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Pet Hates: The Shocking Truth about Pets and Vets

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Welcome to the website of Pet Hates, the antidote to James Herriot ! For more about Josh Artmeier, go here .Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
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Nick Thorpe in the Sunday Times: "A darkly humorous A-Z. The antidote to Herriot." Read more...
Alex Dickson on Radio Clyde 2: "...Sneaky wee messages ... very, very amusing!" Read more...
Melanie Reid in The Herald: "'s an antidote to Herriot - a quite wicked little book of veterinarian cynicism..." Read more...
Comment in the Veterinary Times: "A new book published this month sees a vet breaking ranks with his profession to tell "the truth" about life as an MRCVS......" Read more...
Report in the Veterinary Times by Jayne Newton: "BOOK CLAIMS TO EXPOSE TRUTH ABOUT PROFESSION A new book claiming to dispel myths and expose truths about the veterinary profession..." Read more...
Another great review... on a poet's blog!
Dear Josh... (readers' comments)
Just a note to say I have read your book and was utterly fascinated...
Feedback from vets, veterinary nurses and their partners!
Your book encapsulates my feelings about a profession that I was once proud to be a part of...
Correspondence re RCVS spending £170,000 on building wider base to profession.
It is probably only the soppy white middle classes who...
Your Ideal Pet is a Bird
You're both very smart, very expressive, and very temperamental.
You're as likely to bite your bird as it is to bite you. What's Your Ideal Pet?
What sort of dog would you be?
Take the dog personality test!
Desperation drove me to write Pet Hates: The Shocking Truth About Pets and Vets (ISBN 1902831489, ca. 160 pp.), released by Argyll Publishing in October 2006 at £7.99.
* copies signed/dedicated if required
* safe payment by bank/credit cards
* cheques also acceptable
In Waterstone's, you can also order it from the publishers - see New Releases on the index page.
Alternatively, order it from:
AMAZON.CO.UK (read reviews here too!)
WH Smith
Books from Scotland
TSO (search the ISBN)
To give you an idea of it, here's the introduction:
This book offers a uniquely honest — sometimes funny, sometimes sad and disturbing — picture of the life of a vet in the 21st century. Make no mistake, be you a pet owner, a practising veterinary surgeon, a prospective or current student of veterinary science or nursing, Pet Hates will dramatically change your perspective on the profession.
Who is this book for?
1. Pet Owners
This will give you some idea of what may lie behind the seemingly cheerful, caring and patient manner of your vet. Alternatively, when she or he appears not to be in the best of form...
2. Those considering entering the profession
Training to be a vet is a major commitment. Depending on where you study, it will take up to six years of very hard work, and at the end of this most of you will be heavily in debt.
3. Those studying to be vets and veterinary nurses
If you have only just embarked on your studies you might consider switching to something else, although admittedly it is very hard to relinquish a long-cherished dream.
4. Recent graduates
No, the problem isn't you! No, you are not alone!
5. Long-established vets and veterinary nurses
You should be familiar with much of this, and I think it'll raise a knowing chuckle or two. For some it may do you good to see the world through the eyes of a new graduate again.
Please note that Josh Artmeier does not necessarily endorse all the opinions expressed on the websites listed below.
Footnote reference
footnote 15, page 36: Confessions of an Economic Hitman
The need for Pet Hates? Some links on the veterinary profession!
Guardian article on a small animal vet (had death threats from client!)
Vets deplore rude owners
Addressing high suicide rates
Why do so many vets kill themselves?
Reducing the suicide rate...
A heartfelt plea from a vet for understanding
Vet suicides outstrip UK average
Veterinary student stress
Suicide in Californian veterinarians
Things improving for new graduates in Australia
Discussion: psychological traits of happy vets
Having read Pet Hates you still want to be a vet?
Official RCVS information
Official BVA info on becoming a vet/vet nurse
Graham Peck's useful guide
BBC info on veterinary nursing as a career
Where you can study in the British Isles
Bristol Cambridge Dublin Edinburgh Glasgow Liverpool London
Where you can study elsewhere
Comprehensive international list
Recommended additional reading
Various pet- and vet-related books
The Truth About Cats and Dogs by Emma Milne
Dances with Sheep: Memoirs of a Vet Student
Pet- and Vet-Related eBooks
Exotic animals/wildlife
Animals on the BBC
African animal sounds
International Zoo Veterinary Group
Wildlife Vets International
wildlife vet Google search - many good links!
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Miscellaneous media stories/info
Pet owners unhealthy
BBC cat and dog stories
Dog age calculator
Celebrities and their pets
The latest animal/pet news stories!
Dozens of big cats kept as pets
Pets on the BBC
2 January 2008: Vets to examine body of rottweiler that killed baby
2 February 2007: Rottweiler adopts two lambs
12 Jan 2007: Giant German rabbits to feed Korea?
28 Nov 2006: Brothers prosecuted over obese labrador
25 Oct 2006: Pelican swallows pigeon and Four-legged, two-bottomed chicken dies
23 Oct 2006: Puppy makes dog's dinner of owner's cash
19 Oct 2006: Missing shepherd saved by his dogs
25 Sept 2006: Dolphin gets prosthetic tail
24 Sept 2006: Baby girl killed by Rottweilers
Follow-up commentary: "Demonising the breed?"
(Pet Hates has a few things to say about this breed!)
5 Aug 2006: UK vet nurse crosses outback on horseback
26 July 2006: Animal cruelty 50% up in Wales
25 July 2006: Vet loss threatens animal welfare
(Pet Hates attempts to shed light on why rural vetting is in decline.)
25 October 2005: Cats allergic to humans!
Animal welfare/animal charities
What to do if you think an animal is being abused
Advocates for Animals
Humane Slaughter Association
VETAID Save the Elephants PDSA RSPCA SSPCA IFAW PETA Protecting Animals in E Puerto Rico
Miscellaneous useful sites
Find an RCVS-accredited vet
Celia Haddon's site - pet problems, grieving etc. - "The internet's premier community for pet lovers" - comprehensive info, incl. snakes, birds, ferrets, fish
Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors
Work-related stress, depression, bullying
It could be you... - advice for vets with anxiety or depression
General info on work-related stress
Clinical depression
Bullying in the workplace
Contentious stuff
Study: U.S. Pets' Healthcare Better Than Rwandan Humans' - humour!
Debate on pet foods and animal health
Very interesting site about cat diabetes and diet!
More on pet foods
Animal welfare vs. animal rights
Animal rights & animal liberation
Victims of animal rights extremism
Cats & bird predation
Should Jamie have slit a lamb's throat on TV?
Ritual slaughter
The turkey industry
The environmental effect of meat-eating
Rabbit Showjumping! Fitness regime for overweight dog
Dog who loves climbing trees
Fancy taking this cat's temperature?
Cat flushing toilet!
Amazing talking dogs!
Roller-skating parrot
Itchy polar bear
Panda frightened by her baby
Skipping poodle
Animated light relief: a ladybird Jeremy Clarkson?
Highly recommended:
Fascinating talk about dolphins and whales

