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NO ONE????
erm ive started uni now and everythings ace and new and exciting but i miss everyone so much! yes kate i miss you the mostest! (minge)
ive only been living in my new GAF for what 11 days but it feels like home
My flat mates are Awesome!!!!
and so far ive had 3 mars delights and im really craving a frostie bar
Iv got all my pictures up in my room so i feel like ive seen you all everyday and you watch me getting dressed.
im not too impressed with you cunners ill be having words with you later!
its 7.30 in the morning and ive not got a lecture till 10
what im i doing??? sleep would be good right now but my brains on overload theres so much to think about and its not all good :(
i think its best not to think about shit because it smells.
three monthes later and i figured id edit my about me since quite alot has changed-
ok from the top i still miss everyone lots and lots when im at uni but im home for christmas right now and its rubish cos now im missing my baby!
and no boys and girls i havn't had a baby in the time iv'e been away obv im talking about rivvie! i love her so much! boo christmas sucks.
ok i have now been at uni for 14 weeks i think and im lovein it! it changed my life OBV but yea not much to say about it my course is cool lots of work but who does work?
i went 800sqid into my overdaft but i batted my eyes at my daddy who put my bank statement back to zero- you would have thought hed make it one or two hundred up! but hes always been a cheapskate!
k i dont think theres much esle to say except-
kate- my minge (my dogs better than yours)
ellie- salt-that's hot-good job-and why???? cos we do it better!
riv- you rock lady i lovve you and miss you i cant wait to kiss you.
martin- you dont have myspace cos your shit bt its good cos it means we can all bitch about you and you'll never no!!! so... MARTIN YOU ARE A BITCH!!
haha no im lying your amazing!
kiss, hug, love
three more monthes on
i dont know why im writing this its not like i think/ expect people to read my about me but im super bored. ive been up since like 5 i think im not sure when riv woke me up. she's gone on tour with the football girls. i should have made more than one friend. im lonely lonely lonely. not really i have friends. they're most probably sleeping since it is, as katie says silly o'clock in the morning. i guess i'll be going out tonight. i guess i'll get drunk. and i guess i'll be sleeping on my own tonight. woop. i sound so negative. im not really, just bored. im having alot of fun with these fullstops though. listening to Tegan and Sara's new album which i have to say is amazing and i strongly recomend it. all the songs are amazing but my favorate today is 'take me anywhere' (cant take Me anywhere) sounds stupid and im sure alot of people say this about alot of songs cos i know i aleady say this about alot of songs but i can really relate to the lyric's. i think ill listen to it again. i went to amsterdam last week with riv which was awesome! And riv got stoned..shes a joker! we ate alot of pancakes chicken nuggets chips cheese toastie pizza slept on a boat eat weed drank weed smoked weed sex museum red light district caronas went on a huge bike ride played in the park stood in the sea went on a double decker train and crashed a house party consisting of about 6 chinise men but im gutted i didnt manage to go to a bar called absinthe and drink a lot of absinthe. but im deffo going back so it will be done. im going on holiday in august with one of my bestest mates salt also known as ellie. that is going to be absolutely Amazing. i love ellie. she is marv. if anyones super bored like me text me and we should be super bored together.