Josh H. profile picture

Josh H.

Blacker than the blackest black times infinity!

About Me

Well let's see here, i'm 21 and currently working at Best Buy as a merch. specialist. I rearrange stuff.
When i'm not doing that incredibly exciting job i'm usually listening to music. I listen to a pretty wide variety of things and am open to new stuff as well, but my main focus is on industrial and metal. I have an irrational love for Nine Inch Nails and if you also happen to like NIN, you'd be better off not mentioning it because I will NOT. LEAVE. YOU. ALONE. due to the alarming lack of NIN fans in Florence.
I also dig firearms a lot. Too much maybe. Contrary to popular belief, firearms are not terrible things. In the right hands firearms can be extremely fun and even a life saver. I'm a big supporter of the 2nd Amendment (and generally a big supporter of the US) and love to shoot small arms. I'm pretty knowledgeable on the subject and I could probably talk your ear right the hell off if you showed an inkling of interest. I'm happy to teach newbies about the subject if they are willing to learn. I'm planning on acquiring my first pistol in a few weeks and i'm definitely psyched about it.
The thing i'm probably the best or most known for is my computer skills. I'm in a love/hate relationship with computers at the moment; I love to build and repair them, but sometimes the complete range of what can bring a computer down shatters my sanity. Once i've built a computer, my favorite thing to do on them is game. I'm a fan of first person shooters (again with the guns, ALWAYS with the guns!) and I probably play more Battlefield 2/Counter-Strike: Source than is healthy.
Recently i've gotten into photography (after acquiring a Canon Rebel XT dSLR) and I gotta say it's quickly becoming one of my favorite hobbies. I find that taking pictures of people is far more fun than taking pictures of anything else. The staggering range of shapes, colors, and multitudes of expressions and feelings that people can convey at any given time is what draws me to them. It's pretty ironic considering I have the social skills of a bag of rusty clawhammers.
Let's see what else can I add to this short essay...ah yes, how can I not mention Alaska. In a few years i'm planning on moving to Anchorage, Alaska. I am doing this to escape the heat of the Carolinas which plagues me so. Not to mention I haven't seen snow in years, which brings me much sorrow. From everything i've read about the place, I think it's going to be an excellent place to live, and definitely an upgrade from Florence.
Despite loving loud things (metal/firearms) i'm generally a quiet person. I don't say much (though I do have lots to say as you can see here) and many people really can't stand that. I really do try my hardest to converse, but years of introversion and shyness has completely crippled me in my attempts at direct communication with other people. I open up the more I get to know you, but I hardly ever make the first move. Please have patience with me.
Finally, I love God and my friends. Nothing has had quite an impact on my life than they have. I would give anything and everything for them. At any time or at any place. They mean the most to me and nothing will change that.Anyhow, that's me in a really friggin' big nutshell. Any questions or comments can be directed towards whatever wall is closest to you. Or you could, you know, message me.
Games that rock will return shortly.

My Interests

In order:

My friends and nuclear family are paramount. Nothing else could come close.

The Military, military tech, and small arms. I dig the Second Amendment.

Music. Primarily metal and industrial, but I listen to sooo much more than that

Computers/Computer hardware


Video games

Anime, manga, etc.

I'd like to meet:

The makers of Starsiege: Tribes, various members of my favorite bands like Bruce Dickinson, Trent Reznor, and King motherfucking Diamond.

Who would I like to meet on MySpace (or life)?

People who are gentle, funny, and cognizant of the world around them. And somebody who can appreciate some good old-fashioned stargazing would be nice. :]


Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, MDFMK, Opeth, Iced Earth, Killswitch Engage, Sigur Ros, Tool, Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickinson's solo project, Steve Vai, Tears for Fears, Journey, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Berzerker, Children of Bodom, Ensiferum, Megumi Hayashibara (don't ask) Korn, Linkin Park, Soulfly, Slayer, Megadeth, Pantera, Slipknot, Sepultura, Modest Mouse, Aborym, Dodheimsgard, Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Orbital, Death, Depeche Mode, Metallica, Emperor, Carcass, Cannibal Corpse, L Arc En Ciel, Dimmu Borgir, King Diamond, Ben Folds and Ben Folds Five, Whitesnake, Rustin Hiatt, Ozzy Osbourne, Bob Dylan, Hypocrisy, Mew, Ayreon, Coldplay, Outkast, Weezer, Gorillaz, R.E.M., The Offspring, Deftones, Stabbing Westward, Skyclad, Richard Cheese, Robert Miles


Saving Private Ryan, The Second Coming, Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Kill Bill (1&2), Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Fight Club, Super Troopers, Fifth Element, Monty Python, Shaun of the Dead, Zoolander, Zatoichi, Aragami, Full Metal Jacket, American Beauty, Ghost in the Shell (both movies), Memento, Phantasm 1-4, Starship Troopers, Man on Fire, American Psycho, Cowboy Bebop Movie, Equilibrium, Blade Runner, Anchorman, Event Horizon, Heat, Pitch Black, Hostel, Various cheesey horror flicks and B movies.

Also: Anything with zombies in it--There is nothing more satisfying than watching a zombie flick where over half the movie is spent showing zombies killing humans, only to have a small ragtag band of people make a BERSERKER comeback with a few makeshift firebombs and a whole lotta shotguns. That is the REAL deal.


Family Guy, Futurama, Chapelles Show, Mad TV, SNL, MacGyver, Stargate SG-1, The Office, Penn & Tellers: Bullshit!, Da Ali G Show, Band of Brothers, Upright Citizens Brigade, The Boondocks, Dethklok Metalocalypse.

Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Berserk, Trigun, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop, Azumanga Daioh, Gundam (Gundam Wing, 8th MS Team, Gundam SEED), Outlaw Star, Samurai Champloo, Big O, Ghost in the Shell, GANTZ, FLCL, The Melancholoy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Serial Experiments LAIN and Akira obviously.


Dark Tower series by King. Battletech novels, particularly the Jade Phoenix trilogy. Harry Potter books, The Stand is also a personal favorite. The Crucible (more of a play but whatever), Of Mice and Men, Halo trilogy, Various mangas (Trigun and Berserk are two favorites)


MacGyver. Only a man sporting a mullet like that could possibly find his way out of a sealed container rigged with explosives using only a muffler, a rag, some oil, and metal shavings.

I love you Richard Dean Anderson. 3

My Blog

Just a few more pixel-boxes.

Just finished resizing some photos from tonight and felt like posting these real quick rather than waiting 2 weeks for no real reason.  As much as I LOVE photographing Jessie over and over and ov...
Posted by Josh H. on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:20:00 PST

Big squares filled with lots of colorful pixels ahead!

Having just reinstalled Photoshop, I present another (rather large) batch of photos to you fine people.  I find I take more pictures of people than anything else.  They are far more interest...
Posted by Josh H. on Thu, 17 May 2007 02:09:00 PST

More witchcraft from the picturebox

Just postin' some more photos i've taken with me Rebel.  I'm really starting to love going out and just taking pictures, even if I only get 1 half decent shot out of the hundred or so I take, I f...
Posted by Josh H. on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:33:00 PST

So photography is pretty cool...(big pictures ahead)

I bought myself a new camera about a week ago.  My little Canon S500 is nice and all, but I wanted to get a little more serious about photography and figured i'd need some better tools.  So ...
Posted by Josh H. on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:51:00 PST

This is my goal.

It's 2:33am and after about 6 months of personal deliberation i've made up my mind.  The next 2-3 years of my life are going to be focused on the image above.  This map illustrates the trek ...
Posted by Josh H. on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 11:57:00 PST