Time Served! profile picture

Time Served!

Time Served!

About Me

Did You Know?
Did you know that when you said go back to school, that if I have ever been convicted of a non- violent, drug related felony that I can never receive a federal grant for student aide?
Did you know that the same law doesnt apply to murderers or sex offenders?
Did you know that the government only offers tax breaks if you hire us within the first year of release from prison, when we dont have any skills? Makes us less appealing, huh?
Did you know that it is legal for companies not to hire us if I was arrested for but never convicted of a felony?
Did you know when you told us to get a job, that jobs such as a shoe shine person require a person to have a clean background? I didnt either until 3 weeks ago. They are joined by most employment agencies.
Did you know that you share the responsibility for recidivism if you judge instead of help us? Some of our illegal activities are based on desperation and not desire.
Did you know that statistics prove that when given the opportunity to work only few ex-offenders return to crime? p.Did you know that statistically ex-offenders are better workers than their colleagues with no such violations, because he knows how hard it is to get a job?p.Did you know that in a lot of states I would never be able to vote again? So, we need you to help change the legislation.p.Did you know that in some states I will never be eligible for public housing or food stamps? So, if I cant find work and the government wont help us, what are we to do?
Did you know that we might have children that will want to grow up and be just like us, good or bad? This spirals into juvenile crimes, when our children steal from your children because of what we cant supply.
Did you know that I am a believer in Christ and community?
Ok so dont help us, but
Did you know youre not only hurting us, but some of your own friends and family members when they have to financially support us because of our inability to find work?
Did you know that when we run out of legal options its likely well have to resort to the only place that will hire us? Well be on your neighborhood street corner.
Did you know that the first encounter with a substance will occur in children too young to be held morally accountable for deciding to indulge, and that by the time they are old enough, they are already full blown addicts and alcoholics who cant stop on their unaided will?
Ok just for sport. Close your eyes, and recall the worst thing that youve ever done. (Its okay Ill love you anyway). Now imagine seeing that on a website and being defined as that, for the rest of your life?

My Interests

Federal Metal Co., The- 7250 Division St. Bedford, OH 44146-5406 Phone: 440-232-8700 Fax: 440-232-8726 Visit Federal Metal
Pjax Trucking Inc. - 5300 Crayton Ave Cleveland, OH 44104-(216) 426-8584 Visit Pjax
Blue Coral Slick-5700 South Lee Road- Maple Heights, Ohio -216-332-4200 Visit Blue Coral

I'd like to meet:

Did You Know?

Did you know that when you said go back to school, that if I have ever been convicted of a non- violent, drug related felony that I can never receive a federal grant for student aide?
Did you know that the same law doesnt apply to murderers or sex offenders?
Did you know that the government only offers tax breaks if you hire us within the first year of release from prison, when we dont have any skills? Makes us less appealing, huh?
Did you know that it is legal for companies not to hire us if I was arrested for but never convicted of a felony?
Did you know when you told us to get a job, that jobs such as a shoe shine person require a person to have a clean background? I didnt either until 3 weeks ago. They are joined by most employment agencies.
Did you know that you share the responsibility for recidivism if you judge instead of help us? Some of our illegal activities are based on desperation and not desire.
Did you know that statistics prove that when given the opportunity to work only few ex-offenders return to crime?

All socially conscious people who believe in people, and agree that all people deserve the chance to correct their mistakes. I want to meet people that believe, to deprive a person of his/her basic needs, by not allowing their successful reintergration to society are unjust. I want to meet people who believe a sentence to poverty isn't the answer to creating a safer America.


None of these companies are directly associated with Time Served! They all hire qualified ex-offenders. Good Luck to you and God Bless. Check back often I will add new jobs as I find out about them. The phone numbers are listed and some websites(just click the bold visit...) You may want to call before to make sure they are hiring, because some of these companies are small.


