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Dear Reader...

About Me

I'm tall and slightly anhedonic at the moment. It's a good word, look it up. A friend gave it to me. The word that is, not the anhedonia. I expect it to pass in good time.I do stupid voices for a living. Seriously. I'm very good at stupid voices. I'm the voice of all kinds of things, from air-fresheners to Bob the Builder's friends. I recently started doing stupid voices on stage without a script, which is a bit like waking up to find a tarantula on your face; you get over the initial shock quite quickly but it's always gonna be hairy.I am, like many people my age, a bit broken. But at least I know that I am. And only a bit.Enjoy.

My Interests

Anything that flies. Improvised comedy. Movies. Cake. Good company. Video games that don't beep. The art of car control. Unexpected kindness. Bravery as opposed to fearlessness.


I give mean karaoke. I can destroy Spandau Ballet's "GOLD" like few men on Earth. Respek is due.


It's a difficult thing to pick your favourite movie, which is why people always avoid the question by listing ten. I however, have a method. I declare that my favourite movie must by definition be the one I've seen the most. In which case, it's Aliens by James Cameron. Not the best movie ever made, but quite possibly the best sequel, which will do me.


Boston Legal. Deadwood Series 1. Lost (but it's wearing pretty bloody thin). Battlestar Galactica. Seriously looking forward to Dexter, new from HBO.


Please recommend an excellent book I can fail to get 'round to. I'll try, but I make no promises. In the meantime, you should try "You're a bad man Mister Gum" by north London genius and hairy man Andy Stanton.


Jonathan Livingston Seagull.