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latin layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.comIM VERY FUN AND OUT GOING PERSON IM OUTSPOKEN AND STRAIGHT TO THE POINT OF THINGS I LIKE TO ENJOY LIFE 1 DAY AT A TIME IM VERY LAID BACK DONT LOOK 4 TROUBLE DONT LIKE TROUBLE BUT WHEN IT COMES AROUND ILL BRING IT. I COULD BE A GOOD FRIEND IN THE OTHER HAND I COULD BE YOUR WORST ENEMY I LIKE TO GIVE RESPECT TO THOSE WHO GIVE IT. IM A VERY PROUD PERSON IM A MAN OF RESPECT AND HONOR I COME FROM THE RULES OF THE STREETS. IVE SEEN ALOT AND DID ALOT SOME I REGRET SOME I DONT ANY WAY . I CAME UP IN 1 OF THE WICKEST STREETS OF CHITOWN 18ST. I WAS RAISED ALMOST ALL MY YOUNGER YEARS THERE IN THE PILSEN COMMUNITY IT WAS TUFF BUT I CAME OUT AND GRAUDUATED THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS IN AN ERA WHERE WE DIDENT TAKE SHIT FROM NO ONE AND WE DID'ENT SNITCH OR RAT TO THE POLICE ABOUT ARE DEEDS IN THE STREETS. NOW I DONT TAKE LIFE FOR GRANTED TO MUCH ANY MORE I BELIEVE GOD GAVED US LIFE FOR A REASON WE JUST HAVE TO SEARCH AND FIND IT WHAT IT IS WERE DESTINE FOR. IM ALSO A PROUD PARENT. IM ALSO A KID IN HEART THAT HELPS ME NOT TO LOOK AT LIFE SO MUCH OF ITS DIFFICULTES IT CARRYS ON ALONG IN LIFE. NOW IM JUST GETING MY LIFE RIGHT ON TRACK FOLLOWING MY DREAMS WITHOUT DREAMS THERES NO GOALS IM TRYING TO GET BACK IN SCHOOL OF THINGS TO FINISH WHAT I STARTED IM STUDYING TO BECOME A COMPUTER TECHNICIAN 1 MORE CERTIFICATE AND ILL BE THAT. SOON ILL BE ON TOP OF LIFE WITH MY OWN BUSSINESS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS.The Mexica Uprising Mexicans" are one of the many Original Inhabitants (so-called Indians) who originated on this continent we call Ixachilan (see "Native American Oral Traditions and Archaeological Myths"). We are descendants of the ancient Mesoamerican civilizations that covered an area from Aztlan (so-called U.S. Southwest) to the area called Costa Rica in Central America. "Mexican" is what the English called us. "Mexicano" (Meh-hee-Kano) is what the Spaniard Europeans called us. Mexica (Meh-hee-ka) is what we call ourselves. Ninety-nine percent of our history as a people happened before the Europeans invaded our land, but sadly that is not the part of our history that has been taught to us. That hidden pre-European history, and the cultural castration effect of the European Invasion, is what www.mexicauprising.net is based upon. After 512 years of colonization, we must rise up against the illegal settler population whom continue to enslave us socially, economically, politically and spiritually. It is written in our ancient prophecy called Tzitzimime; we will not be defeated.* Latin America is named after the White people of Latin descent who stole our land and claimed it as their own. The Europeans brand everything they "own" with their name, it is no different with our land. Some may believe that the term Latino is a unifying factor for the people living in Latin America and it is; for the whites living on our land not us. * Latinos are white people from Southern Europe living in "Latin America." They are the people of Latin (white Roman) descent. Latin is a white language that was spoken by the Romans. When the Roman empire fell, the Romans eventually forgot Latin because it was no longer taught in their schools. English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French all developed from Latin as dialects then eventually became languages. The people who speak these languages are therefore the descendants of the Latinos. Latino is simply Spanish for people of Latin descent; the Europeans. * Hispanics are white people from Spain. The Romans called the Spaniards "Hispanos" which means people of Hispania (Spain). * When the Spaniards invaded our people, they could not pronounce our name (Mexica, pronounced meh - hee - kah) because there is not a sound in the Spanish language for "sh". The Spaniards then put an "x" in the place of the "sh" to signify an unknown sound. Mexicano or Mexican therefore are mispronunciations of our true name. * We , the Mexica people are one of the original inhabitants of this continent.. * Our original home is Aztlan. Aztlan is located in the four corners region (Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona) along the 4 great rivers: (What we call the Nahui Atl) the Colorado river (the river begins and ends in Arizona and Colorado, therefore to us it was considered 2 separate rivers), the Green river, and the San Juan river * We migrated to Mexico/Anahuac around 1016 A.D. because of the severe droughts of the time. * Before we left Aztlan we were called "Azteca". But the Azteca broke up into 8 tribes, the Mexica being the last to leave south. * Most everyone today uses the term "Aztec" in reference to the Mexica, which is absurd. The Azteca no longer existed after 1016 A.D. By then we had all broken up and changed our names to Hopi, Alcohol, Mexica etc.. * Does this mean we are "INDIANS"? NO! THE INDIAN PEOPLE LIVE IN