peOpLe, musiC, mOviEs, bLinG bLiNgs!!!, cAndY mAgz, cArs, doLce aNd gAbaNa (LovE the smeLL,,,), pArtY, giGs, tRaveL,...
nEw peOPLe,.,.,iM vEry muCh paRticuLar wiTh senSibLe tyPe of PeoPLe,,,add me up at my ym:
muSic fRom m.Y.m.P, 6 cycLe miNd, kaMiKazee, niCkELbaCk, cOLdpLay, BLack EyeD pEas, JoHn LeGenD, KanYe WeSt, MaTchBox 20, aShLee siMpsOn, puSsyCat doLLs, jLo, MariAh caRey, UsHer, Ne-Yo, PhaReLL wILLiaMs, oMaRion, 50 cEnt, kELLy cLarkson, goO gOo doLLs, aEroSmith, LinKin PaRk, BeYonCe knoWLes., i reaLy DiG aNy kInd of mUsic...
13 going on 30, so close, honey, rush hour (1,2), wedding planner, the perfect man, madagascar, the notebook, center stage, maid in manhattan, cradle 2:the grave, fast and the furious, 2fast 2furious, forrest gump, philadelphia, mr and mrs smith, da vinci code, xmen 3, superman, shutter, ultraviolet, sixth sense, fUn wiTh diCk anD JaNe...
MTV , MyX, HBO, AXN, GMA sHow, reaLity sHows...
TuEsDaYs WiTh MorRiE, ThE aLcHeMisT, In ThE river PiEdRa I sAt DoWn AnD wEpT
GoD, FaMiLy, FrIenDs