Fletch’s solo page profile picture

Fletch’s solo page

"Before Elvis...there was nothing" ~ John Lennon

About Me

Portsmouth Herald Article Well I will use this space to tell you all the juicy secrets about me you want to know......yah right! Well...This whole self-reflection thing is always kind of kookie. I am however pretty good at it, so here it goes. I am Fletch. I was born 11-23-74 in Long Beach Ca. My father was "Man Mountain Mike", a 600 pd. overall wearing' hillbilly who wrestled for the WWWF (Vince's Dad), and my mom was the best damn housewife west of the Mississippi. When I was still a lad we moved over to southern New Hampshire and it is here I have spent my formidable years. My parents became devout born again Christians (as did I) when I was 7. To say I grew up in a church is an understatement. The apartment we lived in was attached to the church. I believe what I believe, and one of the things they believed is that rock-n-roll was a tool of the devil. My parents used to snap all the rock-n-roll albums I would sneak out and buy in half. My father passed away of complications of diabetes when I was in 7th grade. This was a life changing experience. My mom, to give me something to occupy my time, bought me a drum set.... a Remo Malibu.... you can see where this is going. I attended Christian school from 3-8th grade, when I was promptly thrown out for throwing a desk at a teacher. I was in hot defense of the Beatles. He was trying to tell me they were satanic. High on drugs.... yes.... messengers of Satan...no. With my newfound public school chums I promptly formed my first rock band. We were all original (we could ONLY play our own stuff) and we were called "Black Reign". Over the years I have been in so many bands I cant begin to name them all. Fresh out of high school and fuckin like a rabbit, I had another life-changing incident. My girl at the time gave birth to my son Kyle. I had to rethink my whole musical existence. Unfortunately the relationship shit the bed. I see my boy often, but he lives with his mom. This gave me more than enough time to persue my music. I have been with the same girl now for almost 11 years. I have toured from east to west coast, in the USA and Canada. I have filled the roles of lead singer/drummer/keyboards/guitar/bass.... and those are the ones I have actively played in working bands. I'm a multi-instrumentalist who always relies on creativity as opposed to talent. I sing and play in 3 differant bands. I am the pipes for Window Pain, a pychadellic hard rock band in the vein of Perfect Circle/Pink Floyd....Hell to Pay, a cover band that prides itself on playing some ballsy classic rock that NO ONE does (we are on my space...go find us!) and I have a 3rd more sneeky project that I will unveil on here sooner than not. Till then....rock the fuck out! retro layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotCommentsWindow Pain

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Member Since: 3/4/2005
Band Website: myspace.com/windowpain
Band Members: Me..........................and whoever the fuck I want.
Influences: My personal influances are Elvis, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Kiss, Queen, Type-O-Negative....those are the big ones....this could realisticly go on, and on, and on................
Sounds Like: Whatever I want it to sound like. It's all pretty simple stuff...........
Record Label: I would rather get my band a deal.......hint..hint
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The cat in question...

..is not Ashley. Meg talked to the lady who hit it. It was a long-hair grey cat with a white patch in the front. Probably the one who came to my porch last night while I was out shaking treats for Ash...
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 01:10:00 PST

Whats up with my cat

We were bringing stuff into the house from the van on Saturday night and that is when she must have ran out. I only noticed she wasnt there when she wasnt in the room right when I woke up trying to cr...
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:09:00 PST

One more bit of crapolla for today....read on...

My kid called me tonight in tears. He had been bitten twice by a dog. The animal controll officer was there. Kyle was sad and crying due to the fact that they were talking about putting the dog d...
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:58:00 PST

Life...and how it fucks you in the ass sometimes.

Well this has been a long weekend indeed! Not that they all are not long usually anyway, but this one was the mother of all&.least it will be for a while I'm sure. To start off with, most of you know ...
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 12:05:00 PST

I know...it’s only rock-n-roll, but I like it

One of my old bands called Die Cast Messiah went to Canada with another friends band to play some shows...this is back in like 2000 We went to this little town in Quebec called Loc Drol...
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 02:58:00 PST

Those Bastards

Ive tried so hard for year after year To just be responceable and kill of this fear but I guess it was not without all that wrong Im just kinda suprised that its taken so long I always figured th...
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 07:15:00 PST

Does the heart ever unbreak?

I feel hollow I feel empty I feel sad Im unkempt Nothing ever works Nothings ever right It never fucking will be so whats the since to fight...
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:21:00 PST

Self Confidence

Its just the wheels of self doubt........always turning and powering the grist mill that grinds my self confidence to a fine powder that blows off in the wind all too easily.
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:31:00 PST

The challenge has been met...head on....and man am I tired.

Well at like 11am this morning I turned in my 12 track demo album for the RPM challenge. It was like old home week. I saw Chris Eliot, the old Daddy's Portsmouth manager. Matty Dread had made an album...
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 11:12:00 PST

RPM MADNESS!!!!!!!!!

I love how I have been telling my friends all month "Hey I have this thing I am doing and I would love your help" and they are all like "sure man sure" all month long untill the last week then th...
Posted by Fletch’s solo page on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:29:00 PST