Queer Literature profile picture

Queer Literature

Terri Griffith's Gay and Lesbian Literature Class!

About Me

I made this space so that students (and their friends) from my Gay and Lesbian Literature classes from The Art Institute and Columbia College could get to know each other. Maybe talk about some literature. Maybe share some ideas about art. I don't know, but I thought it would be fun to discuss ideas with people who you don't have to see every week.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Gay and Lesbian Literature Students past and present.


Current Novels: Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde. Giovanni's Room, by James Baldwin. Beebo Brinker, by Ann Bannon. Queer, by William S Burroughs. Aquamarine, by Carol Anshaw. Valencia, by Michelle Tea.Books retired from Past Semesters: Maurice, by E.M. Forster, Fight Club, by Chuck Palahnuik.