Stevie Saint profile picture

Stevie Saint

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

The name is Craig Martin and I'm 5'6 and weigh 160 pounds. Expect the unexpected with me, I can get very bored in life and will make fun of people, things, anything really (not to offend) to keep myself as well as others entertained. Nothing much to me, I'm easy going, I like girls and some like me. I'm easily approachable so if you wanna talk just come up and talk to me. Want to know anything about me, please just ask me, I have no limits and take nothing offensively nor really personally.

My Interests

wrestling, mma, friends, movies, women anything that is fun and enjoyable

I'd like to meet:

The people I would love to meet are new people because they can change and alter the person I am, could become and eventually will be. I am also a star-struck guy so guys who I admire ie. athletes, actors/actresses, etc. I think are cool and make a good story. More or less I would like to meet anyone it honestly doesn't matter who you are.


alternative/hard rock/metal and yes i love bon jovi he is a god and you are not. Rob Thomas is great and I'm not ashamed of it and yes I also like Justin Timberlake and Shakira's videos are always watch by me but I don't know a single word to a single song. got it!


Rudy/Transporter/Batman/Bond Movies/40 Year old Virgin/Wedding Crashers/Dumb and Dumber anything funny, action packed or entertaining


house/criminal minds/ultimate fighter and big brother


what's a book?


3 Words and they are Chris "F**KING" Jericho

My Blog

TAGGED - stevie's first blog

STEVIE SAINT IS TAGGED!!!! Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end choose 5 people to be tagged, list their names ...
Posted by Stevie Saint on Thu, 03 May 2007 05:24:00 PST