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You can't spell cheetos without THC.

About Me

Our mission is to unify all beings who believe and decipher the wisdom and power of THC. The wisdom to open the mind and the power to calm the spirit, be at peace with self and others. A state of utmost and inner BLOWNness.

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In your own life, if you think that marijuana has affected you in a way that is what you believe to be positive, then you might be able to experience the true meaning of being BLOWN. Being blown is not just the feeling of being so stoned that you don't know where you are or what you're doing. Being BLOWN is in fact a way to see and live your life. If you are a person who is interested in understanding the philosophy of BLOWN: Being Life ONE with Wisdom & Nature, I will share with you a brief synopsis of the theory and philosophy of BLOWN.
As I've mentioned before, it is not a contest of who can be the most stoned. Being BLOWN is more of an elevation of your mind and spirit. In realizing that us as humans are a distinguishable energy, meaning that our energy is bound by our human flesh, we can see and feel our surroundings. As humans, we must also realize that we are an energy that is continous, meaning that all of our energies as humans are connected. Once we understand that our energies are all interconnected, we then begin to realize that we as individual humans are insignificant in comparison to the the vast space that we belong in; I mean to say the universe we live in, beyond the Milky Way and the Solar System.
So what does BLOWN have to do with all this? The first three letters are B, L, and O or Being Life One; what does this mean? It means that as you as an individual energy realize that you are 'one continous energy among many that are connected' and that you must do what you must in order to survive in this "connected energy." But this comes with a price. Every action you create will result in a consequence whether positive or negative, whether you like it or not. And it is these consequences that will set off a series of events much like throwing a pebble in the calm water that causes waves.
The last two letters are W and N which stand for Wisdom and Nature. Wisdom, the first component of the last section, is the final form of knowledge, where all principles are applied and wisdom is achieved when the results of the actions can gain mutual benefit. It might not be the result in one individual's favor, but it will gain mutual benefit and that is what matters. We must also understand that sometimes it is us who will not like the result, but if we understand that it will benefit the majority of the affected, we should be able to accept the result.
Nature, the second component of the last section, is the world that we exist in, the space in which we must collide, whether for better or worse. As energies of this plane of existence we all share similar properties such as molecules and atoms and DNA. Nature is what all of individual energies exist in, and we must understand that our actions influence more than what we think alone.
If you're still reading this and need further clarification, please don't hesitate to send me a message, but please be patient with my reply for I don't spend all my time on MySpace. We all need to work and make a living, contributing to our Nature.
To tie what I've said together, B.L.O. or Being Life One is the awareness that you achieve by understanding your existence as an energy in this world. You interact in this world and you can affect it in the environment you are in. W.N. or Wisdom and Nature is the understanding that we need Wisdom from everything, from our parents to our grandparents to other people. How do we know something is Wisdom or garbage? Just examine the end result, if it is not balanced or it just seems wrong, it probably is. If you continually seek wisdom like a body builder seeks to build his muscles, you will also find a way to improve the wisdom from within to the point it would become almost automatically. Nature is there because we have to understand that we affect it as Life One and the ability of our Wisdom will affect Nature and ultimately all beings in that nature, which we will call Earth.
How can smoking marijuana bring you to the state of BLOWNness? When you smoke, don't just smoke it and do nothing... don't be unproductive... take baby steps, don't smoke marijuana and then try to drive a car... unless you can... but like anything, it takes practice. As the cliche goes "Practice makes perfect," this has truth at many different levels. With anything, not just marijuana: Seek positive use, gain positive results. We as a society seem to think that marijuana can be used to open a door to the mind that only some can even begin to see. Like I said in the beginning, if some of us seem to be affected in a positive way when we use marijuana, then we might be able to understand how it is to be BLOWN. Remember, to seek the truth, one must be truthful. If you seek the truth only to lie, then you will never find the way.
I know on this page is mainly directed toward THC and marijuana. But we have to understand that the principles of BLOWNness can be applied to anything, anyone, any drug, or any substance that is worth doing anything. One priciple will always apply to this:

"Seek positive use, gain positive results."

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to acquiant myself with anyone who is open to experiencing the true meaning of being BLOWN, not just getting high or stoned. Being BLOWN is a state of superior focus, while under the influence of THC. BLOWN is being so high like the sky but yet still very coherent; obstacles in your way are a mere mind game when you're BLOWN. I believe that being BLOWN can even give you the freedom to let things operate on auto-pilot. Not for the casual pothead, BLOWN blown takes much discipline and patience. If you are a person who is interested in the philosophy of BLOWN: Being Life ONE with Wisdom & Nature, I'd like to discuss it with you personally rather than to generalize a subject, because the philosophy of BLOWN may not fit a lifestyle for everyone, and it is meant to integrate with your life in a positive way.


Hip-hop, rhythm n blues,ryhthm n gangsta, crunk n blues, reggae, rock-n-roll , golden oldies, and old filipino retro tapes, trance "when your coming down".


Lots of BOMBA a.k.a. Porn a.k.a. The movies tha are hidden in the back. But yeah movies are better when your stoned right!


36" Toshiba HD


Get me stuck if it's interesting!


Everyone that puffs with a positive vibe !

My Blog

Further B.L.O.W.N.

As the acronym indicates, BLOWN is not just a word casually used.  Being "high on life" is another way of realizing this.  It sounds like crap load of bull but once you see that the choices ...
Posted by GateSub on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:19:00 PST


WHO can figure out who member 420 is?  How can you even tell?  I guess we'll never know... as far as I'm concerned, YOU ARE ALL MEMBER 420 TO ME... YAY!!!
Posted by GateSub on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Posted by GateSub on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Aww, I Love You Guys and Gals Too!!!

Thanks for all of your utmost support of me... I feel soooo honored. It has been so long that I thought that I was becoming obsolete. With all this support and love that you've all shown... I wish t...
Posted by GateSub on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Strictly for people that are down with the program... NO WANNABES... NO OCCASSIONALS... and NO BOUNDARIES... ya dig?
Posted by GateSub on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST