be a detective, gather your information from the other sections
A Genie. i have 2 out of my 3 wishes already planned if i could only wish for more wishes id be set.
Pixies, Postal Service/Death Cab, Blue Man Group, Jewel, and more. if that doesnt offer my range of music i dont know what does.
oh good lord, the music section was easier than bride is my favorite movie. Comedies and action mostly, and lets keep it simple and leave it at that.
Naruto. nuff said about that! Self proclaimed mega fan of Futurama, and at a very close second Family Guy. ive just discovered the wonder of Firefly. lets see..Bleach, MythBusters, Good Eats...the 3 channels that are probably going to be on my TV are Cartoon Network, Comedy Central and Spike TV. in no specific order.
Finally finished Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. loved it. a great book for any one who hates or loves science. and anyone who has a slightly skewed vision of life the universe and everything. next up on the reading agenda, a book of plays written by steve martin.