Dan Garner Music profile picture

Dan Garner Music

About Me

I just found a nest of rough recordings...songs I had forgotten that I had written...and so, this page is born. These were never meant to be finished recordings, but simply sketches that would keep me from forgetting the songs...though I DID forget them anyway. I'll sporadically change out the tunes, so check back if you're interested in hearing more. Some notes about the current songs featured: GHOSTS OF LOVE- Inspired by the film, "Sixth Sense" and walking down the halloween aisle at Wal-Mart. My favorite line is, "I see dead love that doesn't know that it's died." I multi-tracked this using a pedal called a Boomerang. It can't be stored, per se, so it is in essence a real time recording, except for the middle section. That should explain some of the choppiness. ALL FALL DOWN-I loaded this one up for Amelia Blake (one of my favorite singer/songwriters) and it represents what I consider to be a clairvoyent song...I've had a few. This song really happened, but several months after it was written. DESTINY- My songs seem to be a cross between autobiographical, hypothetical and pure fiction. This tune laments losing a love...and much in the same non-sensical fashion of dreams, is about an unrequited love...for my money, the best kind, because it lasts longer and you don't have attorneys or alimony involved. I'm such a romantic. RED BALLOON- Inspired by the passing of my son, John. As children, I would take my kids out on "adventures" and these would include buying helium filled balloons and letting them go, watching until they all but disappeared. When we first started doing it, my kids would always cry...it IS hard to let go of a red balloon.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/2/2006
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None