THE CURiOSiTiES profile picture


chance makes a plaything of a man's life

About Me

.. HTTP-EQUIV="keywords" C.."Curiosities Wierd weird freaks music butthole surfers jesus lizard fuck you shit pee bukkake satan sex weed dope eat pussy ass blow job milf rock black sabbath ozzy new orleans louisiana myspace youtube animal beastiality smoke acid pot lsd prescription rx trance anal buttholes fire-crotch cream pie trannies devil gangsta psychedelic disco biscuits death faces images video mp3 panties cheerleader pigtails nfl nba xbox 360 cheats saints katrina st. bernard flood crackhead chalmette mandeville circus oddities freon algebra help college application jobs loans credit download videos mpeg jpeg divx harry potter star wars comic book kirkman walking zombie dead jolie pitt cruise katie holmes suri shiloh akc ukc legal drug drugs porn boobies titties ghetto latin licking lesbian ps3 evil dead sam raimi horror midget down syndrome retard swardson spiderman stephen king balls licker cunt microsoft sony rockstar a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0"
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The Curiosities new video!!!
Dance of the Dopesick - just added! 10/11/06
^The Ejaculate Conception ^From The First Book of Shiloh... Chapter 31 Verse 9And it was, that the Great Storm Katrina bore down on the township of New Orleans, striking terror in the hearts of the rich and the destitute alike. Many fled the township in fear of the Great Storm's wrath. Those who could not flee took shelter in the Great Temple, the SuperDome. Thousands crowded the Great Temple, as the Temple's wall's were mighty and provided the many with a feeling of security.Verse 13And so it happened, that Katrina's fury was unleashed on the township on the twenty-ninth day, Eighth month, of the year Twenty hundred and Five. And great terror came from the sky, destroying the township of New Orleans and it's surrounding villages.Verse 18Whereas, near the Lake of Pontchartrain, there stood a shaman's temple that held within it's walls the frozen seed of the Daemons TomCat and BradGelina. The floodwaters destroyed the temple, releasing the seed held captive in ice into the township. The Daemon seed joined within the unclean water. This was the moment of the Ejaculate Conception, where the First Incarnation of Suri called Herself into beingVerse 20The Lord Suri rose into the sky above the Lake of Pontchartrain and called forth the Curiosities fom it's waters. The Firstborn was the Prophet Merrick. Second was Richard Swallower, the Infidel. Third was The Gorgon. Fourth was O-Ek, the Unclean Spirit. Last the Lord called forth the Six heralds of the Apocalypse. The Curiosities were then given the charge of going forth and spreading the Good News of the Lord's arrival.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
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My Interests


Member Since: 9/7/2006
Band Members: DJ WuthaFuk- B-Boy Bukkake-Merrick "Cunty" McCumdumpster - Richard "Dick" Swallower (R.I.P.)- The Gorgon -The Six Heralds of the ApocalypseO-EK -The Unclean SpiritLeft to Right:Dj Wuthafuk/The Gorgon/B-boy Bukkake
Influences: butthole surfers, bad brains, jesus lizard, the cramps, john waters, the cows, black flag, david lynch, dead kennedys, ministry, the church of the subgenius, the church of satan, the church of christ, Ingmar bergman, charles bukowski, the church of latter day saints, church's chicken, hall & oates, black sabbath, Federico Fellini, karen carpenter, Pazuzu, mahalia jackson, velvet underground, the ramones, new york dolls, michelangelo antonioni, hawkwind,Iggy Pop and The Stooges, monty python, david bowie, roky erikson,quintron, ed hall (austin), nut, nipples of isis, graveyard rodeo, soilent green, eyehategod, olivia newton john, abba, Dario argento, king crimson, boredoms, Jim Jarmusch, crash worship, extra action marching band, edgar degas, george romero, ruins, van halen, tom waits, stanley kubrick, marilyn manson, Lucio Fulci, the germs, sex pistols,
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Record Label: contact high productions
Type of Label: Indie