Agony Machine profile picture

Agony Machine

i TAught the killing gAme

About Me

Im Rob..either You hate me or i may gross You out? depends on You?? I was conceived on date rape and LSD... either im infamous, or wannabe infamous?..either way... You may never know?...either way...come and stay a while...i wont bite...too hard...i wont make You vomit..too much...i wont make You fel horrible just maybe bored....any or either way, the midwest is so boring: cow tipping, pot smoking, psychologyical trauma's, OD's, degradtion? resigntion? fuck? it really sux. either way its just another shit ..
Name: r0b...Mother fuckers:)
Birthday: Aug 1st 85
Birthplace: Kansas a jayhawker...means people from kansas
Current Location: Kansas city
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: black
Height: 6 foot
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: German and Cherokee
The Shoes You Wore Today: sexy ones
Your Weakness: Leggs:)
Your Fears: paranoid shitzophrenia
Your Perfect Pizza: Anchovies and pepperoni:) yum
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: move out
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: i dunno...literally
Thoughts First Waking Up: god i need a shower
Your Best Physical Feature: my face
Your Bedtime: 5 am
Your Most Missed Memory: i have alot:(
Pepsi or Coke: JOLT COLA!!!!!
MacDonalds or Burger King: I HATE FAST FOOD
Single or Group Dates: single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: either or
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: coffee coffee coffeee
Do you Smoke: Yes alot
Do you Swear: Fucking christ i do, You fucking cunt!
Do you Sing: Yes..kind ov
Do you Shower Daily: depends
Have you Been in Love: im a hopeless romantik
Do you want to go to College: i already am!
Do you want to get Married: yea:/
Do you belive in yourself: no.. im a peice ov shit
Do you get Motion Sickness: only on the ocean
Do you think you are Attractive: sometimes...
Are you a Health Freak: i dont like to eat alot?
Do you get along with your Parents: yea my parents are the best..seriously...they rock!!
Do you like Thunderstorms: they turn me on
Do you play an Instrument: piano and drums
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: im drinking right now!
In the past month have you Smoked: yea ov course
In the past month have you been on Drugs: maybeee....
In the past month have you gone on a Date: uhmm...not really
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: nope
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: i wish!
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: sort ov..;/
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no its fucking cold outside!
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: naa
Ever been Drunk: yes! god damnit
Ever been called a Tease: yes~*~*~
Ever been Beaten up: nope
Ever Shoplifted: yes some stockings:)~~
How do you want to Die: i want to be fucked in the ass with a knife then my mouth
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Coroner, Embalmer, patheologist assistant
What country would you most like to Visit: germany, japan, canada, austrailia,
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: green or blue
Favourite Hair Color: anything thats sexy
Short or Long Hair: depends
Height: not short
Weight: not bigger than me!
Best Clothing Style: depends on my mood
Number of Drugs I have taken: jesus christ its ALOT
Number of CDs I own: used to be alot til some got stolen
Number of Piercings: 12
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: alot of things
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Your Personality Is Like Heroin
You're capable of the highest highs and the lowest lows.
Addicted to feeling good, you'll do almost anything to avoid pain.
People seek you out, even though you can be quite moody. They're hooked on you! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
Buried at

My Interests

Industrial, Black metal, Goth rock, Electronik, Trance, Noize, Audio Terrorizm, BDSM, Fetishes, Peircings, Pain, Agony, Machinery, Sorrow, Blank thoughts, awful senses ov security, sleep, talking, makeup, dead things, things that look dead,

I'd like to meet:

oooh i dont know...i like to meet ineresting people...people who are in snuff films,dominatrix's,drug dealers, jesus?..fuck i dont know, Take the quiz:
What Is Your Kink?

Pain is your thing. You probably are tattooed or pierced, or enjoy giving tattoos or piercings. You use unusual objects as sex toys. In the bedroom, you're wild and untamed! Your motto is Hurts so good!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Damn right...!!! they dont call me a sexxxy whore for nothing :)


Skinny Puppy, Genitorturers, bile, nitzer Ebb, VAC, ::W::, gg allin, old manson, old stuff?...suicide commando, hanzel und gretyl, synths...funker vogt, KMFDM, children ov bodom, zeromancer, pigface, ministry, Decoded Feedback,zeromancer, Klute, leaether strip, Razed in black, Hocico, Ministry, projekt pitchfork, bauhaus, christian death, with Rozz,....misfits, alot more and more and more and more and more and angry mother fucking KILL Your fucking family music ...why dont you ask me??


good movies, scary movies, movies that make you feel scared and aroused at the same time:) movies with emotion, movies without fads, movies that are timeless, movies that dont sell You pepsi, or cell phones, movies with life,...and death:)..mostly death....and graphik violence


i dont watch TV much, except for Adult Swim,


mostly Poppy Z bryte, non fiction about Mortuary science, some stephen king, dean kuntz, whatever catches my interest. but they say TV is twice as fast...?


I envy no man.....maybe betty page?~*~

My Blog

Agonize Desensitize, Extra Sensory Deprivation, Agony Machine, Tara Sttabbed Him

so im tweaking my skills, minus the tweak, music is a regular excercise program for me along with regular healthful bursts of pot smoke to revolutionize the industrial industry information super highw...
Posted by Agony Machine on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 02:58:00 PST

So many opprotunity's so little Talent....

so what do i do?...everyone nowadays doesnt seem to have that edge, that thing that sets them apart, we're all one big pile of myspace integrated shit ...maybe i need to get out more?'s hard to ...
Posted by Agony Machine on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 01:41:00 PST


I gotta Kitty kat named MortikI!
Posted by Agony Machine on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:30:00 PST


whatever that follows, wherever it leads. synth reality, we all must breath. tomorrow forgotten, presence uplifted. animated advert, public dillusion. whatever follows, dont look back, dont scream for...
Posted by Agony Machine on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 10:26:00 PST


Sometimes i just dont get it, my karma meter must be uber fuckt or something. when things start to turn lovely, it always switches around so quickly, from good to bad, and bad to worse, from worse to ...
Posted by Agony Machine on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 11:21:00 PST

time to die.

the end ov the world is coming, i cant wait to say goodbye.
Posted by Agony Machine on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 05:15:00 PST


ever have that feeling that life's a bore? not just life in general but certain aspects sure? i dunno this sux,
Posted by Agony Machine on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 06:30:00 PST

muther fuckaaa

jesus its been a while... i ghave a job an apt, i cut my fukkin hair, it looks god awfull.....and im sick...i tihnk its mono? i dunno tho, i hope its a bad chest cold but my kidneys hurt and i fel lik...
Posted by Agony Machine on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 09:58:00 PST

In-deuce Your vomit!-

sometimes i wonder, i wonder if i'm going insane sometimes.. how things just dont seem to go my way...hard to explain, i'm still packing my things for going back home..i cannot wait i'm leaving for it...
Posted by Agony Machine on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 12:46:00 PST

1st blogg a ma jig!!

well...heres my first blog...i wanna say thanx to all my close friends adding me and the new ones i am meeting.. i wish i could have my top 100! instead ov top 8... either way dont get uppity if Your ...
Posted by Agony Machine on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 06:07:00 PST