Laffoleys Odyssey is a film about 64 year old artist and inventor Paul Laffoley. He works in a small windowless room, filled with books and art where he invents futuristic machines depicted in colorful and intensely detailed paintings. A self-imposed hermit who paints obsessively and who has far fetched ideas can easily be dismissed and deemed crazy. Could he be a modern day da Vinci so ahead of his time that hes misunderstood? And if so, what if Paul Laffoley is never discovered?
To some Laffoleys work is incomprehensible -- diagrams of color and symbols, while for others, he represents some of the most advanced thinking of our time. Could he fall through the cracks of a world that is not ready to comprehend his ideas? Galileo was ridiculed when he proposed that the earth was not the center of the universe. When Einstein was thinking of his first great theory, he was working as a patent clerk and physicists ignored him calling his ideas "crazy." Are some of the most eccentric and seemingly crazy people those with the ultimate capacity to think beyond?