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Succisa Virescit - Pruned, It Grows Again...

About Me

I'm an aging Gen-X, hipster-doofus (God...and whatever happened to being a "twenty-something"?) with terrible knees and a raging case of tinnitus. I can come off like an irksome shit alot of the time...but I'd much rather be hated for being myself, than loved for not being myself. So, if that means I have fewer people who want to identify themselves as being my "friend" so be it!! Besides, I believe in what Churchill said: "You have enemies? GOOD! That means at some point in your life you stood up for something!" I'm a fair musician and can play the bass, guitar, and the didgeridoo plus a little bit of keyboards. I've played in several bands including the once and future legends Weird Thing. Now I prefer to work on recording projects with likes of; 1adam12, Bongo Dave and the Rock and Roll Safari, Tim Menzel, and others. Currently I write and record music under the name DJ Berserk and I am a member of the Drunkees, a Monkees cover band. I tend live by these words or wisdom: "Don't just eat a cheeseburger, eat the shit out of it!" ~~ J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
.. make
MySpace Editor Rasheed Richmond

My Interests

music, politics, music, art, music, reading, music, hiking/camping, music, travel, music, film, music, cooking, music, flying Cessna 152's, catholicism, music, Bettie Page, music, Tiki Culture, music, horror movies, music, Star Wars...and other assorted nonsense. Say...did I happen to mention that I like music? Well I do.

I'd like to meet:

YOU! "We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness." ~George Orwell "1984"


GO HERE:It's an awesome site, and my entire collection is listed there!I love way too many bands to list em all...but as far as highlights go I'm all about these guys and more:Pink Floyd, Devo, Meat Puppets, The Who, Ween, The Beatles, Primus, M.I.R.V., Buckethead, Cream, Charles Mingus, PiL / Wobble, Bill Laswell, James Brown, XTC, Link Wray, Monkees, Johnny Cash, Miles Davis, Zappa, The Orb, Steve Hillage, Tomohawk, The Nebulas, Dick Dale, Wanda Jackson, The Tiki Tones, Tipsy, Jonas Hellborg, fIREHOSE, Ozric Tentacles, Hawkwind, Beck, The Duo, Traffic, Gorillaz, Gomez, G. Love, Raq, Los Straitjackets...and so on and so forth...


Any-damn-thing by: The Coen Bros., Quentin Tarantino, Wes Anderson, Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam & The Pythons, Sam Raimi, Kevin Smith, Peter Jackson, Rob Zombie, Hammer House Of Horror...and almost any sci-fi/horror movies (especially Zombie, Vampire, and Godzilla flicks...and, of course, anything starring Bruce Campbell or Christopher Lee)


ER, South Park, Sopranos, Rome, Band Of Brothers, Entourage, MAD TV, SNL, Dennis Miller, The Colbert Report, Reno 911, My Name Is Earl, The Office, Extras, Mythbusters, Talk Soup, the Monkees, Good Eats, Dr. Who, the Addams Family, Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers...


Any-damn-thing by: Irvine Welsh, Harry Crews, George Orwell, Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Ambrose, Chuck Palahniuk, Douglas Addams, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, David Horowitz, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Steyn, Anthony Burgess, Ann Coulter, Hunter S. Thompson, Michelle Malkin, Michael Azzerad...plus any and all Rock and Roll/Music biographies and anything to do with History or Pop Culture...Oh, yeah and the Bible too!


***My biggest heros are all my talented friends making music and other arts out there in the wide world. They keep me stimulated and inspired and amused (and sometimes Green with Envy!!). Also all the brave souls who volunteered to spend thier time in the desert dealing with the Jawas and Tusken Raiders...be safe, and get some!!!You Are 93% New Jersey!

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My Blog

Bear Down!!!

Posted by william on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 07:30:00 PST

C. S. Lewis...more than wardrobes and lion kings

I've been facinated by C. S. Lewis lately. Over the summer I watched a panel discussion about him on PBS which featured philosophy and literature professors from Harvard Yale and Oxford all chiming in...
Posted by william on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:14:00 PST

What the heck..top keyboardist list

I got a little time to kill...let me see if I even have ten of these I can put in a list: Top Ten Favrotie Keyboardists: 1) John Medeski (Medeski Martin & Wood, The Word) 2) Larry Young aka Kal...
Posted by william on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 12:33:00 PST

Bear Down!!! XLI prediciton

Okay...in all seriousness here, what do I think the game will be like on Sunday? Well, being no "expert" I can only give up my neophyte opinion on how things look to me. All the experts, however, have...
Posted by william on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 12:07:00 PST

Oh, my aching Gall Bladder parte quatre

It's a party and you're all invited! No, not really...but there is a date. I go into surgery on Friday Feb. 23rd for ye olde Gall Bladder-ectomy. My defective organ gets the roto rooter treatment, an...
Posted by william on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 03:19:00 PST

top ten drummers just because...

just because I'm waiting on my girl to get ready I'll kill some time with a list: Top 10 drummers 1) Ginger Baker (Cream, PiL, Airforce, Blind Faith) 2) Tony Williams (Miles Davis, Lifetime) 3) Jeff ...
Posted by william on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:34:00 PST

Oh my aching Gall Baldder parte trios

Well, off to the surgeon on Tuesday afternoon for a consult and more than likely to get a schedule for my gall bladder surgery. About time I say, I just want this farking thing to be cut out of me so ...
Posted by william on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:10:00 PST

re-post - Father V's blog "Inclusive Exclusive Community"

Father V's blog is one I check out every time a new post pops up. This article really hits a chord with me...I suggest it to you! Anyone who has struggled with their own spirituality, faith, and/or pu...
Posted by william on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 06:08:00 PST

They're not saying Boo...

...they're saying "Yooooooooooooooooooou...really suck, Payton Mannig!" Looks like Pats / Bears in the bowl. yeah...rub some dirt on it
Posted by william on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 04:55:00 PST

Avast! Back to the depths of the briney blue with ye!!!

Yaaahhhrrrggghhh!! The mighty Atlantians have been sent back to sulk around Davey Jones' locker in the 9th ward. You can't ride on the Katrina coat-tail emotions forever, you hacks!!  And so...th...
Posted by william on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 03:28:00 PST