La Changa's Most Wanted profile picture

La Changa's Most Wanted

The Corn In My Shit

About Me

Rather than post anything about what I "like", "love", "am into" or whatever empty Laguna Beach-inspired jargon is used to convey my "preferences", let's just do a quick rundown of what I HATE/DISLIKE/ABHOR/LOATHE, in no particular hierarchy: political conservatives, social conservatives, sexual conservatives, conservatives of any other ilk, the New York Yankees, the faggotty mainstream emo-crap band called Fall Out At The AFI Disco, MTV, Real Madrid, the Bush Administration, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, whatever adoption agency that brokered Lionel Richie's adoption of Nicole Richie, the Simpson sisters, XTina's "voice", Beyoncé's angry-diva schtick, bedwetter music, Barry Bonds' melon head,
ugly people who dye their hair or find some gimmick to make them look jaded and serve as an alibi for their celibacy, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, people who can't take a joke, cancer, AIDS, MTV, reality TV, Star Jones-Reynolds, that tranny Ann Coulter and her disgusting Adam's Apple,
Log Cabin Republicans, the GOP's Black Caucus,organized religion, everything Radiohead's done after "OK Computer", middle-aged men developing a political conscience and wearing eye-liner, Green Day, airheads, adultery, child molesters, encroachment of Civil Rights, militarization, Mike Love, Tony Blair's betrayal of the Left, Puerto Rico's concert schedule, movies starring Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd at the same time, boob jobs, the use of the word "diva" to describe anybody other than Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo or María Callas, the idea that the rest of the world has caught up to the US in basketball, Don King, some unions, ethnocentrists, real racists, real homophobes, Tipper Gore, MTV, VH1 Classic's TV schedule, Joe Lieberman, ESPN Classic's TV Schedule, white men trying to speak ebonics, certain family members, abuses of power, stupidity, self-enforced lack of education, Puerto Rican insularism, pickup lines, Demi Moore's breasts, Demi Moore's acting, "Friends", chauvinism and MTV.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Thomas Hardy, Richard Wright (the novelist, not the shitty Goalkeeper), Roberto Clemente, .. Gram Parsons, D.Boon, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Sugar Ray Robinson, Satchel Paige, George Best, .. Bessie Smith, Huey Newton, Thomas Paine, Bobby Moore, John McGraw, the 1986 Mets, Hal Richman, Seka, Fyodor Dostoyesky (I'm sounding self-important now, I know), Cepillín, the Road Warriors, Janis Joplin, Bill Hicks, ..Eugene Debs, anybody who landed on Omaha Beach, any Martins or McClellans in Lansing, Michigan (please write to me if you exist!), Carlos Monzón, Otis Redding, Steve Earle, Johnny Cash, The Boss, "Freewheelin' Bob Dylan"-era Bob Dylan, whoever invented oral sex, Clarence Darrow, John Brown, Lou Reed (ignored at the VMA's by Fall Out Boy-listening airheads), Muddy Waters, Serge Gainsbourg, FDR, César Chávez, Alexander Cartwright, Steve McQueen, Rube Foster, Syd Barret, (why not?!?) Jesus Christ, the motherfucker who stole about 100 of my CD's from my apartment in Florida, and of course, my Dad, both my Grandpas, and my Grandma.I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


Not necessarily my "favorite" music, but artists that need to be mentioned, inasmuch as they are ignored by the mainstream media: Alejandro Escovedo, The Decembrists, Drive-By Truckers, Marah, The Shins, My Morning Jacket, Calexico, Todd Snider, Josh Ritter, Art Brut, Josh Rouse, the legendary Mission Of Burma (making great music again), any Elephant 6 bands, Nellie McKay, The Living Things, Brendan Benson (solo, although at least he's getting some exposure with The Raconteurs), Gomez, José González, Mew.In this installment of the Concert Series, Tom Waits does "Hoist That Rag" with the great Marc Ribot on guitar:


..In this, the initial installment of LefTV, Keith Olbermann takes the Bush Administration to task for squandering and abusing the good will and unity born out of 9-11. "May this nation forgive you, Mr. President." Fucking brilliant! Then, Olbermann refutes the Right's claim that 9-11 was Clinton's fault. Enjoy and learn!Bill Maher busts the Right's cowardly taunts of "un-patriotic" to those who expose their bullshit and outright lies:The great Conor Oberst shocks and awes Jay "Get Me Another Dorito" Leno and performs "When The President Talks To God"!!



.."Boring, boring Arsenal!!", from Charlie George to Ray Parlour to Patrick Viera and, of course, the day I became a Gunner and Marc Overmars fan.

My Blog

I'm A Mac! (I guess...)

Us humans just looove to be part of something... to belong... to have a clique, a gimmick... The fact of the matter is that, even without (consciously) knowing it, we ARE indeed part of many important...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:41:00 PST

Update on some pending issues...

I am devastated to report that the Clyde Drexler-on-Dancing With the Stars experience was actually FAR worse than what I initially feared. He was probably the worst dancer of the lot, being out-danced...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 08:09:00 PST

Ann Coulter is beyond hatred...

Yes, I admit, I've long wished with all the strength in my soul for Ann Coulter's death, preferably at the hands of a member of any one of the tens of groups of people she's wronged at one point or an...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 04:36:00 PST

The Corn In My Shit's Almost-As-Long-As-The-Telecast Oscar Blog

Was I dreaming, or did "Pan's Labyrinth", the best FILM of the year, not even win Best Foreign Film, as was its destiny???? And after a goosebump-inducing montage of all the past winners put together ...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 07:57:00 PST

A Short, Short Blog On (What Else?) Dishonest Republicans and Another Former Basketball Player

I would be remiss if I didn't devote at least a little blog space to two newsworthy issues that came up late this past week: 1) Remember when the bull-in-the-china-shop that is the Bush Administration...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 04:38:00 PST

Clyde doesn't dance... he can barely WALK!

There are two things you have to know about me... Er, there are a lot of things you have to know about me, which you'll know in due time, not including the fact that I once had sex with Anna Nicole Sm...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 06:40:00 PST

The obligatory Tim Hardaway post

"As long as you don't bring your gayness on me I'm fine" -NBA Player Shavlik Randolph "I hate gay people. I don't like to be around gay people. I'm  homophobic" -Former NBA Player Tim Hardaway "T...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:03:00 PST

These Important Years

Three things peaked in the 1980's: 1) the NBA, 2) professional wrestling, and 3) porn. These were the years when giants walked amongst puny men... The names "Jordan", "Bird", "Magic", "Flair", "Hogan"...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 04:39:00 PST

Being Puerto Rican... What's To Like/What's Not To Like?!?!

I am Puerto Rican. That is no big deal to me... I mean, I'm not ashamed of being Puerto Rican, the conduct of half of Kissimmee and South Bronx notwithstanding, but it's not like I derive a Rudolf Hes...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 06:35:00 PST

Votes = T.P.

Well, methinks that those pesky Republicans have officially abandoned any and all pretenses of coming across as champions of Democratic ideals... those same ideals that we purportedly seek to export t...
Posted by La Changa's Most Wanted on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 05:56:00 PST