Anchor Tool & Die Co. 11830 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130 Phone: 216-362-1850
Apex Paper Box Co. 5601 Walworth Cleveland, OH 44102 Phone: 216-631-4000, 800-438-2269 (toll free) Fax: 216-634-2319
Ashland Chemical, Inc. 2191 W. 110th St. Cleveland, OH 44102 Phone: 216-961-4690
Assembly Specialty Products, Inc. E-mail this company 14700 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, OH 44135 Phone: 800-211-1379, 800-211-1379 (toll free)
Associated Sheet Metal Co. 7332 Associate Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144-1101 Phone: 216-631-8970 Fax: 216-631-8972
Athens Pastries & Frozen Foods Inc. 13600 Snow Rd. Cleveland, OH 44142 Phone: 216-676-8500, 800-837-5683 (toll free)
B & B Paper Converters, Inc. 12500 Elmwood Ave. Cleveland, OH 44111 Phone: 216-941-8100 Fax: 216-941-8174
Bay Insulation of Ohio 4800 Zan Epps Rd. Brooklyn Heights, OH 44131 Phone: 216-961-0800, 800-356-3773 (toll free) Fax: 216-351-5508
Bearing Distributors, Inc. 5905-A Harper Rd. Solon, OH 44139-1834 Phone: 440-349-2626 Fax: 440-349-2629
23560 St. Clair Ave. Euclid, OH 44117-2529 Phone: 216-481-8844, 800-676-4765 (toll free) Fax: 216-481-3577
4103 Detroit Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113-2725 Phone: 216-631-4700 Fax: 216-631-4924
Buffex Metal Finishing 1935 W. 96th St. Cleveland, OH 44102-2673 Phone: 216-631-2202
Capital Tool Co. 1110 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, OH 44109 Phone: 216-661-5750 Fax: 216-661-5710
Cleveland Die & Manufacturing Co. 14735 Lorain Ave., P.O. Box 110148 Cleveland, OH 44111 Phone: 216-671-3773 Fax: 216-671-3775
Cleveland Equipment Co. 5201 Clark Ave. Cleveland, OH 44102 Phone: 216-281-2000 Fax: 216-281-8420
Cleveland Black Oxide 836 Broadway Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115-2813 Phone: 216-861-4431 Fax: 216-861-0711
Artisan Industries Inc. 4911-T Grant Ave. Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44125 Phone: 216-883-2769, 888-335-1143 (toll free) Fax: 216-883-2970 Visit Artisan Visit Aramark
Associated Steel Corp. 18200 Miles Ave. Cleveland, OH 44128 Phone: 216-475-8000, 800-321-9300 (toll free) Fax: 216-475-6067, 800-441-9303 (toll free) Visit ASC
Basic Aluminum Castings Co. 1325 E. 168th St. Cleveland, OH 44110 Phone: 216-481-5606 Fax: 216-481-7031
Beacon Metal Fabricators, Inc. 5425 Hamilton Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114-3911 Phone: 216-391-7444
Bedford Metal Recycling 144 Northfield Rd. Bedford, OH 44146 Phone: 440-439-8044
Bedford Welding Co. 17521 S. Miles Rd. Cleveland, OH 44128 Phone: 216-581-2723
Behm Industrial Products 20801 Salisbury Rd. Bedford, OH 44146 Phone: 216-581-3600 Fax: 216-581-2734
Brost Foundry Co. 2934 E. 55th St. Cleveland, OH 44127 Phone: 216-641-1131, 866-291-1133 (toll free) Fax: 216-641-0010, 877-522-6030 (toll free) Visit Brost
Cleveland Mechanical, Inc. 3470 E. 50th St. Cleveland, OH 44127-1602 Phone: 216-883-0020
Euclid Heat Treating Co. E-mail this company 1408 E. 222nd St. Cleveland, OH 44117 Phone: 216-481-8444, 888-593-4576 (toll free) Fax: 216-481-3473 Visit EHT
Forge Products Corp. 9503 Woodland Ave. Cleveland, OH 44104-2487 Phone: 216-231-2600 Fax: 216-231-0300 Visit Forge
G & S Metal Products 3330 E. 79th St. Cleveland, OH 44127 Phone: 216-441-0700 Visit G&S
Gray, L. Barrel & Drum Co. 2800 E. 90th St. Cleveland, OH 44104-3304 Phone: 216-721-9900 Fax: 216-721-1361
Lawson Steel, Inc. 3238 E. 82nd St. Cleveland, OH 44104-4338 Phone: 216-641-0444 Fax: 216-641-1627
Lincoln Electric Co., Inc., The E-mail this company 22801 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44117 Phone: 216-481-8100, 888-921-9353 (toll free) Fax: 216-486-1751 Visit Lincoln
Specialty Recycling Services, Inc. 3313 E. 80th St. Cleveland, OH 44127 Phone: 216-883-7673 Fax: 216-883-3299
Tip Products, Inc. E-mail this company 15411 Chatfield Ave. Cleveland, OH 44111 Phone: 216-252-2535 Fax: 216-252-2327 Visit Tip
