Stuart Goldsmith profile picture

Stuart Goldsmith

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Stuart Goldsmith ran away from the circus in the late nineties, and has since worked as an actor and street-performer. He is now Britain's second prettiest new stand-up comedian, combining spanking punchlines with dangerous charisma and disarming honesty. He looks forward to the day when his perpetually-youthful "Michael J Fox" man-boy looks start to get a little bit creepy.He lives in London, and drives to gigs all over the place in a small car.If you have a right door-hinge nut and bolt for a 1999 Polo Saloon, please get in touch.

My Blog

Hot lips and hot wheels

Went to Torture Garden last Saturday night.  Less a fetish club, more of a fetish-themed fancy dress party, but there's plenty to pop your eyes if you look for it.  eg lots of people doing ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:09:00 GMT