Anybody :) Gazette~Some of my favorit J-Rock~ ~~~~~~~bands~~~~~~~ -------1------- --2-- --3-- --4-- --5-- --6-- --7-- --8-- --9-- --10-- --11-- --12-------1. D'espairsRay 2. 12012 3. Dir En Grey 4. Alice Nine 5. Kagerou- 6. Ayabie 7. Moi Dix Mois 8. Panic Channel 9. Gackt 10. Malice Mizer 11. Hyde 12. L'Arc~en~Ciel
D'espairsRayGazetteMake me a sign and I'll put it here :]~~ThEsE PeOpLe OwN My HeArT~~~Markku! My brother Henry (2 years younger) he is my soulmate! He is the other me! I could not breathe without him! We are so much the same yet so different and everytime i am with him I have so much fun! He is one of the coolest people on this earth..better belive it!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My other brother Alex (10 years old) he is my heart! My everything! I would do anything for him and actually he listeneds to me better than anyone else..haha :] he is so full of energy and looks up to me and i will make sure to be a good example for him. i love him.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Mom and stepfather Felipe. I wouldn't survive in this world without my mom! She is the best mom I could ever have wished for and I admire her and love her so much! And Felipe he is the most amazing person in this whole world! No one is like him and don't even try to be! He puts the letter F in our family and we would be lost without him. I love my mommy and Felipe.~~~~~~My Daddy! Hahah My dad is one of the funniest people i know and yes i am a daddy's girl! But we fight so much and we are very different and he has a hard time understanding me as I him..tottaly! But he is my daddy and no one could replace him..I love him! Hehehee^.^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Janika she is My Hoto. I freakin' Love this girl! We used to hate eacother in highschool but soon became best friends. We have been through so much together and I would die if i didn't have her by my side! She is corcky and girly and I am so different from her and that is why i love her!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chris a.k.a Wifey! Chris is simply just awsome! We have such random things together and i always get a great laugh with Chris. But he is also someone i can really turn to with anything because we share so many same experiences and i can relate to him. I am so glad I got him in my life and wouldn't want him out of it! Hubbie loves her Wifeyy..ahhaha..Like Totally!!~~~~~~~~Seina!! She is my tokyo'en friend haha..she is so cool and so sweet!! I love talking to her and she is so pretty!! ^_^ One day i hope i get a chance to visit her in tokyo! I know we would have so much fun together..we get along great!! Made by: blood[&]gore-geous (Trophy Boyfriend)
Thank you so much! it rocks!My horoscopes
Myspace Zodiac Graphics
Myspace Chinese Astrlogy
Bruce Lee!!!
Jet Li
Freddy Mercury
Brian Molko
Teemu Selänne
Bikermice from Mars
Brcuce Willis!!
Eddie Murphy
---Jim Carrey---
-Bob Marley-
Michael Jackson
Teenage mutant ninja turtles