Voyale Corp. 4510 E. 71st St. Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44105 Phone: 216-641-0953 Fax: 216-641-1572
Woodhill Plating Works Co., The 9114 Reno Ave. Cleveland, OH 44105 Phone: 216-883-1344 Fax: 216-883-1350 href="http://www.woodhillplating.com "Visit WPW
Euclid Universal Corp., A Kinetek Co. E-mail this company 30500 Bruce Industrial Pkwy., Suite B Solon, OH 44139 Phone: 440-349-4083, 800-280-2616 (toll free) Fax: 440-349-4894 href="http://www.imperialelectric.com "Visit EUC
Card Pak, Inc. 29601 Solon Rd. Solon, OH 44139 Phone: 440-542-3100, 888-892-7725 (toll free) Fax: 440-542-3399 href="http://www.cardpack.com "VisitCPI
Cleveland Gasket & Manufacturing Co., The 1602 W. 116th St. Cleveland, OH 44102 Phone: 216-521-3200 Fax: 216-521-3217
Cleveland Metal Stamping Co., The 1231 Bagley Rd. Berea, OH 44017 Phone: 440-234-0010 Fax: 440-234-8050
Cleveland Metric & Standard Fastener 1408 Abbey Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113 Phone: 216-771-3200, 800-298-7427 (toll free) Fax: 216-771-3202
Criterion Tool & Die, Inc. 5349 W. 161st St. Brook Park, OH 44142 Phone: 216-267-1733, 800-616-0001 (toll free) Fax: 216-267-4542 Visit Criterion
DCM Mfg., Inc., A Dreison International Co. 4540-T W. 160th St. Cleveland, OH 44135 Phone: 216-265-8006 Fax: 216-265-8340
Exact Tool & Die, Inc. 5425 W. 140th St. Brookpark, OH 44142 Phone: 216-676-9140 Fax: 216-676-0091
General Bag Corp. 3368 W. 137th St., P.O. Box 110028 Cleveland, OH 44111 Phone: 216-941-1190, 800-837-9396 (toll free) Fax: 216-476-3401
Lucas Precision 13020 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44108-2033 Phone: 216-451-5588, 800-582-1710 (toll free) Fax: 216-451-5174 Visit Lucas
Magnesium Aluminum Corp. E-mail this company 3425 Service Rd., P.O. Box 11003 Cleveland, OH 44111 Phone: 216-476-0710, 888-739-9017 (toll free) Fax: 216-941-6119 Visit MAC
Maradyne Corporation 4540 W. 160th St. Cleveland, OH 44135 Phone: 216-362-0755, 800-537-7444 (toll free) Visit Maradyne
Ohio Awning & Manufacturing Co. 2658 Scranton Cleveland, OH 44113-5144 Phone: 216-861-2400 Fax: 216-687-0652
PPG Industries, Inc. 3800 W. 143rd St. Cleveland, OH 44111 Phone: 216-671-0050 href="http://www.ppg.com "Visit PPG
Paramount Stamping & Welding 1200 W. 58th St. Cleveland, OH 44102-2118 Phone: 216-631-1755, 800-966-7328 (toll free) Fax: 216-631-2713 href="http://www.metalstamping99.com "Visit PSW
Precision Production, Inc. 15215 Chatfield Ave. Cleveland, OH 44111 Phone: 216-252-0372 Fax: 216-252-6056 href="http://www.precisionproduction.com "Visit PPI
Progressive Plastics, Inc. 14801 Emery Ave. Cleveland, OH 44135 Phone: 216-252-5595 Fax: 216-252-6327
Cleveland Industrial Drum Service, Inc. P.O. Box 13495, 2716 E. 51 St. Cleveland, OH 44104 Phone: 216-431-5346 Fax: 216-881-3786
Rexel Electrical Supplies 3465 W. 140th St. Cleveland, OH 44111 Phone: 216-252-4482, 800-828-2716 (toll free) Fax: 216-252-4499
Robin Industries, Inc. 1265 W. 65th St. Cleveland, OH 44102 Phone: 216-961-5810 Fax: 216-631-7002 href="http://www.robin-industries.com "Visit Robin
Schumann, I. & Co. 22500 Alexander Rd., P.O. Box 46271 Bedford, OH 44146 Phone: 440-439-2300, 877-321-8702 (toll free) Fax: 440-439-0317 href="http://www.ischumann.com "Visit Schumann
System Seals Inc. E-mail this company 24202 Aurora Rd. Cleveland, OH 44146 Phone: 440-735-0200, 800-465-8835 (toll free) Fax: 440-735-0288 href="http://www.systemseals.com "Visit SSI
Tempo Products Co. 6200 Cochran Rd. Cleveland, OH 44139-3308 Phone: 440-248-1450, 800-321-6301 (toll free) Fax: 440-349-4241 href="http://www.tempoproducts.com "Visit Tempo
Universal Grinding Corp. E-mail this company 1234 W. 78th St. Cleveland, OH 44102-1914 Phone: 800-379-1370 (toll free) Fax: 216-631-5264 href="http://www.universalgrinding.com "Visit UGC
Universal Steel Co., The 6600 Grant Cleveland, OH 44105 Phone: 216-883-4972 Fax: 216-341-0421
Varbros Corp., The 16025 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, OH 44142-1667 Phone: 216-267-5200 Fax: 216-267-5205