INDIA. If you are tempted to use the word, substitute it for an accurate one like Indigenous or Native. If you want to go even further, use the term: Ixachilankah (Nahuatl for natives of this continent which we call Ixachilan) or Anahuak (natives of Anahuak). It is very important that this term not be used by our people. * Spanish is NOT our "Mother Tongue." Spanish is a foreign language from Europe. We speak it only because we remain under colonial rule. Nahuatl is our true language. * It is very important that we learn Nahuatl because as long as we speak white languages, we will think like white people. Europeans are the only people in the world to develop a linear world-view; everyone else has a circular world-view. In the linear world-view, the past is irrelevant because the ultimate goal is to get to heaven. Everything that occurs in the past is therefore useless because when you ask for forgiveness, you acquire a clean slate. This is why you hear whites always saying "forget about the past" or "stop living in the past." It is no surprise that the Europeans are the only people in the world to develop retirement homes (because they dont realize their parents nurtured them throughout their lives and must then be nurtured in their old age; instead they put them in these homes to rot) and industrialization (which is an economic system that systematically destroys the Earth). This is an illogical way of viewing the world because any normal person can see that the past, present and future are all related. We must acquire our original circular world-view in order to understand the events that happened in the past which still effect us in the present and how it will continue to effect us in the future. * Some people claim that we are the "cosmic race" a mixture of whites and "Indians". They say how can you fight against something that is in your veins? Do you think that if Hitler raped a Jewish woman the resulting child would love his father and proclaim to be a German?? I think not. By acknowledging the Spanish blood that was raped into you as valid, you are justifying the mass rape of our foremothers. * The belief that "all" Mexica are half Spanish is absurd. From the time period spanning 1519 to 1810, only 80,000 Spaniards ever came to Mexico. Even if we assumed every one of these Spaniards raped an indigenous woman, we would still be well over 95% indigenous (based on the estimated indigenous population after diseases took their toll of 1 million, regarded by many scholars as a highly deflated number). * North and South America in Nahuatl are called Ixachilan and are considered to be one mass of land united by the Eagle and Condor not two seperate continents. Anahuak is the section of Ixachilan which includes Aztlan, Mexiko, Amalpan (Belize), Kuauhtemallan (Guatemala), Atenantitech (Honduras), Kuzkatlan (El Salvador), and Nikananawak (Nicaragua). "Central America" was created when Spain divided up our land and handed it out to former Spanish soldiers and their descendants still own these countries to this day. Just as "Mexicanos" is a false term for natives of Mexico, "Salvadorenos" is a false term for the natives of Kuzkatlan. The correct term for natives of El Salvador therefore is Kuzkateca. * The Spanish names we have now are slave names which were given to our ancestors by the Spaniards. During our enslavement on the encomiendas, we were named after our Spanish slave masters to signify that we were their property. When the encomienda system came to end, the Spanish priests began forcefully converting us and giving us Christian slave names. That is why many of our people are named after saints such as Maria, Juan, Jose, Rosa etc.. * In our language "Mexica" comes from Mexihtli-Huitzilpochtli a warrior priest who led us from Aztlan to Mexico-Tenochtitlan and who represents the sun. The word therefore means, "People of Mexihtli/the Sun". Mexica is plural. Mexicatl is the singular form. Therefore; "I am Mexicatl (Ni Mexicatl)" & "We are Mexica (Tehuan Mexica)". * Catholicism was imposed upon us by the Hispanic invaders. We have our own creator whom we call Ometeotl which means "dual cosmic energy." Ometeotl is a culmination of all the energy in the universe and is represented by the sacred dualities of these energies - water/fire, life/death, male/female, day/night, good/bad. We have no need for foreign religions created by foreign cultures; we have our own. * All of us at the age of 5 were kidnapped and systematically mind raped. This "education" has succeeded in brainwashing all of us into being european clones. Most of us speak English and Spanish; two European languages and are Christians; a white religion. It is time to de-colonize our minds and think as individuals. Don't let the wasicu control your destiny, learn your true history and culture!
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Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com
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My Interests

