Smiling, Baking, writing stuff down on paper with a pen not on a computer yuck. Watching the world go by. GIN. Red Bull. Green and Blacks milk chocolate. my duvet.
People called Pippa mainly. Also nice people wot smell nice and have good teeth. And Will Ferrell. And Julie Andrews. And Dr Karl, obviously. And Michael Palin but I met him once and he was scared with how much i loved him.
Dan Bern, Folk, Country and Western. James Taylor is good for my soul, as are the Dixie Chicks. I think Fairport Convention are very superdooper. I have been listening to old mix tapes made by boyfriends as well. They amuse me greatly. Oh the memories!
Anchorman!!! "What's that, Baxter? You ate a whole wheel of cheese? I'm not even angry. I'm impressed!" HA! If you ever meet me I promise that phrase will come out of my mouth. Ghostbusters 1 & 2. The Wedding Singer. Back to the Future (all parts). I like happy films. I don't like guns or blood.
I've given up until i can think of a reason I should sit on my ass for even more hours of the day.
"You're a Bad Man, Mr Gum" by Andy Stanton "Dr Feggs Nasty book for Boys and Girls" by Michael Palin and Terry Jones, "Girlfriend Annual 1965" "The People's Friend Annual" from so long ago there is an advert for Robinsons Jam wiv the bad things we ain't supposed to talk about
Victoria Wood, The Big Yin, Ringo Starr, John Cleese and Michael Palin. Will Ferrell and my dad. he fell of a boat once. Go to for photographic evidence.