I have created a new My Space. If you wish to be my friend, please look for me under the display name "Carnival Couture" instead of this account. I will be closing this account soon! Thanks!
Hey dolls! I just wanted to know that I going to designing my own line of clothing! Everything will be one of kind! My new line is called "Carnival". I will re-invite everyone on my friends list to My Space once my page is set up! I am very excited about designing! The look is electic and will be haute couture, avant garde, emo, vintage, fantasy inspired. I do not have a specific date as to when my designs will be up for auction on ebay. It will be sometime on the end of October or the beginning of November. As of now, I whipping out my sewing machine and creating some creative (and oooohh sooo time consuming) designs. Keep an eye out for my invite soon!