Astrology, Spiritual transformation, movies, music, singing, reading, travel, Waking Down in Mutuality...
Astrologers, Healers, Philosphers, Lovers of life and Truth!
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Anything that brings me to tears or allows me to feel with the artist!
There's so many!!!...And it depends on what mood I'm in. But I really like The Matrix, Powder, The Last Sumarai, Everafter, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hotel Rwanda, X-Men, TransAmerica, Crash and many more.
I like to watch movies, but I do dig Medium, the 4400 and Dead Zone.
Most anything about astrology - especially Steven Forrest's work, "Your Endless Awakenings: The Self You Didn't Want to Realize" by Ted Strauss, "Radical Honesty" by Brad Blanton, Harry Potter
Those courageous enough to seek the Truth, Steven Forrest, Neo, Gandolf, Waking Down folk, the Dalai Lama