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About Me

Overtly driven towards the same goal since 14, becoming that voice in the darkness that cries out something new in a sea of prosaic creations. If I ever achieve these lofty goals only the fates know, but hell, I’m having a blast on my journey. My tools are film and writing and I have sacrificed everything to pursue it. I have seen both good times and bad and would trade none of it, for all of it informs what I am. Though dark in nature I have a better understanding of the world around me, and as such wish to better it than conform to a jaded doctrine. My artistic endeavours may not be the brightest view of the world, or the least violent, for I see it how it is; but I will always acknowledge hope, for it is that spark that gives the world life.
From 2005-2006 I worked with Monster Pro Wrestling, produced DVD and television content of their product as well as produced a weekly television show entitled "MPW Madness" which aired on Access Television from October 2006-December 2006. Currently I am finalizing editing on the Todd Standing documentary "Sylvanic" as well as entering into pre-production on a fantasy/horror film that is going to be shot in February 2007.

My Blog

Torrentevil: The Blessings & Failures Of File Sharing.

Torrentevil: The Blessings & Failures Of File Sharing. In 1985 I had a cassette plunked in my hand by a co-worker and was told to listen, copy and give it away as it had been given to me. It was ...
Posted by Kenneth on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:33:00 PST

The Art Of Getting Money.... Sort Of.

The Art Of Getting Money... Sort Of. It was about the time I finished my first film that I realized that I needed more money than I had to make a movie. Up until then I had existed in a naive...
Posted by Kenneth on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 03:16:00 PST

The Benefits and Evils of Editing.

THE BENEFITS AND EVILS OF EDITING. I awoke a few days ago to realize that for the last year I have more or less been doing nothing but editing. Around May of last year I started working on outside ...
Posted by Kenneth on Mon, 29 May 2006 11:47:00 PST

Independent Film Distribution 101

As I hammer out the details of my first few blogs I wanted to post something, a few lessons I learned the hard way in the past. It's dated yes, but still pertains to what I want to be posting here, li...
Posted by Kenneth on Fri, 19 May 2006 02:37:00 PST