Right, well I'm a 23 year old lyricist slash //// singer from Brightonish, I've written forever, well, since I could write, it's the best way of getting stuff out that otherwise wouldn't make much sense, well I think so anyway and I'm generally right!! I write a lot about myself and my experiences, situations I've managed to get in, that kind of thing, I think deeply about things that to most people are pretty random, lifes twists and peoples judgements on others are a major inspiration, these things all come together and fly around my head 'til i write them out, otherwise I'll probably explode or something, so you see I have to do this!!Anyway I hope you're liking what's up at the moment, let me know what you think, good or bad it's all valid as long as it's constructive, also if you've not added me, add me, it makes me look popular!! That's about it really, if you want to know more you can message me if you like, give the tracks a listen!!! stay excellently fluffy........................The images below were all created by the warped genius, Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (Francisco Goya), a true inspiration and legend.........xxxx MySpace Layouts @ http://www.freeuniquelayouts.com/ - Movie Layouts - Music Layouts - More MySpace Layouts! - MySpace Tools