Music of all kinds. Good books and good movies.
Tak Matsumoto, Jimmy Paige, Joe Perry, Terry Pratchet, Joe Satriani, Yoshiki, Arjen Lucassen, Akira Takasaki, Takashi Miike
Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, Ayreon, B'z, X (Japan), Dir en grey, Manowar, Blind Guardian, Malice Mizer, The Back Horn, Van Halen, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Tak Matsumoto, Loudness, Eric Johnson, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Los Lonely Boys, Yngwie Malmsteen, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne (old Ozzy), Mew, Guitar Wolf, Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, Rhapsody, Alice Cooper, Queensryche, Paul Gilbert, Racer X, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Pierrot, Vidoll, hide, Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, Cacophony, I could keep going...
Anything that doesn't suck or that sucks so bad that it's funny. No teen movies...please...PLEASE.
Don't really watch TV.
Anything by Tolkien. Michael Crichton is great as well and as of late, I've gotten into Terry Pratchet.
Steve Vai, Tak Matsumoto, Akira Takasaki, Joe Satriani, Shawn Lane, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jason Becker, Zebraman