My Interests

Betrayed, starved, beaten and abused by those entrusted to look after her, Emma was labelled "disruptive".

Yet she survived her terrible childhood and fought her way to happiness and professional success...

...only to have her new life wrecked by the actions of a colleague in the back of an ambulance, two days before 9/11.
A major publisher has offered us a contract for this book! Currently negotiating. Could she pull through, and bring her abusers to justice?

This is a gripping and important story, the end of which hangs in the balance today.

Read it and judge for yourself.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has anything to say on the subject of this book!

Please feel free to post comments. To do this just sign up with myspace (it's free!) and then become a friend (click on "Add to Friends" in the "Contacting Josh" box on this page) and, once you're a myspace friend, click on "Add Comment" at the bottom of this page.

You can contact Josh using the information in the abovementioned "Contacting Josh" box, through Argyll Publishing or by emailing here .


Several of Emma's abusers are still at large.

Read her book and make your own judgement as to its credibility.

If you believe her you'll want to spread the message and help bring these dangerous people to justice.
A Life Broken and Mended
WITHDRAWN AS PUBLISHING DEAL CURRENTLY BEING NEGOTIATED It's highly likely that Emma wasn't their only victim and that they are still abusing children.

By reading her book and telling others about it, you will help Emma take civil action and neutralise these threats to society.

One of Emma's former abusers is currently a head teacher.


Not James Herriot (James Alfred Wight), who suffered from depression yet portrayed the profession in an unrealistic glowing light, encouraging many to become vets.

My Blog

A good month

It's been a good month: (1) My co-author and I completed negotiations with John Blake.  Her autobiography, provisionally titled Disruptive, is scheduled to appear in Spring 2009.  Anyon...
Posted by Josh on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 08:29:00 PST

Dangerous Dogs Consultation

You will know my opinion on dangerous dogs from reading Pet Hates and my previous blog postings so you will understand how pleased I was to learn that Alex Neil MSP has published the consultation...
Posted by Josh on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 06:09:00 PST

Another book contract! Yippee!

I am delighted to announce that I have been offered a contract from a major publisher for my next book, the biography of a very remarkable woman, with whom the book is co-authored.  We hope to co...
Posted by Josh on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 06:01:00 PST

The latest rottweiler tragedy

Most of you will be aware of the latest rottweiler tragedy.  A young female rottweiler, well-socialised and with no record of aggression, attacked and killed a 13-month-old boy. Many will argue t...
Posted by Josh on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 06:09:00 PST

Latest feedback!

This letter was slightly edited to disguise the author's identity: Date: November 11 2007 (posted on December 7 2007 after permission to quote it was obtained) Dear Josh, I'm a vet working fulltime in...
Posted by Josh on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 08:24:00 PST

Latest feedback: No book about the subject more honest and more real!

I continue to receive positive feedback.  In the last few days I heard from two particularly enthusiastic overseas readers.  (It seems Pet Hates may be widely relevant?)  One is a veter...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 03:17:00 PST

Hooray! Links have been fixed!

Myspace have fixed my links.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Posted by Josh on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 01:59:00 PST

Myspace have responded - good!

Here's the message I received: Hey there,That issue is currently being resolved.  Please be patient.To know the latest Problems on MySpace go to:!MySpace...
Posted by Josh on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 01:45:00 PST

Have reported sabotaged links...

I have now twice reported the apparent sabotage of all the external links from my site and asked if myspace could restore them.  I have not yet received a reply.  I shall keep you posted.
Posted by Josh on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 02:54:00 PST

Sorry, links appear to have been sabotaged!

Just noticed that most of the links are no longer working.  I apologise for this and will make an announcement when they are up and running again.  If I cannot fix them I shall set up a...
Posted by Josh on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 04:11:00 PST