Other writers and people living in Melbourne who are interested in attending meetings.
Some of our members include:
Edward Burger is best known for his performance poetry, but he also writes on page poetry, prose, short stories, novels, makes zines, does graphic design and is an actor. He is seriously awesome.
Jo Mundy is a twenty something zinester brat who writes poems and stuff. She's performed at the Melbourne Writers Festival and Midsumma. Check out www.myspace.com/loveanarchistpress for more of her work.
Antony Riddell is a funny guy. His latest book, 'A turnip in a shape of a human' is published by Seaview Press who carry the following description: 'Something is stealing the world’s archaeological treasures. What is the involvement of the sinister shaman (or something) Zoo-Loft? Set on the border of South Australia and Victoria.' You can find more of his work at www.seaviewpress.com.au/
Shelley O'Reilly is a writer, poet, teacher and academic who tells a damn good yarn. She has published a short story collection called 'Dying for beauty' as well as the poetry zines 'Poesy' 1 - 6. You find more descriptions of her work at www.myspace.com/loveanarchistpress
Rebecca Louise used to organise the 'Kitty Sessions' - a very hip event featuring all women spoken word artists and performers. She is currently completing her Masters in film studies, and a collection of her poetry and prose called 'Lush' was released last year through Loveanarchist Press. She is also one of the nicest people you could ever meet. Seriously, you should write her fan mail.
PanMan is famous for drinking out of pans. He is also terribly funny. Sometimes he and Eddy Burger perform together as a comedy duo to rule all other comic genuises. He is a writer, an actor, a poet, a novelist, and a general all round superstar. His real name is a secret that has haunted generations.
Dianne Millett is a rockstar occultist who writes poems and other stuff and generally makes magic happen. But she'll bite your balls/other bits off if you call her a hippy.
Michael Reynolds is an idiot. He also writes quite well. He's been organising the Passionate Tongues reading for longer than you can remain drinking and standing up.
Maurice McNamara is an enigma who writes naughty poems that will scare the crap out of your grandmother. He's also helped organise Overload and stuff like that.
Gayle Reynolds is a poet who likes to sing, get naked and you know, read poetry. Possibly not all at the same time...unless you ask nicely.
Lesley Hall is a super-cool super-human with super-powers. She writes stuff like poems and plays and short stories.
Marg Vandeleur wrote a book called 'The Catch' which was published by Penguin. She likes dogs and gardening.