MagiqLion profile picture


I know now, the depths I reach, are limitless -nin

About Me

I write, therefore I am a writer! I paint therefore I am a painter! I think, therefore it makes me a threat. Welcome to my page! ***Here I am, explore me. This is my art. Most pieces are for sale, so please inquire. Thanks for taking an interest. ***Who am I. Just a 27 year old Salvadorian-American, California grown -student of life. I love positive people and honest critics. I try my best to share the beauty I see and love through whatever media possible.Luis A. Sanchez-Sanchez Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0

My Interests

your life story, so I can see it, feel it, dream it, bleed it, crush it, fuck it, admire it, laugh at you, cry with you, DOUBT myself, Doubt you, hate you, taste you, use you.. and then steal it.. make a profit, live my life the way I should, extort myself, rape myself, use myself, and then DOUBT myself, doubt you, and then die.INSTRUCTIONS AFTER DEATH:BURN ME, PLANT MY ASHES UNDER A YOUNG OAK TREE, FOR THEY BURY THEIR ROOTS DEEP AND ALL THE LOVE THAT I FEEL FOR YOU WILL FILL THIS EARTH AND TOUCH EVERYONE WHO STANDS IN IT... MAKING THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE... TO KNOW BEAUTY IS TO LIVE IT, BE IT AND FILL EVERYONES EYES WITH IT.

I'd like to meet:

Tim Burton, Trent Reznor, Hillary Clinton, My other half of me, A role model, a true teacher,A reason to know that all this is worth the effort!"A man that can say he likes me for me, all of me, just as I am."I like all types of people,and all walk of life, I judge non so don't you fucking judge me!!!!ASSHOLE, yes I am thank you very much, I state this upfront so no one is shocked!Someone who is honest is always appreciated.. So don't Bullshit! Get to the damn point! Don't waste my time and I promise not to waste yours. I'm extremely addictive and I almost for sure guarantee you'll fall in love with me, in some way! Confident, yes I am!!!!


music.. what would I do without. Seems like there is always a requiem playing in my head, cant ever remember a time where there wasn't a symphony playing for me in my head. There hasn't been a night that I haven't been serenaded by a Moonlight Sonata, followed by a excerpt from a recent or old NIN album.One of my favorite movies is Amadeus and Immortal Beloved!!! I enjoy most kinds of music, but my favorite artist would be Trent Reznor. Nine Inch Nails have brought many songs into my life which I now look back and dont know what Id do without. Freddie Mercury is another artist which has touched my life through the words of his music like no other has or ever will.They're all here inside my head, they never stop singing their sweet song of sorrow and melancholy, they paint great pictures of fluid lines and deep caverns.. and yes I do dream in color, and when I close my eyes while listening to music I can see a kaleidoscope of my life.Nine Inch Nails (Burn)
Add to My Profile | More VideosNine Inch Nails (we're in this together)
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Top 5 so far:1. Immortal Beloved 2. Big Fish 3. Who's afraid of Virginia Wolfe 4. Amadeus 5. Running with scissors 6. Little Foxes 7. Sweeny Todd 8. Some Like it Hot 9. What ever happen to Baby Jane 10. Tim Burtons' Batman


House, Law and Order, CSI, History Channel, Bewitched, Freakazoid, Futurama, 24.


Last one I read was Running with Scissors, Little book of Neurosis, and I have to read The Operator; says my best friend. I am working on publishing 3 or more, books of my own. Here are some great quotes:"As mathematical and absolute certainty is seldom to be attained in human affairs, reason requires that judges and all mankind in forming their opinion of the truth of facts should be regulated by the superior number of probabilities on the one side or the other. " *** J.Edwards Lumbard ^***"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." *** R.W. Emerson ^***


My Parents, yeah goofy as it is they've been through hell and back and yeah.. they are still here making my life grateful to be in. (or else...) =0) Oh yeah, and my friend Vic! ** you know who you are**, I am forever in debt for your priceless advice, as the late Kurt Cobain would say.

My Blog

"Overdone Notebook Art -2007"

"Overdone Notebook Art 2007"coming soon i will release a limited number of sets of notebook art, mainly flowers and other plants.  These limited numbered signed litho's will be available only onc...
Posted by MagiqLion on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 04:45:00 PST

"What I need to say goodnight", ls 2002 c.

The goodness inside that reflects throughout Your kindness pours out through every orifice The gentleness I feel when you caress my skin The electric shock you send through my body   I sit here ...
Posted by MagiqLion on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:30:00 PST

"Cinderella Charade", ls 2005, c.

Should I place an end to this Cinderella charade?Do I walk away with the mediocre parade? What happens when lust, all fades away?Is there enough of me here today? Will only my love keep him ...
Posted by MagiqLion on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 02:15:00 PST

"The Artist", ls 2005 c.

He crunches down to paint the scene of life Burning inside it cuts like a knife Deep within the crevices of his mind He sees the light we cannot find Beauty within the eyes of this man With visio...
Posted by MagiqLion on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:08:00 PST

"Untitled, 2004 .2"

slipping further away from touch The time we spend is far from such A place to tranquil, it feels like rain My empty bedside burns in flames Hoping the night would bring a sigh Bring me your arms and ...
Posted by MagiqLion on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 06:20:00 PST

"Untitled, 2004"

I sit here and jistify the time I spend Instead, I should be spread across the sky Flying in undisclosed space and time I hold my breath to endure this trip   I wonder why life can tempt me ...
Posted by MagiqLion on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 06:10:00 PST

A Place, c.

In your eyes I saw a way A darkened path, cold and grey   Your touch lit up my fragile mind, Searching for that place I cannot find   Your kiss alone sends me flying I need your embrace i...
Posted by MagiqLion on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 01:47:00 PST

New Paintings

new paintings are now on display, check my pictures out and tell me what you think
Posted by MagiqLion on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 08:54:00 PST

lyrics to the song in my head

Every night around threeIt happened againActually I must confess,Every night since then.Always around three,Tonight you wore white,But, I digress...what do I do this time,to keep from falling asleep,Y...
Posted by MagiqLion on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 10:03:00 PST