a Music = passion* Film* God* Social Justice* Technology* Speak English-Live Latin!
First...ummmm, I DON'T need any "dates" I'm good, thanks. Ok, the Creative, Artistic, Underdogs, Intellectuals, Timeless. Anyone I can learn something New from and anyone that can make me LAUGH :) The "Doers" not the "Sayers". I HATE!:Negative people, Haters, Downers, Jealous & Irrational people & The Levelers:"who attempt to bring down, pull down, ruin, reduce you, to equalize.."..sometimes these people r your family
Darth Vader being a jerk
*I am a Music Aficionado* Hip Hop* Pop* Rock*
Idiocracy*Love Actually* Training Day* All About Eve* Girlfight* Wedding Crashers* King Kong* Purple Rain* Swingers* March of The Penguins* Thank you For Smoking* Kung Fu Hustle* Fight Club* Secretary* The Usual Suspects*The Cell* Team America:World Police* Maria Full of Grace* ...and many more
I loved Kid Nation!;p* E!* Comedy Central* A&E* SiTV* BET* VH1* MTV Music* HGTV* TBN (on Sundays)*
The Bible* "Green Eggs and Ham" and "The Sneetches" (both by Dr.Seuss)