Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA profile picture

Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA


About Me

Hello, my name is Chris, I'm 20 years old, I live in Guatemala city, and I'm perfectly flawed.
My mistakes...Everything I've done has made me what I am today.
I'm not who I used to be, and I don't plan on going back.
I'm thankful I got beaten up by life so baddly, being so young,
That way I learned to accept what I can't change and fight for what is mine,
I'm a cold blooded beast, but at the same time I have a heart of gold.
I will treat you the same way you treat me.
So it's up to you to decide on which way you want to be treated.
I always look at the bright side of life and have a laugh about good and bad things.
I've learned how to deal with life by just not making things grow out of proportion.
So don't waste your time trying to put me down,because you'll fail miserably.
I'm an art freak; music, photography, design, writing are my passions along with other art forms
My goal is to make those passions a career, so far so good
Don't let my appearance fool you, and mislead you to think I'm just like another kid,
I walk at my own pace, I dance at my own beat, I will never be like everybody else,
and I couldn't be happier about it
I still believe in humanity, and that a single little action can produce a big change
Dare to make a difference, one person can change the world, and that person could be you.
Don't ever let anybody think or speak in your behalf.
The day you let that happen, you'll loose your freedom and soul.
Educate yourself, don't be another air headed imbecile,
make people respect you and inform yourself about important things.
Always fight for what you want, with strenght and perseverance,
And for once in your lifetime think outside that damn box
You will never know what you were missing unless you take a chance.
Last but not least
If you have any problems with my life choices, or points of view,
click the "home" button in the top of the page and leave.
thank you for reading.

My Interests

comments go here einstein!
click here to add comment if comment box fails

I'd like to meet:


I'm a music freak,I listen to stuff from black metal to classical music. Don't like it? don't care. Not all of us can be narrow minded douchebags, when it comes to music.


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My Blog

Jay ponko is a grotsky little byotch

So this is a blog specially made for my bestest friend Jay ponko.Why? coz I want to, douche.So to start of I want to say that we have not been friends for ever, but I plan on keeping this friendship u...
Posted by Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 07:07:00 PST


Soñé con jardines embrujados, con rosas en forma de calaveras y en lagos de sangre.Soñé que estaba despierto, soñé que estaba muerto,soñé que las puertas se habían abierto.Pasando por sus caminos,Vi c...
Posted by Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 02:07:00 PST


Empañado en cordura evaporadacon los dedos rotos y la espalda encorbadaabre sus pequeños ojos, el rey de la ignoranciaperdido en pensamientos sin sentido, y petulancia,perfectamente roto, perfectament...
Posted by Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 06:35:00 PST


El rey sentado, se ríe y rasca sus asquerosas patas,con la panza colgando; su olor atrae a las ratas,ahí se posa él, maloliente, hipócrita y mezquinouna bestia coronada por mandamiento divinocreyendo...
Posted by Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:32:00 PST


No eres nada, valiente caballerocaballo blanco, armadura de hierrotu vida no vale nadatu vida no vale nadaprepotente y hermosoferviente y pretenciosotu vida no vale nadatu vida no vale nadatu princesa...
Posted by Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA on Tue, 27 May 2008 10:20:00 PST


Vestido de algodón y telas finasUn esqueleto con vidaUna esperanza perdida,salve aventura! salve atadura!Fétido es su olor permanente,Es reconocido de entre toda la gente,bendecido por marte, escondid...
Posted by Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA on Wed, 21 May 2008 09:01:00 PST


¡Intenta!¡Levantate!¡Mira hacia el cielo!, y pide perdón.Grita hasta q tu garganta ya no aguante y vomites sangre.Pide perdón maldito bastardo, hijo de la perdición y el olvido,hijo de la blasfemia y ...
Posted by Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA on Wed, 21 May 2008 05:31:00 PST


La única, la verdad, el mismo tema, la misma canción.la misma frustracion se apodera de tu cuerpo, y te deja inértemaldita sea tu suerte, maldita sea tu mano, maldita sea tu cara.tres veces maldita, t...
Posted by Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA on Sat, 17 May 2008 10:48:00 PST

signs [MAKE ME ONE]

Make me a sign and be here :DTHE GIRLSTHE BOYSTHE VIDS =O!! PEOPLE SHOULD DO MORE STUFF LIKE THIS VID FOR ME :]PS: thnx nick for the vid you efing rock YAII! xD...
Posted by Tuxedo Mask [UrbanSymphony©] CEAINASA on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:26:00 PST