~♥My Sweet Gianfranco T V B!! ♥~ profile picture

~♥My Sweet Gianfranco T V B!! ♥~

I am here for Friends

About Me

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Jason's Memorial Page
My heart belongs to this amazing guy. That..is all you need to know. :) Ti Voglio Bene...Gian!
Il mio cuore appartiene a questo tipo stupefacente. Quello. .is tutto che dobbiate sapere. :) Ti Voglio Bene… Gian!
I guess I am supposed to write something about me, no? My problem is I can't define myself in a few lines. There is so much more to me than what I can write. So, I give you my best try. I am patient, grounded and I think I am reliable. I am warm and sensual and you'll know where you stand with me, especially if you push me too far. I say what's on mind. I have an appreciation for the finer things in life, I generally have expensive taste. It never fails I always pick out something and then find out it's the most expesnive thing in the store. I know my limits and I am most the time smart about choices I make. I think things through, I make plans. My honey says I am a good "gatherer". He is right. My need for security lights a fire under me and keeps me motivated, I have a business head about me (if I can only accomplish all the ideas I have) I am very trustworthy and do my best to always follow through. Though I have missed that mark several times. I think the world is a wonderful place as well as very screwed up. I am practical, reliable, sensible, solid, very determined, STUBBORN, strong willed, industrious, kind, gentle, VERY loving, generous, warm hearted (I wear my heart on my sleeve), and very affectionate to the ones I love the most. That's a lot but there it is...
Suppongo di dover scrivere qualcosa su di me, no? Il mio problema è che non posso definirmi in poche righe Su di me c'è molto più di quanto si riesca a scrivere. Così, gli dò la mia prova migliore.
I have literally started this paragraph about 8 times now. I am trying to find the words! I am stumbling on what to say just because not everybody needs to know my life. I suppose if you are on my friends list then you probably know most everything about me. I have fallen for this SNOW LOVING ITALIAN...how he loves snow so much I'll never know. Go figure! There is 7000 miles between us yet we are very close. He is coming to the US very soon which makes me VERY VERY happy. That is his/our hope anyway, once all the bureauracy is lined out. God has blessed me to have such a kind hearted, yet DIFFICULT and STUBBORN at times, person come into our lives. I am quite happy to say he finished his degree!! That means he's leaving the small town on the small island of Sardegna off the coast off Rome and hoppin' the pond. To join the metling pot of the US. I am happy, very happy. So...I'm taken...don't hit on me! For now, my heart lies in Sardegna with Gianfranco...and I can't wait to see ITALY!!...And to go back to SPAIN!! *wink* (haha...inside joke)
I am writing a book, yes I know scary for those of you who know me, I hated anything to do with English. Well you find that sometimes in life you meet a few individuals that teach you something new. Something that inspires you to do something out of "your" ordinary and reach for the stars. (I do believe these are also called goals, hehe) Even though I want to pull my hair out while writing sometimes while trying to remember all the things you are supposed to remember to do or not to do, I actually really like it. Who would have thunk!
Sto scrivendo un libro, si, so che sembra spaventoso per coloro che mi conoscono, dato che ho sempre odiato qualsiasi cosa che avesse a che fare con l'Inglese. Beh, concorderete sul fatto che a volte nella vita si viene a contatto con persone che ci insegnano sempre cose nuove. Che ci ispirano a fare cose che vanno al di là della nostra quotidianità e ci fanno raggiungere degli scopi. Nonostante stia diventando matta cercando di ricordare tutte le cose che dovrei fare o non fare, devo ammettere che adoro tutto questo. Chi l'avrebbe mai detto!
Yes, I am a mother, that is my number one job, I have three boys Britt is 8, Blayke is 5 and Caleb is 2 going on 10 I think. I think if I didn't have them, I would sleep a whole lot...haha! No, I just wouldn't know what to do with myself.
Si, sono una madre, quello è il mio lavoro principale. Ho tre bambini: Britt che ha 8 anni, Blayke che ne ha 5 e Caleb che ne ha 2. Credo che se loro non ci fossero stati avrei sicuramente potuto dormire molto di più! No, scherzo, la verità è che senza di loro la mia vita non avrebbe senso.
___________________________________________"True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly!!!" (this goes for any kind of love or relationship)
Anything else you think you need to know just send me a message and I might answer you! :)
Se volete sapere qualcosa di più su di me basta che mi mandiate un messaggio..ed è probabile che vi risponda..

My Interests

I love all sports. I play softball, basketball, track and field, volleyball and was on the swim team. I love to dance(my friend Neli and I go Salsa dancing) I love to cook, and I do it quite well I might add. I like to read, write, write poetry, journal, listen to music, camping and anything outdoors.
Italiano:Softball, B-Ball ed anche tutti gli altri sports, cucinare, ballare (la mia ultima specialità è ballare con la mia amica Neli) giocare con i miei ragazzi, disegnare, CAD, la scuola, eh si...mi piace andare a scuola anche se ogni semestre finisco sempre in debito di materie. Non vedo l'ora di andare in campeggio questa estate, farò qualche viaggio entro il prossimo anno..."

I'd like to meet:

Dead: Edgar Allen Poe, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Van Gogh, Cevanne, Gauguin, Princess Diana, Frank Lloyd Wright, and too many others to list.
Alive: JD MORGAN(In need of some "therapy")
Shonda Rimes (creator of Grey's Anatomy) Jerry Bruckheimer, Kat Von D(I need her to give me a tattoo)
Dr. Phil(in need of real therapy)
Band members of Tazenda, Robin Williams, Doug Wilson, Vern Yip, Laurie, Nate Berkus, Andrea Bocelli, Ty Pennington and many others including Franco Vecchio!! www.concretus.com Fantastic designs...check it out!!!
Someday I would like to meet Adam Davies, my instructor for Narrative Story Telling, he is a great author here is his picture and both his books, buy them you will love them.
And people from all over the world. Anyone who can teach me something new.
__________________________________________ *Disclaimer*
I am on myspace for friends. Please do not bother me with requests if you have a desire to hook up. It will not get you anywhere. Please understand and respect "myspace". Thanks!


80's is there any other??
I love, a little, of most all music.
Ten-You're in my heart


I've just watched the movie 300!! Loved it, omg, it was awesome!!
The American President, Field of Dreams, Legend of 1900(if you haven't seen this movie you need to), All Romantic Comedies, Music & Lyrics...and too many to name...Beauty and the Beast is my all time favorite Disney movie...


Grey's Anatomy is #1!!!, October Road, Desperate Housewives, Project Runway, Ugly Betty, COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!, Baseball, Extreme Home Makeover, The History Channel, TLC, Discovery Channel, HGTV.


The Bible
The Secret, Gothic Architecture, Architectural Digest, and design books or Magazines, ReadyMade, The Frog King, Goodbye Lemon, The Grammar of Ornament, and anything remotely interesting I will read.


Jason R. Hendrix
Oct. 26, 1976 - Feb. 16, 2005
Died for his country in Ramadi, Iraq saving his men's lives.
Please visit his memorial website:
Jason's Memorial Page