It's simple living life staying on my feet keeping my mind right keeping the vision going and alive. Also spending time with my kids as much as possible. That's why I choose being a man with a vision for my children's future I am in a conquest to rise against the machine to resist against the New World Order one global Government. So I say fuck the system and governments. I am a warrior by heart and a Rebel by blood my views and eyes are like the great men that came before me men with vision men that fight against the machine...

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet interesting people, people that I can relate to on many interesting topics not just interesting but important topics. Topics such as political , religion global, and ecconomics. These topics go on in our every day lives its good to relate to these issues that surrounds us. We as individuals have a responsibility to look outside our boxes at times and look around our world and around our every day circle. Theirs so much happening in our world and in our society with terror, inflation, government, security, education, and of course our future which is so much in depth. We need to start opening our eyes and take of the blind fold we have on and do something about whats going on in our every day lifes and take a stand for our selfs our children and our future and stop worrying about Britney Spears and all them other stars that our out there and be one off your own be your own star. Theirs more to life than nice cars, money, nice clothes and so on what really is important is family, love, humanity, and liberty. So those whom really want to know me or know me im moving on to whole different level which I used to think life is to precious to give up on and im not giving up to the fight thats ahead of us. I say time for a revolution and solutions brake them chains take of those blind folds and step up.






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My Blog

Order Out Of Chaos

We are truly into the age of chaos, long in the planning and written about openly by the big movers and shakers who lord over us. Some of them, such as Brzezinski have described the coming effects on...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 09:36:00 PST

Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches?

Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches?.. -->post content--> .. -->tools-->   Email page   Print Share SubscribeDiggdel.icio.usFacebookFurlStumbleUpon Occult s...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 05:20:00 PST


La Raza The English equivalent to this Spanish phrase is, "The People". It is used to denote the people of Hispanic and the Chicano world, who share the pride of their Aztec heritage. The term origina...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 05:24:00 PST


The myth of Aztlan can best be explained by California's Santa Barbara School District's Chicano Studies textbook, "The Mexican American Heritage" by East Los Angeles high school teacher Carlos Jimene...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 05:18:00 PST

Fidel Castro

"History Will Absolve Me" ~ Fidel Castro   ...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:31:00 PST

Viva Fidel

49 years ... as a Against Imperiali$m   ...1959-2008 ...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:28:00 PST


Zapatista Army of National Liberation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search.. start content --> The flag of the EZLN. The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejérci...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:29:00 PST

The Federal Reserve

..> ZEITGEIST - The Federal Reserve The Movie Body: (1-5) (2-5) (3-5) (4-5) (5-5) ..>...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 10:10:00 PST


Riverside County, CA I woke up feeling sick this morning with a dry itchy throat and a migraine. As I was going out I noticed these long cloud like trails across the sky that weren't disappearing (che...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 09:00:00 PST


Illuminati is a name that refers to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, it refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment era secret society founded in the late e...
Posted by MIKE 18ST. PILSEN CHITOWN REVOLUTION IS NOW on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 08:43:00 PST