Maverick Tube- 4950 N County Road 967 Blytheville, AR 72315-(870) 253-5069- (A Gift From Angela)
Student Lending and Consolidations -14100 U.S. Highway 19 North-Clearwater, Florida 33755-(727)-210-0842- (A Gift From Poeticallyspeaking...)
Mcdonalds Restaurant the owner is Missy Stephanos. 9600 4th Street North St Petersburg Florida 33712 1-727-564-9405 ( A Gift From Poeticallyspeaking...)



My Blog

Criminal past? Don't apply to school

More From The Plain Dealer   |   Subscribe To The Plain Dealer   Criminal past? Don't apply to school   Wednesday, November 29, 2006 Terry Oblander Plain Dealer Reporter Medina ...
Posted by Time Served! on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 01:41:00 PST

Time Served: How it all started By Beverly Vereen

Beverly Vereen         Community ColumnistTime Served: How it all started Being released from prison and reintroduced to society as an ex-felon is often viewed...
Posted by Time Served! on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:17:00 PST

Thank You

I would like to take the time to thank all who have contributed. In that thanks ,I must say that Time Served! has a small team of people that have given more than enormous support for this endeavor.&...
Posted by Time Served! on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 07:10:00 PST

A Letter from the Time Served! Founder

  Dear Friend,   Who am I?  Was written at one of the lowest points in my recent years.  I had just lost a job that I obtained as a general laborer, (two weeks after getting out of...
Posted by Time Served! on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 02:07:00 PST

Time Served ! Mission Statement

Our mission is to assist with successful ex-offender re-integration into society, improving public safety, by educating employers and challenging legislation.   Who will we help?     Th...
Posted by Time Served! on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 06:52:00 PST

Who Am I ?

  Who Am I?     My name is unimportant.  My story is this.  Im a 40 year old African American woman. I was born to a 16 year old girl who had given birth to another baby, slig...
Posted by Time Served! on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 06:50:00 PST

These Are Some of the Current Issues

  These Are Some Of The Current Issues   Internet and public access to criminal records, which may be misinterpreted, incorrect, and are sometimes completely relied upon in a potential empl...
Posted by Time Served! on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 06:49:00 PST

The Road Blocks To Re-entry

  Learn More About The Road Blocks To Re-entry.  Click Link Below. http://www.lac.org/lac/upload/lacreport/LAC_PrintReport.pdf. ..
Posted by Time Served! on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 06:48:00 PST

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Check Out What The Annie E. Casey Foundation Has To Say.  Click Link Below. http://www.aecf.org/publications/data/aag_prisoners.pdf  ...
Posted by Time Served! on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 06:47:00 PST

The United States Government

See What Uncle Sam Does To Help.  Click Below. http://jfs.ohio.gov/wotc/pp.pdf http://www.in.gov/dwd/partners/docs/Exohandbook.pdf    ...
Posted by Time Served! on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 06:46:00 PST