Hi everyone! Its yours truely and i gotta say that this has been one hellova year so far!! I've learneed a lot about friends and loyalty, family and love...I've grown a lot as a person and I just wanna thank everyone who encouraged me to be a better woman: first off we have Shae...girl we been through some crazy things this year and the fact that your're still my best friend shows how strong our bond is...i luv u girl!(no homo..really!..lol)My family, especially my grandmother for giving me advice and keepin me focused...which is REALLY hard for me ta do...my sisters...man yall are crazy! the two of you kept me on my toes this year (belly piercings?!?wtf?!?!)and thats all i have ta say about that=)...thanks to Ty for being such a good friend to me through my trying times. You were so pacient and I appreciate you being there when I need you...and last but not least my baby C. Sherm...I know we goin through right now and I know I can be a little selfish and demanding...okay okay A LOT;) but I care about you and I just know things gone get better...we both got ambition and dreams and we keep each other together...younmake me happy...most of the time =P and I cant wait to see what we will acomplish in the future..Love ya big head! Shouts to all the people workin hard to make they dreams come true. whether you workin, in school, on ya grind, or doin whatever ya gotta do, keep at it. you hear for a purpose and even if you dont know what it is yet God has a plan and with Him all things are possible yall. Seriously, if you've tried everything else and nothing seems to work why not try Him. Things will change for the better! and remember that the harder things g4et the closer you are to your blessing! Time for me ta be out yall..DUCES!!!
...::About Me::...<3
Full Name: Stephanie Clemons
Eye Color: brown/gray/blue/green
Hair Color: black/brown
Height: 5'5
Shoe Size: 9
Ring Size: 8
Heritage: Black
Graduating Year: 2007
Birthdate: 08/26/89
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Concert: Cassidy
Best Friend: Brittany
Crush: cant say he my crush cuz he'll alwayz be my babii
Pet: a yorkshire terrier named Dolla
Sport: i watch them
...::Have You Ever::...<3
Sky Dived: i would
Bungee Jumped: i would....not
Gone out of the Country: no
Beaten Someone Up: luva nota fighta
Gotten Beat Up: same
Killed an Animal: not on purpose
Swam in the Ocean: yes
Broke the Law: call me speedy
Smoked: ...ha..ha....what???
Chewed Tobacco: ewww no
Drank: again...what????
Been Kissed: yes
Been In Love: yes
Dumped Someone: yes
Been Dumped: yes
Broken Someone's heart: ??????
Had Your Heart Broken: yes
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: yes
Broken A Bone: no
Had Surgery: yes
Had an X-ray or MRI: yes
Failed a Class: not completely
Color: anything bright
Food: fruit and chocolate
Drink: water and juice
Snack: gummie bears
Cereal: cocoa puffs
Ice Cream: cherry vanilla
Candy: twizlers
Restaurant: Chilis
Fast Food Place: toco bell
Store: micheals
Animal: is a teddy bear a animal??
Sport To Play: football or wrestling
Sport To Watch: all
Movie: anything with lots of action scary or funny o
TV Show: cartoons
Type Of Music: anything that sounds good
Band: maroon 5
Singer: lauren hill
Song: lesson learned by Alicia Keys
Pepsi or Coke: niether
Vanilla or Chocolate: either..
Cake or Ice Cream: both
McDonalds or Burger King: mickey ds
Love or Money: love
Music or TV: music
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: mom
Truck or Car: truck
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo!!...i just like saying it
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: both has its perks
Country or City: city...but im a country girl @ heart
Rain or Sunshine: i like both
...::The Opposite Sex::...<3
First Thing You Notice: eyes
Personality or Looks: outgoing and fun to be around
Hair Color: doesnt matter
Eye Color: doesnt matter
Short or Tall: doesnt matter
Romanic or Spontaneous: spontaneous
Sense of Humor or Sweet: humorous
Hook up or Relationship: depends
Feeling: bored
Listening To: chris brown with you
Wanna: go somewhere
Doing Besides Typing: on the phone
Thinking About: what ima do when i get off work
Wearing: jeans and a t
In Love: not gonna rush it
Single: not exactly
Best Friends: brittany...dutch
...::The Future::...<3
Career: i dont know...yet
Marriage: hopefully
Kids: one day
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