Myspace Layouts at / Wolf
Siberian Huskies come from the Chuckchi tribe in Northern Siberia. We are the closest domesticated animal to the wolf. We are(Queen Sibe and my Princesses)Mother and Daughters. We are very attached to our furless mom whom we have been with for 8 & 9 years. Cooper(Lil Bitty)who always tries to de-throne me, Cyndee(Cinnibear)who is in a den of her own & Me, Baily(Queenie)who rules. Their father, Aspen(the King),lives with our furless dad. We live in separate dens now but visit each other often. Our furless dad has another Husky named Heidi(Princess in training), she comes to play with us too. We have 2 furless brothers. One is married and lives in Texas, we don't see him much but get to awoo woo at him some. Our other brother returned from Iraq in Sept 2007, we were soooooo excited to see him. It had been 15 months, wayyyy too long!What is your name? Baily, Cyndee, Cooper
What is your owner's name? LaNita ( Queen Bee)
Do you have any nicknames? Queenie, Cinibear, Lil Bitty
Which breed are you? Siberian Huskies
What is your birthday? 2/12/99, 2/13/00, 2/13/00
Do you live with other animals? We are a Mother / Daughter pack
How much do you weigh? 55, 70, 50
Are you neutered? Female here- Spayed
What is your favorite treat? Beggin Strips, Milk Bones
What are you most afraid of? Thunder, Fireworks, Hot Air Balloons
Do you like baths? We love the river and we have a wading pool
How much did you cost? Mother- $300/ Daughters- Free/ Unconditional Love- Priceless
Where do you sleep? Wherever we want
What is your favorite toy? Neon Color Tennis Balls
Do you like to watch TV? Animal Planet
Do you do any tricks? We sing, Cinibear gives ya paw and we all sit and lie down
Are you a social dog? We will show you where the money/jewels are hidden
Are you friendly? If you think a nose to the crotch is friendly
Do you like car rides? Woo Hoo- Roll down the windows
Do you get into stuff? That must be why mom always says "Leave It"
Do you chase laser pointers? Will someone tell us how to catch the darned dot?