"Addressing the real issues of crime, poverty, animal abuse, ignorance, greed, and man's lust for violence is far too daunting a task for most people and so we blame the dogs for our societal ills" ~ Karen Delise
"It is hard to fight a battle against fear when your only tools are fact and truth" ~ Gary Goeree
"To err is human, to forgive, canine" ~ Author Unknown
"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear.
What one fears one destroys." ~ Chief Dan George
"The time is always right to do what is right." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~ Immanual Kant
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." ~ Unknown
Ontario's BILL 132 is a province wide amendment to the Dog Owners' Liability Act, is breed specific, not deed specific, and supports the Animals for Research Act. Bill 132 affects all breeds of dog and all dog owners in Ontario, not just pit bull type dogs. Any breed of dog can be added at anytime. Bill 132 will send thousands of innocent dogs to be euthanized or to research facilities. The police have been given the right to enter your home and remove your dog at any time. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) will not improve public safety, only generic dangerous dog legislation, education and awareness will. Bill 132 discriminates against every responsible dog owner in Ontario and is bad law.
Breed Specific Legislation is a law that targets individual dogs based solely on their breed, and not their actions (dog "breeds" have no more scientific basis than do human "races"). Statistics show that more than 99% of all dogs, from all breeds, are never involved in attacks at any time during their lives. This means that people who support breed specific laws are people who agree with punishing more than 99% of innocent people and dogs, based on the actions of a tiny number of negligent dog owners.
The Liberal government of Ontario has shown blatant disrespect for democracy by passing the pit bull ban. Like a dangerous, not a democratic government, the Liberals are promoting prejudice and denying innocent until proven guilty. Sweeping search and seizure powers have been legislated against ALL dog owners. The pit bull ban punishes and brands good pit bull owners and adds to the media-generated fear of the breed. Non-breed specific legislation can alleviate all problems caused by irresponsible dog ownership and would save lives. Thousands of pit bulls in shelters will die as a direct result of the pit bull ban, and tens of thousands of pit bull owners with good dogs will be forced to comply with bad law. Countless taxpayer dollars will be tied up in the courts. And for no good reason. Help stop the pit bull ban and promote responsible dog ownership - visit www.brok.ca and get the facts.
Everyone AGAINST Breed Specific Legislation
Breed specific bans give the public a FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY. Better dog legislation could solve the problem of all bad dogs. STOP THE POLITICS. SAVE LIVES. STOP THE BAN. www.brok.ca
Gandharvas - The First Day Of Spring
Bully - It's The Pits
The Dogs Who Found Me