wrestling, mma, friends, movies, women anything that is fun and enjoyable
The people I would love to meet are new people because they can change and alter the person I am, could become and eventually will be. I am also a star-struck guy so guys who I admire ie. athletes, actors/actresses, etc. I think are cool and make a good story. More or less I would like to meet anyone it honestly doesn't matter who you are.
alternative/hard rock/metal and yes i love bon jovi he is a god and you are not. Rob Thomas is great and I'm not ashamed of it and yes I also like Justin Timberlake and Shakira's videos are always watch by me but I don't know a single word to a single song. got it!
Rudy/Transporter/Batman/Bond Movies/40 Year old Virgin/Wedding Crashers/Dumb and Dumber anything funny, action packed or entertaining
house/criminal minds/ultimate fighter and big brother
what's a book?
3 Words and they are Chris "F**KING" Jericho