This is a video of us looking like knobos at the Seaweed Biscuit Xmas party. The tracks are Abel, Worm Lung Salad, and Ballad of a Boy!
A long, long time ago we can still remember how that music used to make us smile. We knew if we had a chance we could make those people dance, and maybe they'd be happy for a while. Did we write the song of bees? Would you have faith in Houdini Six, If the Bible told you so? Now do you believe in Rock 'n' roll? Could music save your mortal soul? And can we teach you how to dance real slow?
We are a lonely bunch of adolescent scrubs, with crap long hair and bad fashion sense. We knew that we were out of luck, the day the music died....
We started screaming
We met a old man who sold guitars and asked him for a knock down price. But he just smiled and turned away, we went down to the live music bar, where we'd heard the music years before. The man said "your too shit to play!"
Now, in the streets the children screamed, the lovers cried, and the poets dreamed, those words that man shouldn't have spoken, now all the instruments got broken. The three men you admire the most the guitarist, bassist and drummer. They caught the last train home, before the music died.
We started screaming....
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