Many, though I think this somewhat simplistic headings have summarized the majority of them. Particularly Acting and appreciating acting (either on screen or stage) but I love being with the boys (and girls, if not more so) and chillin like a villian.
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God, nice people, Mark Chopper Read, Kosta Zsiu (forgive the spelling), Ned Kelly, Stepehen King, Dean Koonz, Bret Easton Ellis, Thomas De Quincy, William Blake, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Monet, Piccasso, Salvador Dali, Steve Carroll, Will Ferrell, Lewis Carroll, Jack the Ripper (just to see who he was and all that), Shannon Noll, Mark Latham, Sean Penn, Sylvester Stallone, Jack Nicolson, Clint Eastwood, Wes Craven, John Jarrett, Bob Marly, Beethoven, Mozart, Mahatma Ghandi, Malcolm X, Hugh Jackman, Heath Ledger, Martin Luther King. Dita Von Teese, Ivanka Trump, Jennifer Hawkins, Adriana Lima, Miranda Kerr, Jenna Jameson (I actually have quiet a fondness for her and would find it interesting to have a conversation with her), Scarlett Johansson.mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" src=" 07001403&aid=64569"
From Classical to Metal (My favourite form of music) from jazz to country (Johnny Cash) and even a side of rap on the odd occasion (gasp). These include in no particular order: Slipknot, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Arch Enemy, Alice in Chains, Fear Factory, Cannibal Corpse, Soufly, Sepultura, Pantera, Nine Inch Nails, Limpbizkit, Korn, Smashing Pumpkins, Tea Party (though I havent heard that much I very much like what I have heard), Johnny Cash, Elvis, Phil Collins, Genesis, Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wagner, Coldplay, The Doors, AC/DC, Talking Heads, Muse, John Coltrane, B.B King, Eminem, Fifty Cent, EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING COMPADRE.
Considering I want to be an actor and an accomplished director (probably directing BEFORE acting) my favourite films are as plentiful as they are unique from one another. From talented directors from around the globe - from Mike Figgis, Oliver Stone, Jim Jarmsch, Quentin Tarantino (earlier work) through to Greg Akari, Michael Mann, Wes Craven, Tobe Hoope and Eli Roth and I have just recently seen my first John Waters film which has quickly become my favourite film ("A Dirty Shame" - anyone who hasnt seen it absolutely must, its as tasteless as it is great) and director, good show John old boy.
My favourite genre is that of Horror (and I feel admiration for the newest trend of young horror directors such as Alexander Aja director of the absolutely great "Hills Have Eyes" remake, I certainly look forward to seeing the sequel come out in March, even though it's not him directing. And of course "Silent Hill" is still my favourite horror film.) though as you can guess I love all genres notably Comedy (the best comedy is usually the darkest such as the aformentioned John Waters and the Coen Brothers - though there latest work sucks more than a godfreys vacuum cleaner) and Drama/Thriller.
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Mainly crime (as If acting fails I want to be a homicide detective in America) specifically - The CSI's (CSI: NY used to be my favourite but each has its own winning attributes for example CSI the original has an all-great likeable cast whilst CSI: MIAMI has David Caruso - the fuckin man). Also LAW AND ORDER (whilst I find it pretty poorly directed has charasmatic, if somewhat fading, actors and interesting stories) the original, SVU and my favourite of course - CRIMINAL INTENT (which isnt as good as it could be). And also "First 48" on 11 30 on Wed, Channel Seven, which follows homicide detectives in the first 48 hours of a case, its mad shit and makes me want to be homicide so much more. Finally, "Curb your enthusiasm" (Larry Davids the irritable yet likeable writer/producer of Seinfield and his hilarious fictionalized life) and "League of Gentlemen" - the english are the best at comedy and prove so here in this unashamedly black humour series, great stuff. I have and always will love cartoons never the wussy lets-make-learning fun but the more shamelessley brutal cartoons of Warner Brothers onwards, cartoon violence is the beginning of it all. My two favourite being "Courage the Cowardly Dog" and "Family Guy". "Courage the Cowardly Dog" is one of my favourite television shows because I always enjoy works that are have a childish, disarming pretense but evolve into something very dark and macarbe (such as "Nightmare before Christmas"). Courage constantly battles the most dastardly, utterly evil villains and finds himself in the most surreal and vile of situations (I'll never forget the episode with the evil hampster travelling salesman who abducts his owners and does experiements on him, or especially when Ednas nephew the physcotic hairdresser traps Courage in the toilet. His smile is so horrfying.) "Family Guy" is a great television show because it runs into where others fear to tread, making the most low-brow tasteless jokes and all the while being utterly hilarious. Whilst I've found Americans cant seem to "do" parodys etc such as the English (the masters of comedy) can, they can certainly make some really lewd, excellent cartoon shows that leave you howling with laughter after the umpeenth viewing. Brian and Quagmire are my favourite characters.
My passion for reading was spawned by my parents own insistance upon cherishing the written word, my first serious attempts at reading (and subsequently writing my own work) began with yank horror great Stephen King.
From there I read books by Hunter S. Thompson, Dean Koonz, Jeffrey Deaver (writer of "The Bone Collector" who I once met and proved to be a mad bastard of a bloke), Lewis Carroll, Dickens, Poetry by Burkowski and Bret Easton Ellis (writer of controversial classic "American Physco"). I have also just been given a new Robert Ludlum novel, I havent read one of his works in years and I've found he's actually improved with age, which is a big shock as most writers seem to dwell into being blissfully sold out in their old age - look at Steve King for one.
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Many - forgiver me for being cliche but of course one cannot deny the existance of hero family members and close friends (they know who they are). Amongst others would be Hugh Jackman, Mark Latham (the bastard stood up to the entirety of parliament and had a go), Heath Ledger, Slipknot, Alice in Chains, Charles Burkowski, Hunter S Thompson, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Truman Capote, Oscar Wilde, Anthony Burgess, H.G Wells.
Amongst others.
And my pet, its my favourite animal - The Timber Wolf. YES MAN!
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