makeshift satalite dish wich allows me to send random transmissions to whoever might be recieving them. These are the Astrobunny TransmissionsCreate or get your
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My Interests

experiments with noise. surrealist film. stuffed animal heads in jars of bleach. government issue food cookery.

I'd like to meet:

rabbit-friendly people.


The constant, droning hum (in b-flat) that permeates my satalite.


anything in pixelvision


transmissions are conducted using a fisher price camera and a makeshift transmitter. enjoy....


sun ra, gerry fialka.

My Blog

Posted by Astrobunny on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:25:00 PST