ROERMOND HARDCORE profile picture



About Me

Roermond Hardcore lives! And that's everybody who builds, supports, helps, organizes or otherwise contributes to the hard(core) music scene in and around Roermond (the Netherlands). Keep up the good work! Among those people are off course the bands and affiliates below.
Visit this page to keep yourself updated with news, shows and other events in and around Roermond and shows and info regarding Roermond's hardest.
If you have any information that should be up here or wish to get in contact otherwise send an email to:
[email protected]
BANDS - - - -
ALLIES AND AFFILIATESMass Movement (Dutch Chapter)
Muziekpraktijk Eigenwijs - Rehearsel/recording/jams
Holy Wood Skateshop - Best sk8wear (Heerlen, NL)
De Azijnfabriek - Venue a.k.a. The Moshfactory
Stichting Molenrock - Concert organisation
OJC The Curve - Great venue for HC shows.
Creepshow Radio - HC/Metal radiostation.
Sophie's Pub - Great Pub in R'mond.
Café de Kade - Cool café @ the Roer-river
Ripper Bookings - Hardcore/metal booking agency
for info: [email protected] or
[email protected]

Verona Beach update || Wednesday March 19th 2008
Verona Beach is going on tour!!
Macbeth Dominance Tour fueled by Jägermeister w:/ Chiraw,So Called Celeste and Verona Beach.
with 12 awsome shows planned all over the NL this tour will be one to come and dance to!
Far From Passive update || Wednesday March 19th 2008
Far From Passive has almost finished recording their 1st demo. This demo is recorded at Eigenwijs Muziekstudio in Roermond, Strength Above All and Anger Alliance also recorded their demo there.
keep updated for the release of the FFP DEMO
Strength Above All update || Monday December 24th 2007
Friday january the 18th Strength Above All will be playing a show with the legendary Shattered Realm from the USA.
Other cool bands that will play at this show will be, Nasty (be) and Disloyal, the show is in the Fenix in Sittard and the doorsale is only 10€ so be there!!
Far From Passive update || Sunday December 16th 2007
On friday january the 11th Far From Passive will play their first international show, they will hit the stage in Gladbeck City, located in the mighty ruhr area(Germany) with Disloyal, some more cool local acts, and the local heroes: In Full Strength, check the flyer for more information
And yet another show is added to the Far From Passive schedule:
They will share the stage with the awsome female hardcore band Siren and their friends in Lose The Light
All this will happen on Saturday January the 19th at Café Bluff in Heerlen,
Also some cool news flash is to announce that their plan for recording a demo is finally leaving the ground, we'll keep you updated!!
Anger Alliance added to Monsters of Mosh II || Juli 03, 2007
Next to Strength Above All who were already confirmed, Anger Alliance will also play at the Monsters of Mosh fest in on september 8th in Dynamo Eindhoven which will be headlined by the legendary Cold As Life. Also playing will be Human Demise, Enemy Ground, Disturb (FR) en many others.
Far From Passive found new bassplayer || Juli 02, 2007
Far From Passive has found a new drummer and bassplayer for the coming months focus on writing some killer new mosh/beatdown tracks which will be recorded somewhere in 2008.
Rising-Tide/BloodTrial split CD out now!! || May 15, 2007
The newborn Roermond label Villa Optima is proud to announce the release of the BloodTrial/Rising Tide split CD. 8 songs of pure hardcore, with BloodTrial being more mosh and hatefull and Rising Tide taking the more melodic and emotional side. Check it out! For ordering or info contact Mass Movement (Dutch Chapter)
Strength Above All hitting France || April 04, 2007
Later this year Strength Above All will be part of the TFU-crew weekend tour with Disturb (Marseille, FR) where the two bands will be hitting Eindhoven, Belguin (tba), Lyon (FR) and one more date in France.
Verona Beach releases EP || January 27, 2007
Verona Beach has released their long awaited EP with 3 brandnew massive tracks full of drama, harmony and aggresion. Check their myspace page for more info and sound!!
ROERMOND HARDCORE SHOWSCheck out the calender below for shows in the Roermond area and shows by bands from in and around Roermond.

My Interests
