what's poppin my nig's. For those of you who don't know already i'm Loke you dumb asses. i'm kinda gettin tired of all yo hatin ass niggas who aint got nothin betta to do with your lives than to sit back and talk about muthafuckas behind their backs. Nigga go get a job or somethin and stop feedin off the next niggas. To tell yall the truth theres no need for me to keep speaking to yall so lets
i'm a young cat and all that some call me a baby still i dont care though cuz i made twenty-one. I aint got no kids, no chick, nothing to hold me back from doin me. I aint exactly where i wanna be but ill be there soon enough. To all my niggas out there, and theres only a handful i you don't hear from or see me in awhile thats cuz i'm puttin the finishing touches on a few things but hit me up ya'll know the number.
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