..fairy tales, thrift store evening dresses, unregulated amt, riesling, kissing other people's boyfriends, losing points, tetris, writing about sex in a very "sad" way, aardvarks, dragons, frogs, mailmen, irony as the new "paradigm", chicago, almost-but-not-quite-gay boys, songs of the humpback whales, costume jewelry, audrey hepburn, tom robbins, black cauldron, conversations about tuna, copious drug use, imaginary sex, the Dark Hand, thievery, the Editors, the cult of personality, Antihelios, daughters of Antigone, makeup ingredients, kraken, linguistics, parked cars, narnia, glass shards, nihilism, humanism, sarcasm, gism, the kind of ism where we all talk like cats, naming other people's works of art, battle royale, Four Sided Figures, the Five Faces of Liam Neeson, the Six Different Holy Deaths, the Seven Types of Biting, the Eight Works of the Haiku Master, the Nine Paged Term Paper, the Tenth Date. ..
John McNamara and Britney Spears.
I like fast songs. Fast and Happy songs. I also like singing songs to my cat. Cat songs kick your songs ass.
Battle Royale. Truman Show. Indiana Jones. The Hunt For Red October.
I love nature documentaries. And National Geographic shows. And Blind Date.
Grammar is the chiaroscuro of today.
Hiro, Nikki, Nathan, Claire, Isaac, Parkman. Not Parkman's wife though. She's a fat Katie Holmes.