Wikus profile picture


Cool it with the gay!!

About Me

I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com

adopt your own virtual pet!Helushka (He-lush-ka) is a Native American Winnebago name meaning fighter

My Interests

Sport, snaaks genoeg, baie sport... Rugby, hokkie... Lees...

I'd like to meet:

Die Koning: Steve Yzerman...comedian wise: Denis Leary, Dennis Miller, David Spade, Chris Rock, Wanda Sykes, Jimmy Fallon, Dane Cook, Conan O'Brien, Louis CK, Lewis Black... Dit lyk meestal Amerikaanse komediante... Vir 'n local flavour sal ek gaan met John Vlismas, Bevan Cullinan...


Die laaste ruk luister ek baie REM... en dan luister ek verskriklik baie radio... Meestal 5fm, maar dan is daar hierdie local stasie wat ek nou nie kan vermy nie... En dit sal nou daai MFM ene wees... Meestal wanneer 5FM my onderkry, dan skakel ek maar oor... In 'n plek soos die Bos is daar ook nou nie baie stasies om van te kies nie...


You Are Best Described By...
Meditative Rose
By Salvadore Dali What Famous Work of Art Are You?


As ek tv kyk, is dit ook maar meestal om rugby te kyk... In die Neelsie van alle plekke... So gewoonlik is daar 'n paar mense, ek die creapy ou dude, en so 'n ou wat bedel...update: die creapy ou dude is 'n stormers fan, en common soos more heel dag!!!


Anton Chekov - Ivanov; Milan Kundera (omtrent al die man se goed, alhoewel sy laaste boeke almal stront it!!); Jean-Paul Sartre: meeste van sy goed ook, veral sy dramas; Die lys gaan net aan... Ek sal maar so nou en dan byvoeg soos wat ek relevant vind...


Hokkie spelers gewys: Brendan Shanahan, Steve Yzerman, Niklas Lidstrom...
What Firetruck are you?

Congratulations! Your a Tanker! You are the Water Supply, You like to be at almost every call, you like going to out of town calls, and you like knowing that with out you at most of the calls, they would be screwed.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
Where Are You Destined to Live?

Los Angeles
You are all about entertainment! Being creative and having fun is extremely important to you-and being in the spotlight isn't so bad either. Thankfully, that's what this city is all about. With the connections you make in this town, one day you may just find yourself walking down that red carpet.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

My Blog

COLTS!!! GO COLTS!!! although funny Onion article

--> begin content --> Peyton Manning Looking Forward To Ninth Annual Super-Bowl-Watching Party January 18, 2007 | Issue 43"03 INDIANAPOLIS, INColts quarterback Peyton Manning said Monday he is loo...
Posted by Wikus on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 07:43:00 PST

funny "Onion" article

I'd Make A Good Fat Guy November 8, 2006 | Issue 42"45 .. type=text/javascript>OAS_AD('Bottom1');..> I recently read somewhere that 64 percent of adult Americans are overweight or obese. And it g...
Posted by Wikus on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:36:00 PST

Detroit verlies in New York wins

Die eerste hokkie try wat ek gekoop het, was die ene Shanahan sin in 2000 gewees... Oftewel 1999, desember... Dit kon net so wel 2000 gewees het, met die Y2K vrese. Vir al wat ons weet was dit al...
Posted by Wikus on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 03:26:00 PST

Hoekom Jake White as afrigter moet aanbly

Hier is die rede hoekom daar na Corne Krige se advies geluister moet word soos wat hy dit uitspel in biografie "Right place in the wrong time", wat ek seker is dat hy nie 'n woord daarvan geskryf het ...
Posted by Wikus on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:48:00 PST

Yzerman se nommer word ge"retire" verewig en altyd!!

Die ding dat Steve Yzerman nou aftree, en lat dit gese word, die man is KONING!!! Legende in sy eie reg, want sy rekords praat vir hulself. Met sy "departure" is daar nou 'n groot leemte in die Detro...
Posted by Wikus on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 03:52:00 PST